Chapter 15

Chapter 15: Going overboard

After lots of planning, I decided to simply end it as soon as possible. Jiro's quirk would be very damaging to me due to my Enhanced hearing, but I could always cover my inner ear with Chakra or Reiatsu, I could also outrun it, or dodge it, after all that thinking I realized that it would be less hassle to end it before it even begins. Might cause her to loose all her confidence but no matter, now that I think about it her quirk has quite the potential if paired with the proper equipment, well I'll think about that later. Our turn had come, giving Yachiru some cookies I baked, I gave her to the invisible girl to watch over her. We were instructed to enter the replica building, I explained to them what my plan was, afterwards we simply put the bomb within the basement floor and we ourselves went up to the fourth floor as I know the only way those two could track us is through the girls enhanced hearing, Denki's Quirk allows him to generate electricity and cover his body in it. While he can also emit this energy over a distance, Denki has little to no control over it. Exceeding his wattage limit causes his brain to short-circuit, leaving him in a vulnerable state for 1 hour. Denki is also able to absorb and neutralize electricity and other lightning-based Quirks, so he was more suited to combat, and he barely had anything for information gathering, so I could safely conclude, they would asume we are guarding the bomb. As I wasn't allowed to kill I asked Momo to make me some rubber bullets. For my revolvers, although they are still dangerous, The lightning brats quirk should have refined his body, otherwise he would have killed himself with all that power flowing through him long ago. I doubt they would do more than leave a painful bruise and as for headshots, so long as it's not within the eyes he'll live. We waited on the top floor. I had secretly used a kido to make the door to the basement, be subcontiously ignored. Soon All Might announced the beginning of the battle.

(Jiro POV)

When the battle started, we had used an open side window to enter the building. After we went in I used one of my Jacks to plug it into the wall to locate were they were. On the stairs that led to the fourth floor, I heard someone's footsteps, from the lack of weight of the steps, it was too light to belong to Yhwach, but also too heavy to be Momo's, I came to the conclusion that they belonged to Minoru, with that I remembered a conversation that I had overheard, it was between Yhwach and Yachiru, he had told her that, Minoru's Quirk allows him to produce and pluck ball-shaped objects from his head; the balls would grow back just as fast as they're plucked. The balls are incredibly sticky and will stick to any surface; the sole exception being Minoru himself, as he just bounces off them. He said the duration of their adhesive quality is determined by his overall health, and that he could pull a large amount of these objects from his head, however, if he plucks too many, there would probably be some sort of backlash. He also said Mineta is quite smart considering he found unique ways to use his quirk,that it was a shame his imagination was quite lacking, and that if he spent half of the effort he did on his perversions, into practicing and figuring out all the countless possibilities his quirk has, he could be a strong contender for the first spot, he also said he was wasting away his own potential.

After telling Denki about this, we carefully made our way through the building. When we arrived on the third floor we came face to face with Mineta, when he saw us he started throwing his balls at us we kept dodging them, plugging in my headphone Jacks into the amps on my leg, I fired off large sound waves directed at Mineta. Mineta clutched his ears, trying to block out the sound that was slowly pushing him back, Denki used this chance to charge at him, however, before anyone could react Yhwach appeared right behind Mineta with a Revolver aiming straight at Denki's face, with a loud gunshot echoing through the room a bullet struck Denki right in the forehead, he immediately fell unconscious it seems, he proceded to point the gun at me, I wanted to blast him with a sound wave, but before I could even react I felt a sharp prick on my shoulder, it seemed to be a dart looking up I saw Momo, she was holding a tranquilizer gun pointed right at me. The last thing I saw before loosing consciousness as well was Yhwach's red eyes staring straight into mine.


Just like that, victory went to the villains this time around. With All Might announcing our victory I put the unconscious girl on a stretcher that the robots were carrying, they took her off to Recovery Girl. Looking at the blond I felt kinda sorry for him as he would wake up with probably the worst migraine of his life. Walking back to the others I couldn't help but compliment the two for their Stellar performance, With Mineta being the bait and the decent shot from Momo it was a clean victory, Mineta pulling out the ear plugs he was wearing just gave his usual thumbs up. 'If you could just tone your perverted side a bit, you would make a decent hero, such a shame,' I thought to myself. Due to it being my plan it seems I was voted MVP. Using Hirenkyaku, I took out some measuring tape and took the girls measurements, this happened so fast that, although I took my time when measuring all they felt was a ticklish sensation, To them it seemed as if I didn't move at all with a paper appearing out of nowhere in my hand. With that I took Yachiru, excusing ourselves we made our way home. Getting there I cooked Lunch and dinner for everyone. This was so I could turn my attention towards, my experiment.

