Chapter 16

Chapter 16: Test run

The day began smoothly, I got up practiced the Konoha Ryūjin, after finishing, I took a shower and began making today's breakfast and snacks. Grabbing four cases, 'it was time to give the armors to my test sub…, I mean future wife candidates.' I thought to myself. While on our way to the main building, Yachiru's undevided attention was on the dried meat she was eating, I decided to clarify some doubts.

'Keiser what would happen to this universe after I leave?' I asked

{At the moment it's set so that no matter how long you are away only a single year would pass within this universe. You have full control over this aspect.}

'Sweet that makes things easier.'

{Yeah knowing you, you were gonna leave those girls when you complete your mission, this way you will only leave for a year in their eyes whenever you decide to come back.}

'Yeah it would have been a shame, but the road to the peak is a lonely one. But now I'll return to them, probably a few billion years later, but they don't need to know that. Then for now I'll just build the foundation for my harem, I'll collect when I am the one who stands above all. As of now, they would be nothing but a burden and a weakness that I'd rather not have.'

{Don't sweat it, you just do whatever you want, and you can leave the rest to me. Stay true to your path and I'll always have your back.}

'Glad to have you Keiser. Now give me my rewards for yesterday.'

{Bleach system quest completed: Remind your peers you're the true number one, Win your Indoor battle.

{You obtained:

-Mystery Box ×1.

-×50 000 SP.}

{Here's an additional gift for ya}

{Naruto system quest complete: Be the MVP of the indoor battle:

You obtained:

-Free spins x2}

{Main system hidden quest complete:

Create your first armor:

You obtained:

-King Titan Form Transformation.}

{Integrating King Titan}

I suddenly felt something merging with my spine and rib cage.

'Was that one of those weird spine like creatures?'

{Correct, an extremely powerful one, it merged with your spine, since it's alive it can grow stronger along side you, don't worry as it has no free will, it's sole purpose of existence is to be your weapon. Since it's within your spine It's fully protected by your indistructable bones, now for it to gain strength you must infuse all your energies into it, those energies will manifest within your titan Form, an example would be: you infuse your chakra, the titan form will gain a chakra network. But remember the titan is an empty husk, you must fill its reserves manually using your own energy. It's capacity is 1000 times more than your body, but you can also take that energy back into your body, so it will be both a backup battery, and a power up for you.}

'Well seems my luck is good, let's keep it going, open that mystery box.'

{Mystery box opened, you obtained:

-Perfect Hōgyoku ×1}

'…Have I told you how much I love you Keiser.'

{Yes, every morning when you look in the mirror, you self centered bastard.}

'I thought I would have had to save up the 2 million SP to get that.' I thought ignoring that last comment. I had unconsciously followed Yachiru's directions as I was busy talking to Keiser. I seemingly entered a room filled with students who were busy, building equipment. Looking at the many eyes focused on me I simply thickened my face.

"I'm just Here to scout out the competition for the sports festival this year, and I gotta say, I'm quite impressed, Now!, could anyone help me find class 1-A?" I asked, all with a serious expression.

The teacher showed me the way, leaving behind a fired up engineering department, I made my way to class. This time however was filled and it seems they had already began, acting oblivious to Aizawa's emotionless stare, I went and took my seat. After looking at me for a while he simply continued lecturing and commenting on yesterday's battles. After he was done he told us to select a class president, everyone seemed enthusiastic, as they all put up their hands. Ida then spoke up and suggested that we all should hold a vote, and I heard a comment about this not being a democracy, after he got permission from Aizawa who honestly seemed not to give a damn, as he seemed to be preparing to take a nap, we all cast our votes, I simply gave my vote to Momo and to properly cheat I gave Yachiru a vote as well, I then took out some dried meat for me and Yachiru, with that Momo had 4 votes with midoriya having only 3, Bakugo seemed to be upset asking who voted for the green haired boy, He also claimed that Yachiru wasn't part of the class, as such shouldn't vote. I decided to speak out.

"You guys are all busy voting for yourselves, instead of someone who would actually do the job, at the end of the day you're just inconveniencing the entire class, a proper leader must be charismatic, have good communication skills, they need to be competent, they must be approachable, has the person you voted for proven to posses any of these, don't sign up for something you have no qualification to do, or else you'll just make things harder for everyone here."

After speaking I got up and gave a case to Mineta within was a note and a orange covered book, the note said.

'This book was written by the Pervy Sage himself, read it and when you can read the entire book without reacting, I'll give you the second one. Use it well.'

That should put a stop to his exploits for some time. Hopefully, he'll learn how to be a proper pervert and keep it on the down low. I had gotten the book from my daily spin the previous night. I also gave the girls their respective new gear, within one was two daggers and an amulet, in another was a crown and an amulet, and the last one was a sword and an amulet. This seemed to spark the interest of most people in the room. Looking at the curious gazes of the three and the disappointed faces of Asui and Mina, I explained.

