Chapter 13

Chapter 13: Difrent Ranks and a new System

After me and Yachiru ate our snacks in peace, I decided to go buy some things we might need. We left the campus, going into multiple stores we bought a geyser and water purifier, just to be safe, we bought extra furniture, I had also bought some appliances for our new home. I also bought some raw materials for experiments I would use them to build my inventions. When out of sight I would put all things within my inventory. I also went into a forest on a hunt for some meat as I preferred it fresh when cooking. After the hunt I put all we hunted into the inventory and we returned home, when we got home I got busy and installed the new additions, I began cleaning the entire place, after I was done I enjoyed a nice long shower, coming out of the shower I prepared a bubble bath for Yachiru as she had desided to join in the DIY, after leaving her to take a bath, I got dinner started and we all sat down and enjoyed dinner.

After dinner I began working on the meat we hunted, and devideing it into portions, I took the pelts back into my inventory as they were quite prestine I would sell them when I'm short on cash. Spicing some I went down a floor where I had converted it into a place to dry meat that I had, I hung some strips to dry. Afterward I desided to expand even further on my knowledge, due to the many years of completing cooking quests, I had saved a massive amount of System Points.

'Keiser get me the knowledge of Kisuke Urahara'

{Kisuke Urahara knowledge purchase successful:

-500 000 SP

Remaining: 1 020 000 SP.}

'Damn, it cost more then most C-Ranked, Systems.'

Through the years I also found out what the system ranks were.

S-Ranked systems where also an amalgamation of multiple such as, anime systems, comic systems and multiple cultivation systems.

A-Ranked systems where mostly cultivation systems, with the only exception being the highest ranked Dragon Ball system.

B-Ranked systems are the weaker cultivation systems and some of the highest ranked anime systems, such as my current bleach system, allowing me access to everything within bleach if I had the system points, from simple items to entire dementions.

C-Ranked this is were the medium ranked animes top systems are placed, such as Hunter x Hunter system can be found.

D ranked is were the lowest ranked animes can be found, such as Food Wars System, And the highest ranked Gatcha systems.

I also found out that, powers and items from fanfictions can only be bought exclusively from the X Ranked Systems, or will be given as mission rewards from the highest ranked systems of that spesific Universe. As for the Systems Emporer System it's in an entire league of its own, having the functions of all systems

'Get me a D-Ranked Naruto Gatcha system'

{Naruto system purchase successful:

-320 000 SP

Remaining: 720 000 SP.}

'Open the starter pack.'

{Naruto System Starter Pack opened, you received:

-Perfect Sage Body ×1.

-Free Spins ×5.

-Konoha Ryūjin technique ×1.

-50 000 SP.}

'Okay how does this system work?'

{You get a free spin every 24 hours, or pay 50 SP per spin.}

Okay use my free spin for the day.

{You got:

5× paper bombs.}

'Is there a free spin for bulk usage?'

{Yes, but only if you spin 10 times at once.}

'Sweet I'll start saving'

With that I slept for the day with my pink haired hug pillow.

3 hours later.

I woke up refreshed, leaving Yachiru in bed, I left the house going to the center of the city. I began practicing the Konoha Ryūjin, I would finally begin using my monstrous levels of Chakra, due to my extremely strong body I had a lot of physical energy not even to mention my nearly infinite spiritual energy, my reserves would easily rival the nine tailed beasts, but that was only when it came to quantity, quality wise and Chakra regeneration speed, I fell far short. I kept practicing till the sun's light began peaking over the horizon. I returned and took a shower before starting on breakfast and snacks for the day. When Yachiru got up all was already prepared, then the rest joined as well shortly after.

After all was set and done we left for another day of school. The class was empty yet again, so like yesterday I entered the soul world, after my battle with black I gave the Konoha Ryūjin technique to Ryūjin Jakka, and as I had suspected he took it and created a new move from it. When I returned to my body Yachiru was with her friends again. Today we had English classes tought by Present Mic, He got along well with Yachiru as she would actively participate in his class, which seemed to hype him up even more. At lunch time I went with Yachiru and the girls towards the cafeteria, due to the sense of smell I got from the experience of Akira Hayama during one cooking challenge, I could tell that the cooking hero was a good cook, and that his food wasn't bad, however my pallet wasn't that easy to please, his cooking wasn't up to scratch, this was due to the God tongue, anything less then perfection wouldn't do, as I would only be hurting myself. This was the downside of having such an exquisite gift, you would become picky. Noticing my reluctance Yachiru asked

"What's wrong Yhwa-chan?'

"Nothing, grab what you would like." I replied with a slight smile on my face.

After eating the meal, "Yhwa-chan's is better." she said, matter of factly.

I took out two lunch jars one For Yachiru another for myself, due to guessing that the girls wouldn't let yachiru eat in peace I had made enough for them all to share. The first box contains three side dishes: Isobeage, fried cod, and dried tuna. Next is a bacon and onion miso soup. The true star of this portable bento is the Nori Bento portion, utilizing a Yukihira original craft, Nori Flavor Bomb drops, small drops that explode like roe, releasing a wave of nori flavor in every bite! I used a simple Molecular Gastronomy technique to craft this one of a kind bento! Each successive portion stirs up memories of one's childhood days! Seeing the satisfied expression on their faces, I felt great pride ignoring the salivating people nearby who had caught sight of the meal, I packed everything up and left towards the classroom.

In the afternoon we had Hero Basic Training. This was the class that would be tought by All Might. It seems everyone was excited as the whole class was busy chattering. Till suddenly we heard a voice.


The class erupted in loud cheers. I was annoyed at the noise however, there was nothing that could be done. When the class quieted down he explained that during the Heroics class we would be put through all sorts of special trading in order to mold us into proper heroes. With that said he announced today's event which is Battle training. After he announced this I could see the Ash blond become excited. After his explanation he pushed a button and the walls started shifting, revealing numbered cases, these cases had our hero costumes, we were told to change and meet at ground Beta for the Battle training. After changing we all met up within ground Beta. My costume was the same old outfit I wore during the entrance exam, with the only difference being the lack of my rifle and the straps I had requested to be made, I had asked them to be unbreakable even by people as strong as All Might, giving them details about Aizawa's scarf that's strong yet still flexible and elastic. They were wrapped around my hands instead of gloves, in a manner simular to Rock Lee. Everyone else's costumes were the same as their Canon counterparts.

"Looking good is very important ladies and gentlemen!! Look alive now, because from today onwards You're all heroes!!" Exclaimed All Might.

"Shall we Begin"