Coming up with a design for the outfits was trouble so I went with the same design for all three, I decided to use, the reigning panther costume ( as the template, since I'm no fashion designer they shall have to understand, the problem lay that as heroes they would need something that would not obstruct movement yet be effective when defending, due to not having any Vibranium on me I desided to use pure refined Reishi, I wanted the 3 suits to look similar yet have their own unique, brilliance. Creating them took the whole day and a large chunk of night time. The results were.

The first was one that I had created for the invisible girl, the color of the suit was a pure white with golden lines that could be seen throughout the outfit, in making it I had stolen ideas from multiple sources. Like the panther suit made by Shuri, these came in the form of amulets, but instead of vibranium nanotechnology, what I had used to replicate it, was storing within the necklaces the purified condensed Reishi, the necklace had a tiny sub demention where the energy was stored. When activated the energy would Form around the girls body, before condensing into the suit. Due to the quality of the energy, within the world of MHA this suit was completely indistructable, I had tested it under the flames of Ryūjin Jakka, it could withstand the Shikai, but only for about an hour, but within this world, it should be capable of withstanding even Endeavors hottest flames. Within the knuckles of the suit, I had input the same material used to make the Anti-Hiero Armor of Yuroichi, because the girl didn't have anything she could use for attack, I had also equipped the suit with a Raizer Beam witch is the only effective weapon in the suit. Allowing her to fire a beams strong enough to kill a large Hollow. This function required a lot of Reishi so I had made the suite capable of passively taking in Reishi from the air, to charge it up over time, this would also charge the shoes witch allowed her to step on the air to minimize sound. but what truly made this suit unique, was that I made it with the same technology used to make the Reiatsu-Concealing Cloak along with the additions made by Aizen, making the suit capable of turning invisible as well. Due to it being made of energy it was completely weightless, the suit had two layers with the inner layer actually adjusting its temperature to keep the wearer from Getting hot or cold, by keeping the temperature constant. I had added a set of assassins dangers that could turn invisible as well, the Reishi from the suit would consecrate on the blade making their sharpness terrifying,

The second was For Momo, it had the same properties as the latter however it couldn't turn invisible or fire a Raizer Beam. The color of this one was Black with Red lines in place of the gold, this one was the simplest of the three as Momo didn't need that much assistance, this one came with a crown simular to the one wonder woman wears just much more slim, this was to read her thoughts, so when she wanted to use her quirk, this would cause the suit to basically become intangible, effectively allowing her to use her quirk throughout her entire body without her having to expose herself. The crown also had a function of connecting to the internet storing the information allowing her access to it instantly, increasing the number of creations and decreasing the consentration required to make them, Making it perfect for her use.

The last one was the one I spent the most time on as it was the most intricate. The user unlike the other two couldn't step on the air, using its own unique function. This one didn't change the color scheme at all, it stayed black with silver lines, however, what was special about this was the new amplifiers I had created, which where all over the suit, all hidden unless one used a telescope to see, these amplifiers were extremely powerful. Across the necklace on top of the teeth were headphone jack ports, I had devided the teeth into pairs, allowing Jiro to either use one function at high power, or two at half power each. One pair of teeth was connected to the two index finger tips, allowing her to fire of consentrated sound bullets with every beat of her heart. The second pair of teeth where connected to her fists, but this was designed so the sound would not disperse as fast, and consentrates it on the surface of the gloves, giving her attacks the added vibration that weakens the enemy's defense, she can also use them to disperse the sound waves towards her arms, allowing her to propel her first forwards enhancing attack speed and power, the most powerful of these amplifieres being on the palms, allowing her to release all the stored up vibrations at once. The third pair was connected to the majority of the suit, these amplifiers where the most powerful within the suite these would take the sound, consentrate it, and let it out in a way that would create a sound barrier around the user. The fourth were connected to the legs, these allowed her to use the amplifieres just like her current ones, the difference being that these were much stronger than the former, simular to the arms, she can use the sound to boost her kicks speed. The final teeth were connected to the bottom of her feet, this allowing her to boost herself around in a simular way to grand Torino, using amplified sound instead.

I also took the liberty of forging a special blade for this armor, there are two Jack ports at the hilt of this sword it followed the same principle as Seele Schneider, but by using the amplified sound instead of rotating Reishi at the blade.

After I was done creating these, it was at that moment I realized giving them these would make the girls too powerful. In return I might get nothing. So I created a self destruct feature within the amulets, these self destruct function would be linked to their emotions, more spesifically their, love for me If it fades then the Reishi comprising the suits would disperse distroying the suit and all that comes with it. As well as if someone were to try open it up and study it. The last insurance is theft proofing them they would require the blood of the person before they could be used by only that person. Before finishing up I recorded a self destruct message explaining that the equipment was created only for my women, that would also start the countdown, while also sending a message to my smartphone informing me of the lost girl. For now I would see it as an investment.

With all that done I went to wash up and join my hug pillow.