Chapter 12

Chapter 12: quirk apprehension test

The Man spoke. "if you're here to socialize, then get out. This is…" taking a sip from the liquid within a sachet he was holding, "… the hero course."

Geting up from within the sleeping bag that made him resemble a caterpillar, the class went silent, if one paid attention you could see surprise on all their faces, well all except for me and Yachiru who was munching on an onigiri without a care in the world. After the class was silent the man spoke out once again.

Looming over the class while exiting the sleeping bag. "It took eight seconds for you to quiet down, Time is a precious resource. You lot aren't very rational, are you?" he said and questioned.

" I'm your home room teacher, Shota Aizawa. Pleased to meet you." continued the man

He reached his hand into his sleeping bag and pulled out a dark blue short sleeve shirt with white lines that form the letters 'U' and 'A'.

"Quickly now." Thrusting the uniform towards the green haired kid. "Change into your Gym clothes and head out to the grounds." Aizawa ordered.

Telling Yachiru to go with her new friends, I asked them to watch over her, I gave them a small sized uniform for Yachiru and we all left towards our respective changing rooms to go change.

Few minutes later…

As we went out a little pink haired missile shot into my back. It was little Yachiru looking cute as always. Right behind her were the other girls. "You girls look great in those" I commented, Taking the shihakusho they handed to me and putting it within the backpack and then inventory.

"Today we will be having a quirk assessment." said Aizawa after everyone had gathered.

"A test of our quirks?!, What about the Entrance ceremony?!, or the guidance sessions?!" exclaimed the bobbed haired girl with baby bangs.

"No time to waste on that stuff if you want to become heroes. U.A. Is known for its 'freestyle' education system. That applies to us teachers as well.

Softball throwing. The standing long jump. The 50-meter dash. Endurance Running. Grip strength. Side-to-side stepping. Upper body training. Seated toe touch. You did all these in middle school, correct?. Your standard No-quirks-allowed Gym tests.

The country still insists on prohibiting quirks, when calculating the averages of those records, it's not rational. The department of Education is just procrastinating." Explained Aizawa.

Continuing he asked, "Bakugo. How far could you throw in middle school?"

"Sixty Seven meters." answered bakugo.

"Great. Now try it with your quirk." He said throwing the ball to him.

"Do whatever you need to. Just don't leave the circle. Give it all you've got." he said.

"Awesome" replied bakugo. Yelling out "DIE!!!" as he through the ball. A powerful explosion went off within the palm of his hand, he used it right as he was about to let go of the ball causing it to fly out at an extreme speed, a wild gust of wind was generated causing people's hair to wildly flutter about.

"It's important for us to know our limits." showing his score of 705.2 meters. "That's the first rational step to finding out what kind of heroes you'll be." he finished.

The class started getting lively commenting on how fun things are, and commenting on how awesome, that throw was. This seems to have annoyed the teacher as he started speaking once again.

" Awesome you say? You're hoping to become heroes after three years here… and you thing it will be all fun and games?" He looked up with his cold eyes, "Right. The one with the lowest score across all eight events will be judged as hopeless and will be Expelled." afterwards lifting his hair from his face a scary smile could be seen, "Your fates are in our hands. Welcome. This is the Hero course at U.A."

This caused a ruckus amongst the class, and all of them started complaining about how unfair this was.

"Natural disasters…, High way pile ups…, Rampaging villains…, Calamity is always right around the corner. I'd say Japan is full of unfair things.

Heroes are the ones who correct all that unfairness." points at me who was currently playing with Yachiru, his eyes showed surprise while looking at us for a second before continuing, "Look at him he's quirkless and is at the biggest disadvantage but he's not here whining, about how unfair things are.

This is the hero course, if you were planning to spend your evenings hanging out at McDonald's…, I'm sorry to tell you that for the next 3 years UA will run you through the wringer.

That's 'Plus Ultra'. Use your strength to overcome it all."

I saw a look of shock over all their faces looking at me, before turning into determination and I saw some of them let out a sigh of relief after looking at me. It seems they forgot I was in first place during the exam, but that works just fine for me.

Event 1 was the 50 meter Dash, I was running along with Ida, I ran at a moderate pace due to the weights, and the lack of effort I finished in 4.12 seconds.

[A/N: I am honestly not sure about the weights, if one where to use kenpachi as a benchmark for strength. By slamming his sword into the ground he could cause earthquakes, which could require anywhere between, 6270 tons (magnitude 6) to 6270000 tons (magnitude 8) and a Yhwach copy man handles the man, so I'm not sure where to place them. Let me know what you guys think or should I just keep it vague as I have till now?]

It caused a wave of shock, as even though I wasn't the fastest, I wasn't too far from it. Closely behind me was Bakugo who finished in 4.13 seconds. I could see the disbelief in his eyes that quickly turned to anger, as he realized he was slower than me. Ida had finished in 3.04 seconds.

The second event was grip strength. I gave the machine a light squeeze, and got 490 kg I came in Third as Momo had created a vice and shoji had used three hands.

The third event was the standing long which I came in 5th place.

The fourth was the side-to-side stepping, with Mineta taking the win using his balls. I came in 3rd this time around.

The 5th event was the ball throw, in this one I used the standard way of throwing a baseball, I got a score of 309.2 meters.

When it came long distance running and upper body training. I was in first place. Overall I came in second place behind Momo who was first. After all the tests were done, Aizawa said he was lying about expelling someone. With Momo commenting that it was easy to figure out, waiting for the teacher to be out of earshot I decided to burst her bubble.

"Hey Momo you're wrong about this being a lie. If you had bothered to ask around the upper classes a bit you would know that he wasn't playing, The previous year he expelled his entire class. So if he so wished he would expell us all." I said while picking up Yachiru.

Seeing the horrified faces of the class I left with a smirk.

" Hey Yhwa-chan Why didn't you take of your weights, you would have easily beat them all?" asked Yachiru.

" True, but they don't need to know that, it's a great way to annoy the arrogant ones." i replied to her.

Taking out another lunch box I felt a few gazes lock onto me. Using the Hirenkyaku Shoes I swiftly dissapeard before those girls could high jack our snacks.

Unbeknownst to me my conversation with, Yachiru was heard by the kid with extra limbs, girl with the earphone Jack's and a certain nosy blond haired number 1 hero.