Chapter 9

Chapter 9: Timeskip and UA Preperations

One year after the battle between All Might and All for One, I had gotten Zabimaru's Bankai, to my joy I was given their real name and not a fake one like Renji, but I did ask them for their false Bankai as well, just for the sake of having it, due to its existence being known five years ago, I had the freedom to use it within UA. Not long after I heard a notification from Keiser.

{Hidden quest completed: Gain your first Bankai.

Rewards: Zongetsu(very first one), Hollow Black.}

After wards I heard a call from within my Soul World. Entering, a portal opened in front of me, what I found inside was a blazing inferno. As the flames surrounded me, it didn't burn at all it felt slightly warm, the feeling I got was one of someone giving me a affectionate hug.

"Ryūjin Jakka I presume." I asked

"Welcome young one, I've been waiting for you to obtain sufficient strength, now that you have gained it, I can entrust you with my power." the flames replied seemingly from all directions.

The following few weeks, I practiced controlling Ryūjin Jakka's Flames. I would spend my mornings trading the 'Strong Fist', then the rest of the day would be spent with Ryūjin Jakka, and night time I would visit Zabimaru. Zabimaru took on a new form of two separate, humanoid beings, when I learned their Bankai, an adult woman and a small girl with a long tail. The little girl is attached to the woman by a chain encircling her neck which can be removed at will. The woman, Saru (Monkey), is a tall, curvaceous woman with green fur covering most of her body, with the exception of her chest and abdomen. She has ankle-length, light mallow hair with black markings on her bangs. Her eyes are light green, and she has a beauty mark on the left side of her chest. The chain is wrapped around her waist. The little girl, Hebi (Snake), wears a white and yellow robe which reveals her abdomen. She has blue eyes, short red hair, and triangular white ears. She uses her long tail to balance in the air. Both Saru and Hebi have fangs.

'Keiser integrate Hollow Black.'

{Would you like to make Hollow Black your main Hollow form.}

'What would setting him as my main Hollow form do, and if I do would I lose the form I take when activating Arrogante?'

{It would make him your true Hollow form, Allowing him access to all your powers, making his potential far higher than the original version, in regards to Resurrección, it would essentially allow you to stack Hollow forms, an example would be if you were to use Arrogante, while in your Hollow Form Black would gain a skeletal body.}

'Do it'

{Intergration commencing:

... 5%... 45%......100%.

Intergration complete}

{Hidden quest complete: Gain a main Hollow form.


Mystery Box ×1}.

'Open the box.'

{Mystery Box opened you obtained:

•Captain Mayuri Kurotsuchi's knowledge ×1,

•Ashisogi Jizō ×1.}

'Thanks Keiser' I said.

I entered my Soul World, before I could react I saw a white flash, knowing there was no chance of stopping or dodgeing it, I swung my left arm down with every ounce of strength within my body, as my arm descended a greatsword made out of Reishi formed in my hand. A sword was impaled straight through me. It had entered through the gap within my rib cage, and pierced through my heart. Holding the sword was a Hollow who appears to be physically identical to me in appearance, except inverted in color. His eyes sclera was black, he had black pupils with golden Irises. He was wearing a white shihakusho, with a black cloth belt. He had a cut from, the top of his right shoulder, going all the way down to his left waist. Smiling in satisfaction, my vision went black.

(Third Person POV)

Soul World

Atop the main island, the Hollow could be seen standing over a body. Currently Black was staring at the closing wound across his body.

With a big smile forming on his white face, "To think he would decide to take me down with him. It Seems this time I might have found a proper king." looking down at the body on the ground, "You better not disappoint me. Seems my days are about to become more interesting."

{Hidden quest completed: Defeat your inner Hollow.

You obtained:

Nozarashi ×1,}.