"Don't feel to bad it's not what you think, remember yesterday I was talking about better costumes for these two?" pointing at Momo and Invisible Girl, "well these are what I came up with, and as for Jiro, I wanted to see how far her quirk can go, as I had studied it yesterday. I'll get you girls some as well after I've learned enough about your quirks, don't want any of my girls to feel left out." This made the girls blush allowing me to smoothly avoid the conversation.

I continued to explain to them that the amulets contained their new costumes, since we were not doing anything important I asked Aizawa if I could go out to the field we used to do the quirk apprehension test, to test out the new equipment. He agreed but he seemed curious as well so he went along, the others seemed to do the same. After instructing the girls to drop some of their blood on each of the equipment, they could feel the connections to the items immediately, they then left to change. After they were done they found us waiting for them outside each one of them were wearing their respective versions of the suit, with that I began the test run.

"Okay let's start with Momo as your suit is quite simple and the least complicated to use, first you'll notice that you should feel a link to the suit, all three suits are almost indistructable, if they are damaged tho they will automatically repair themselves over time, but hopefully you'll never have to use this feature.

Back to the main topic that crown you're wearing will help you, get all the information you need, from the internet, also it's for determining when you're using your quirk, try create something complex from any part of your body." I instructed.

She did so and had created a television.

I continued, "As you've probably realized, it went right through the suit, this is so you can fully use your quirk without worrying about wandering eyes, you also should have felt that it required very little consentration, this is so you can create things much faster and easier. Now use your imagination, imagine you're climbing stairs and step on the sky before you."

Doing as I instructed, she stepped on the air, she panicked at first, but shortly after, she got used to it.

"This is to assist with mobility. Now let's move on to next person." I said turning to the invisible girl. "Yours also has the same air walking capabilities, what makes yours unique is the invisibility function, just think, 'invisibility on'."

She immediately completely dissapeard along with the two daggers in her hand.

"As you can see, or not in this case, the suit and daggers both go invisible, solving your clothing problem, so by thinking 'invisibility off', you'll appear again.

Now the second is the weird energy you should feel in the suit, well just instruct it to your hand while holding your palm out." I said.

Suddenly a beam shot out in that direction. Due to her panic she swung her hand upwards cutting of one of the top corners of the main building, this caused an alarm to go off within the main building.

"Okay ignore that for now. That's called the razor beam, it will cut through most things as you saw earlier so be careful, if you do the same thing while holding the daggers, they will become much sharper, so you should probably learn how to fight with them." I said turning to Jiro, "Last but certainly not least, Jiro, yours is honestly the most unique, you unlike them don't posses the air stepping ability…" pausing for dramatic effect, I could see the disappointment in her eyes, "… before you feel down, as I said yours is unique, well, action will speak louder then words, first insert both your jacks into the far most ports on the amulet while pointing your index fingers out."

Small sized, deep indents began appearing all over the steel block I had asked Momo to create.

Looking at the dumbfounded people staring at me I began to explain, " Well what happened is with each of your heartbeats small consentrated sound bullets are fired from your finger tips, unless someone can move at the speed of sound they won't be able to dodge-" after saying that I heard multiple gasps, ignoring it I continued, "due to this, you couldn't see them, now insert them into the second teeth on either side, and punch the block." I instructed.

Doing as I said she punched the block, when the hit connected a crater with a diameter of 60 cm could be seen on the block.

"That just consentrates the vibrations on your fists, it's function is kinda self explanatory, you can also use them to propel your fist for greater attack speed, if you focus on your palms all the vibrations will be released through them. The next teeth if you will."

With that I pulled out my pistol and shot at her. Aizawa immediately tried to restrain me.

"Relax and take a closer look." I said to him. The bullets had stopped a meter from her body, "This is a defensive ability as you can see, it forms a sound barrier around you. I'm gonna skip the next one as it's simular to the previous one just on your feet. As for the last one, insert your jacks slowly, you should feel some slight resistance, when you reach it, push in all the way. Then pull all the way out."

Doing as I said she was launched into the air, and then started falling. Quickly moving, I caught her, I then putt her down, and started to explain.

"That one works like a automatic car's gas pedal, the further you floor it, the the faster you go, or in your case, the greater the propulsion. So that, you'll have to master. The sword works just like the daggers except using sound and the lack of invisibility. Anyways that's the basics of it the other uses you'll have to figure out on your own, don't disappoint me ladies, do your best." I said.

Looking around I saw that everyone was staring at me, before things got even more awkward, I used my shoes to dissapear from there returning to class, definitely not to avoid any blame for the damage to the Main building. Taking out a lunchbox, me and Yachiru had our usual snack time.