Chapter 17

Chapter 17: Journey to the USJ.

The rest of the day went by in a flash, mostly because I had decided to take a break and took a nap until the day came to an end. Apparently the alarm had gon off again during lunch time, and a revote had taken place while I was asleep and I had become class president. With Momo being vice president. I wondered if they had listened to a word I said, well I'll let Momo do the work, and give up my position to her at a later stage in time. It seems like I had woken up after the whole class had ended, I had a angry Yachiru and zanpakuto spirits due to having missed lunchtime. So I had gone out of my way and made a lot of food for dinner, with plenty of each of their favorite dishes. This successfully pacified them. I also decided to make armor for the remaining duo, however due their quirks I didn't go too overboard this time around.

Asui's looked simular to her current one, as I felt it was quite fitting, it had the same indistructable properties as the others, as well as the ability to make platforms in the Air, it's unique ability was to use Reishi to, enhance her physical strength and speed, to an insane extent. Another unique feature was the minor shock absorption I added to the suit so she wouldn't hurt herself during landings, the suit would also be capable of using healing arts to heal any wounds she would have albeit over time.

Mina's was simular to the previous 3 in appearance except it was mainly Grey with black as the secondary color. The suit had air walking, indistructable properties, like Asui's, it also healing arts, this would heal her if she reached her limit and burned herself, another thing it would do is continuously absorb her acid, concentrating it, and turning it into its gascious state, and during combat would cover her in a thin layer of acidic mist around her body, it can also be shot out, simular to the steam of the colossal titan, I also took inspiration from my new titan spinal companion, and created a belt for the suit, along with a pair of bracelets. The belt would would take the acid and turn it into two kinds of grenades, these granades would take the shape of small round spheres, one would explode releasing a large amount of acid everywhere, the other would release a corrosive acidic gas, the bracelets however contained a medium to large sized pocket space, this space would have to be filled by her, at her own accord. She could save her acid within, the acid would be infused with little amount of Reishi, this would allow her to use the suit to control the acid within, kinda like bending acid, filling these would take a while tho, when filled she could release it all and cause an acid tsunami. An ability that could be used once every blue moon.

With that being complete I made two small instruction manuals for the 2 so I wouldn't have to assist them once more. After all this was done I began fusing the Hōgyoku into my soul, this would take quite some time before it finishes, but I would still be able to use a some of its abilities while the merging is taking place. So taking advantage of its regeneration I started pouring all my Reiryoku into my titan reserves, this went smoothly as would gain back all the Reiryoku I poor at an insane speed. Due to all my reserves being nearly bottomless filling the titan would take a damn long time, so I simply asked Keiser to automate the process. So this would be constantly happening leaving me just the exact amount, to still be capable of using my zanpakuto's and abilities. With that I joined my hug pillow.

Waking up early as usual I completed my usual routine. Knowing that the USJ incident would occur later today, I wore a shihakusho today weilding zabimaru, due to most of my power being used to fill my titan reserves, I thought I'd use this weakened state to refine my skills against someone, who wasn't someone I could never hope to defeat like Black, as no matter how strong I get, he becomes even stronger. As we were walking to school those we passed would all greet Yachiru, and some would point at us, from listening in I found this was caused by two events, yesterday's test had more spectators then I thought as someone had filmed the whole thing and it spread like wild fire, or that was the case for the minority of the students, whilst for the majority of the students, was due to Yachiru's escapades, it seems while I took a nap Yachiru went out and explored the campus making a lot of new friends. Since it couldn't be helped, I took out dried meat for us, and we enjoyed it while making our way to the classroom. Entering the empty room I began my battle with Black, when I finished the class had filled up, getting up I delivered two cases to the two girls after making sure they successfully established the connection, I gave them the manuals, patting the girls heads due to my curiosity of the feeling of Mina's horns, I explained to Mina that her suit would take time to get used to, this was because the suit would continue to take in her acid it would also train her quirk forcefully, making her stronger and stronger, and removing her weakness of limited acid, I recommended her to keep it on for some time, this wasn't a problem as everytime the suit returns to its dormant state it would clean itself, with that she went to try it out right away. Asui's wasn't an amulet but a belt. Warning her that she would need to get used to the super strength and speed provided by the suit, I returned to my seat.