Next Morning

I opened my eyes what I saw before left me quite dumbfounded, this was due to the fact that before me staring right into my eyes was, a very small, young girl with pink hair, dark pink eyes and a perpetual blush on her cheeks. She wears the normal Shinigami robes and a lieutenant's insignia on her arm. Taking a moment I took a look at the system notifications I missed. Seeing the notification I understood what happened. Moving the Little girl to the side,

"You hungry, Yachiru?" I asked the little girl.

"Hai Yhwa-chan" she cheerfully exclaimed.

My mouth twitched, "Why don't you call me 'Black' instead" I said.

"Okay", She replied.

I got up and made breakfast, this time for two, I had made Eggs Benedict for us.

"Thanks Yhwa-chan" she cheerfully exclaimed and began eating.

Sighing, I decided to just let it go and let nature take its course. After eating breakfast, I did my usual trading with Yachiru sometimes standing on my back as I did my push-ups, or clinging on my back as I did my morning run. Getting back I made some snacks for her. Since it was Sunday I took her along with me to sell my products. Yachiro quickly the center of attention among the housewives. After we had sold out. We returned to our little cabin and had lunch. Just like that we spent the following years.

4 years later....

(Third Person POV)

Soul World.

3 days before UA Entrance Exam.

Atop the main continent sized Island, two Identical figures could be seen both wielding a daitō one with a black blade, hilt, and tsuba, the other a white veriation. The crossguards has four prongs bent out to form the shape of the manji, a short length of chain with a broken link at the end dangles from the base of the hilt. One was pale, with white hair wearing a white shihakusho with a black cloth belt, while the other had black hair and was wearing a standard black shihakusho. They were both panting heavily, their clothes where cut to shreds and could only be considered rags at this point. With both their weapons lighting up, one with red light that had a black outline, the other with black light that had a red outline, the two flashed towards each other.

"Getsuga Tensho"(Moon Fang Heaven-Piercer) ×2


Looking up at the figure standing above me extending his arm to me, I couldn't help but feel helpless, this has been a normal occurrence for the past 4 years, me and black would fight everyday without exception, Other than the first time we met where we ended with a draw, I lost every single time, it seems the stronger I got, the stronger Black became. Through our daily fights we had gradually come to understand each other and had become friends. I grabbed his hand and he pulled me up.

"Damn I'll beat next time" I said.

He laughed, "That's what you said the last 1510 times, and just like then I'll kick your ass once again.

Tomorrow you should take a break, can't have you making us look bad at that exam of yours." he said to me.

"Will do my man" I replied exiting my soul world.

My power had fully unlocked the previous year. My quincy Reiatsu had turned black. All my Skills with the exception of cooking had surpassed the Saint level. I had reached a bottle neck in cooking to advance further I would need to learn to cook using different types of energies, it was currently at the Grandmaster level. I started cooking and made dinner for eight, over the years I didn't want Yachiru to get lonely so I had bought, Sōgyo no Kotowari, and Los Lobos, Getting the twins along with Lilynette Gingerback† to keep Yachiru company while trained and fought Black. I also found out that due to my massive reserves of Reiryoku my zanpakuto spirits could manifest in the real world, so I would eat dinner with all the ones who were willing to join, meaning everyone except for, Zangetsu, and Ryūjin Jakka, I was suprized when Ashisogi Jizō had joined, Ashisogi Jizō's physical manifestation takes the form of a small, yellow, humanoid creature with several vertical lines around its eyes and a small amount of blue hair, which lies in a curl on top of its head. It has butterfly-like wings with a large halo floating behind them, I knew that he was a poison type, but I simply made vaccines for everyone that made them immune to his venom.

2 days later.

After dinner I had prepared my things for the exam, I had:

•Hojiku-Zai (Flesh-mending Drug) ×500

•Ketsueki Sosei wo Kaihen Yakuzai (Blood Reorganization Drug) ×50

•Hirenkyaku Shoes (Black Combat Boots with steel plates underneath)

•Barrett M82 Sniper Rifle ×1

•44-cal. Magnum revolver ×2

•Seele Schneider(Soul Cutter) ×6

With this I was prepared for tomorrow.