Chapter 10

Chapter 10: UA Entrance Exam

Atop a forested hill, one that overlooks the city of Musutafu, there it stood. The number 1 ranked high school for heroics, the one considered the top Hero Academy in Japan, UA. At the entrance, there is a security wall nicknamed the "U.A. Barrier" this barrier would automatically close if a person does not have a Student ID Card or Special Entry Permission ID. Many precautions have been made, all to keep members of the press and villains out. This was one of the few times so many would be allowed passage, thousands of people could be seen entering the grounds, this was because it was the day that the practical test would be held, all of them where here for one thing and one thing alone, a chance to enter this most prestigious institution, and everyone of them wanted to be accepted into the famed "UA High School Hero Course".

This was a course that was specifically designed to teach and give the students all they would ever need, to climb their way up the ladder of society, to join the upper echelons of the population, to give them the chance to become pro heroes. It is without a doubt the toughest and the most popular within the country, when it comes to hero courses. Well it shouldn't be that supprising when one considers the heavyweights within the hero business that the school had produced, there's All Might the man who stands at the pinical, the symbol of peace, winner of the peoples choice award which he magnanimously declined, Then there's the man who stopped more crimes than anyone in history, the number 2 hero the Flame Hero: Endeavor, and the guy who won the best jeanist award 8 years running, the number 4 hero the Fiber Hero: Best Jeanist. With such a track record, it's reputation was surely deserved. Getting into such a prestigious institution was an achievement in its own right, for out of 300 applicants only 1 would be accepted.

Amongst all the people of all shapes and sizes one teenage who looked to be at the age of 16 but was in fact 14 was a young man wearing a baggy pair of black pants with lots of pockets on them, with a belt that had a hagal rune buckle on the front, on the side of the belt 6 thin silver rods in the form of a regtangular prism could be seen inserted into their individual slots. He was wearing a black long sleeve, skin tight shirt, on the sides under his arms was, 2 shoulder holsters, they where connected with a cross-shoulder harness, and two belt tie-down straps, these shoulder holsters are made of the finest Italian leather and sewn together with the high-quality German threads, where the belts cross on the back was a Grey quincy five pointed star sigil on it. Within the holsters two large revolvers could be seen. Another strap could be seen around his body this strap was attached to, a very large rifle. Around his neck was a necklace with a cross on it. On his feet where all black combat boots that seemed quite heavy from a glance. On his hands he whore some tight fitting leather gloves. He was a tall teenager, he possessed pale white skin, red eyes, with long, disheveled raven black hair.(search for young Yhwach for those who are wondering what he looks like.)


As I entered through the large gates, I could see many eyes staring at me. Well it was to be expected as it's not everyday you see a teenager carrying a gun, not even to mention three. Looking around I could see I wasn't the only one stared at as people where pointing at a certain, young man of average height, with a slim, muscular build, and a fair skin tone. He has short, spiky, ash-blond hair with choppy bangs that hang over his eyebrows. They where saying something about a sludge incident. He was walking away from a dark Green haired kid, whose spikey hair cast shadows upon itself making it look even darker. The boy seemed to be about to take a step forward but managed to trip on flat ground, but lucky for him he was saved by a teenage girl with bobbed hair with baby bangs and two longer parts of hair on the side of her face. Shaking my head at his clearly love struck idiotic expression I simply shook my head and with a light chuckle, I continued on my way.

We were all gathered within a big hall, on the podium stood, a tall, slim man with long blond hair, which he wears spiked upwards in a huge tuft behind his head, and a small brown mustache.

"Welcome to today's live performance!!!, EVERYBODY SAY 'HEY'!!! " the man shouted


" Well that's cool my examinee listeners. I'm here to present the guidelines of your practical. ARE YOU READY!!!"


Behind me the green haired boy started mumbling with the blond next to him telling him to 'shut up'.

The man continued "This is how the test will go my listeners.

You'll be experiencing 10 minute long 'Mock cityscape Maneuvers!!

Bring along whatever you want, after this presentation, you'll each head to your assigned Testing location!!


... (Silence)...

People started talking in hushed voices, speculating as to the reasons for the separate testing grounds.

" Each site is filled with three kinds of faux villains, points are awarded for defeating each according to their respective difficulty level, use your quirks to disable these faux villains and earn points, that's your goal listeners!!" he continued.

"Of course, playing the anti-hero and attacking other examinees is prohibited!!" He added

Afterwards a boy with glasses started complaining about number of villains on a hand out, before turning around and yelling at green haired boy for being noisy.

The man in the front explained to us that the forth faux villain was worth zero points, that its job was symply to rampage within a small space, after that he wished us luck and we all started moving towards our assigned locations. Looking around at the people around me there wasn't a single person I recognized, so I assumed this was a group where the lot of them had failed. As the gates opened before they where even fully opened I activated my shoes, I started floating and not even a second later I dissapeard. I Pulled out my two revolvers and began my hunt. After shooting a one pointer I found, I heard present mic shouting to the rest that, the test had already began.

Everytime I would appear I would either shoot at the head of the one pointer, or the core of the 2 pointers which would cause the one pointers to stop moving, and the two pointers to explode. If I ran into a three pointer being unsure of their weak point I would use a Seele Schneider to directly cut them in half. Ocationaly I would grab people who where about to be hit by the faux villains.

(Third Person POV)

Within a a room several teachers and staff could be seen observing the students on several monitors.

"Such a wide battlefield and limited time, brings out the best in them." said one of the observers.

"There are those who can assess the situation in an instant, intelligence gatherers" He said while looking at a examinee who had multiple limbs, who was currently using them to observe the battlefield.

"Those who will never be late to the party, Mobility experts" he said while looking the kid with Glases, and a boy using guns flashing from place to place.

Those who can cope with any situation, Decision Makers" He said while looking at a blond kid firing a Lazer from his naval regeon

"Then there are the natural born worriors" He said looking at a spikey haired Ash blond haired kid.

"What's the details of the black haired kid with the guns" Asked a muscular blond haired man.

A person who looked like a combination of a mouse and a bear read out the boys information, "His name is Yhwach Black, his quirk is..." his voice trailed off, with shock he exclaimed "he's quirkless."

"The room went silent then how the hell is he moving at that speed?" exclaimed another examiner.

"Could it be him?" said the blond man.

"You know him?" asked the small creature.

"Remember about 10 years ago we told you about a boy we found in an alley way?" asked the blond man.

"The one who caused the hospital fiasco and dissapeard shortly after?" asked the mouse.

"That would be him" said the blond.

Another wave of shock, shot through the room.

"So that's him, huh? Seems like this year we got a real bumper crop, let's see how they deal with this." said a man as he pressed a button labeled 'Yaruki Switch'.


While I was going around searching for more Faux villains, a loud crash was heard as a giant Faux villain appeared. I instantly put a great distance between us and landing on the highest building I took out the rifle on my back and set it on the ledge of the building. Lying down and aiming towards the rampaging behemoth, I took aim as my eyes glowed slightly. With a loud shot going of one of the machines sensors on its square head was hit, I repeated the proses shooting at all them after leaving it with no way to perceive its surroundings, I simply packed up my rifle once more, dusted off my clothing and made my way to the exit. With that I left the academy.