We had normal clases in the morning, in the afternoon we had Rescue training. After the announcement, we could all decide weather we wanted to wear our costumes or the UA sports uniform, this was due to some costumes not being suitable for the excersize, they would be a burden. The girls seemed to look questioningly towards me, I then realized I forgot to inform them.

"You girls can wear those suits anywhere as they are resistant to the elements." I said. Making my way out of the room.

When we arrived at the bus I simply told them to enter which seemed to catch Ida's attention, after we all entered I had him saying so its this kind of bus, seems I doubted the president for nothing, letting out a helpless sigh, I simply took out a snack for Yachiru, the girls and myself. Giving the rest of the class some cookies so I would get no complaints. And so we departed to the USJ, on Route the class got into a conversation about, how great others quirks were, I commented.

"All your quirks have a lot of petential, it's not the quirks that's the issue it's your own lack of imagination thats holding you all back. Except for Ice guy I guess, the only thing holding him back is his own stupidity, having power and not using it,at this point it seems wasted on him, fate cast pearls before a swine it seems." I said. Watching his expression becoming filled with rage, I smiled. That's right use that anger and when the sports festival comes, hopefully you will come at me with out holding back.

The rest of the ride was quite somber when we got there, the girls confronted me seemingly angry at what I said. Looking at them I simply shrugged and made my way inside the facility. Leaving behind a group of seemingly disappointed girls.

When everyone had gathered inside we had met hero 13, who was running this place, she continued to explain about the purpose of this place, and how dangerous quirks could be, she then explained that the previous excersizes where to show them their potential, and to show the damage their quirks could do to others. This class would teach them how to use that power to save people. The place was quite big, it was devided into sections, each section had a different hazardous, environments, floods, landslides, fires etc…

While we were all admiring the place, a black vortex appeared in the plaza, in front of the fountain. From the black vortex first appeared a hand seemingly grabbing the edge of the vortex, this was followed by another hand however this one was severed and holding onto a face, that face belonged to a slim man with deathly pale skin, tinged yellow, and wrinkled a great deal around his eyes, with visible scars on his right eye. He has messy grayish-blue hair of varying lengths, the longest clumps reaching to about his shoulders, left hanging over his face in uneven waves. His eyes are stretched wide in a rather maniacal manner, their bright red irises are very small. He had many hands all across his body.

"Huddle up and don't move!!" shouted Aizawa. "Thirteen, protect the students." He said.

Many villains began coming out from the big vortex behind the man. The Red haired kid inquired if they were combat robots.

"putting on his Goggles, and he shouted, "Don't move, those are Villains!"

{Main System Mission given: You have been in the shadows too long, Your edge must not be allowed to go blunt. It is time to announce your presence to the world, Sharpen yourself once more, with the exception of Shigaraki and Kurogiri, no other villain must leave this place alive.

Rewards: Ancient Titan Bloodlines ×12.}

With that the events had been set in stone.

As Shigaraki was asking About All Might, a out of this world, all-encompassing, Killing intent exploded in all directions. The world went silent as an aura that had disappeared for a decade made itself known once more. Within the silence my hand ran down the blade of my sword, words that came from my very soul reverberated through the souls off all within the building, Making all who heard it feal the most primal fear there is, the fear of death.


With that the sword transformed into an even longer 6-part segmented blade; each segment is wider than the one preceding it from the hilt, with 2 pick-like protrusions on the front and back of each segment, with the ones on the front much longer than the ones on the back. When my hand reached the tip, I pasted a paper inscribed with a special writing, centering around the kanji for "explode". Dissapearing from my spot I reappeared at the bottom of of the stairs. Lowering the weight of my arm weights a bit. I swung Zabimaru with a lot of power using Zabimaru Tsukisashi(Snake Tail Stabbing Thorn). At a speed no body could react to Zabimaru extended going straight through all who were before it without any resistance. The blade flew in a straight line towards the black creature behind the skinny man,the blade went in the creatures stomach, launching the creature through all obstacles, to the other side of the facility, when they hit the wall forming my free hand into a hand seal, a large explosion took place. Retracting Zabimaru, the battle had begun.