Chapter 18

Chapter 18: USJ Massacre

[A/N: Fair warning, I suck at fight scenes. Advice will be appreciated.]

(Third Person POV)

Unforeseen Simulation Joint.

The Killing intent was suffocating and oppressive, It also held within it a sort of pressure, one that poured down like a terential rain. It caused some of the weaker ones amongst the people to directly fall, seemingly having their souls directly incinerated. The figure responsible for this looked at all those before him, His sinister pupils glowing in a menacing crimson Red. Before anyone could register what happened next, at an untraceable speed, the figure vanished assumingly into the crowd that were standing before him, within the large crowd of people, wild Winds blew,it seemed to be targeting those with ranged attack quirks, everywhere this wind went, people were shredded, When it settled a single figure holding a sword became visible once more. Turning around, the figure once again swung his blade, the blade extended cleaving all those it came in contact with into two.

"KILL HIM!!!" Shouted the skinny blue haired man standing by the fountain, he was continually clawing at his throat.

Hearing the orders the group of villains charged towards the man, With his blade extending once more, the man swung it downwards into the incoming group, cutting a straight line down the center of the charging crowd creating a deep trench, cries of agony could be heard as some had survived but had parts of their bodies severed, a thick stench of Iron permeated through the air. As the Group arrived before the man, he simply paused, turning his body he jumped to the side, swinging his palm behind him, a vortex appeared behind the man, from it came a black humanoid monster, punching towards him. The powerful punch flew past were he had previously stood hitting the charging men turning them into paste, the man dissapeard appearing a distance away, forming his hand into a seal once more the paper on the black monsters stomach, ignited. With the massive explosion, the cluster of viilians parished.

(All Might POV)

UA, Break Room

I was trying to contact Aizawa and Thirteen, but none of my calls would go through. "Whether I had a good reason or not, I had put my hero work ahead of my teaching. That was quite foolish. What do I tell them when I show up at the end? Anyways I should be fine in another 10 minutes…" transforming "no I'm going"

As I got up to leave, the door opened and Nezu entered, I began complimenting his coat as it looks nice and shiny.

"Enough of that, look." He said showing me an article about, the things I did this morning.

"the Ne'er-do-wells in the city haven't let up even after you came to town, but Rushing of the moment you hear there's trouble is so very like you! You really haven't changed at all.

Your injuries and their aftereffects have limited you as a hero. Not to mention being busy educating the successor of 'One for All', but you being the stubborn 'Symbol of Piece' that you are, refuse to make either of those things public knowledge, which is why I recommended that you teach here, so try taking it easy every once in a while."

Just when he finished speaking a feeling that I had last felt nearly 10 years ago washed over us, I immediately left at full speed towards the USJ, What could have happened, I wondered.

(Momo POV)

Unforeseen Simulation Joint.

After we had left the bus, me and the others had shouted at Yhwach for what he said to Shoto, however he just kept staring at us before shrugging and leaving. Looking at his departing back I thought I saw a look of disappointment on his face but it dissapeard just as fast, I felt a slight tinge in my heart due to this, I couldn't help but wonder why, was there a reason he said those words to him. After we listened to Hero 13's speach I wanted to go ask Yhwach, but suddenly we saw a bunch of people appear from nowhere, I was really shocked when the villains appeared, I looked towards Yhwach, but he didn't seem to care at all. As I was about to go closer to him, I saw a wide grin appear on his face, this had caught me of guard as Yhwach would only genuinely smile, when he was with Yachiru, at first he would give me and the girls, a smile as well but they didn't feel genuine, it was as if he was only doing it to be polite, but this was improving, as time went.

Before I could reach him, a heavy oppressive feeling exploded from his body and fell on everyone, I could see that everyone felt it, Aizawa sensei seemed to feel it far more strongly as he took a step back and got into a fighting stance, seemingly preparing to attack Yhwach. He suddenly lept down, pulling out his sword from its sheath, he ran his hand down its body, right then we heard him speak. After hearing what he said, I felt as if a blade was at my neck, With that, he swung the now transformed blade, causing it to fly out,it began extending, seemingly capable of extending infinitely, then an explosion took place in the derection the sword flew in. I looked at the destruction caused when the sword had launched the black creature, I couldn't help but wonder if Yhwach truly was quirkless, how many quirks could do something like this, suddenly he dissapeard, and appeared moments later on the other side of a group of villains, seeing all the blood and the carnage, I wanted to throw up, I fought and succeeded at pushing down the urge, however, the others were not as fortunate as I saw some of the others begin to vomit at the sight before them, we continued watching his battle. After dodging that big monster, there was another big explosion that shook the place. It seems that it had taken out all the villains but when the smoke cleared we saw that monster standing there, half its body was gone, but it's wounds were busy recovering at an insane speed, after it recovered, it dissapeard appearing in front of Yhwach, at a crazy speed it punched out. Yhwach had managed to block it, However couldn't help but feel worried as I saw the Shockwave caused by that punch, shortly after the booming sound of their collision reached us, seemingly due to the power of the two, the ground beneath them cracked in all directions with neither giving an inch, Yhwach's clothes were fluttering wildly. Their battle grew in intensity as they went blow for blow, the shock waves generated could be felt by all in the building. As we were watching this, we heard a loud voice from the roof.

"Fear not for, I AM HERE!!!." said All Might as he crashed in and landed before us.

Some of the students began to cheer, but they were interrupted by another loud crash coming from the battle below, All Might observed the surroundings and I saw his ever present smile fade as he saw the aftermath of the collision, we could hear the laugh of the blue haired guy who seemed to be the leader, he kept shouting that Yhwach could never win as the creature he called Nomu, was created specifically to kill All Might. This seemed to cause All Might's shock to increase yet again as he watched the battle between the two. His ever present smile returned as he seemed to be about to join the battle, however, before he could do anything we heard Yachiru speak.

"Do not interfere, Yhwa-chan is having fun right now." this seemed to catch All Might off guard, as he simply stared dumbfounded at the little girl.

Then I heard Jiro speaking out beside me, "During the Aprehention test, I heard you say Yhwach was wearing weights, and that if he took them off he would beat us all. Is this how strong he is without them?" she asked.

I was shocked hearing this, and looking around, I saw I infact wasn't the only one, almost everyone had that expression, except for Hero 13 and Mezo, I couldn't see Toru's expression but I was sure she was just as shocked due to her hands that seemed to cover her mouth. All this time he was wearing weights, but sundenly we heard Yachiru laugh loudly.

" No, you're wrong he still has his weights on but he did lower them a little bit at the start." She than put on a thinking expression that looked really cute. "He should have lowered them down to 12 500 000 tons." she said.

This caused the place to fall into silence, I could see the shock on everyone's face becoming even more extreme, I could also guess what they were thinking as I was thinking the same. 'if that's lowering it down, how much is it usually?'

"How can he even move." asked All Might.

Still watching the fight below Yachiru answered, "Yhwa-chan is the strongest, no one can defeat him."

Before we could voice any more of our questions, a loud Bang sounded and we saw Yhwach being sent flying back although it wasn't by much. Right then we heard Yachiru loudly cheering, "Beat him Yhwa-chan!!"


I was currently trading blows with Nomu, it's not everyday I get such a good practice dummy, so I was using this fight to let out all my frustration of all the losses I got at the hands of Black. With every strike Nomu would launch I would block or dodge and rip away pieces of him with Zabimaru, but he would instantly recover. My instincts suddenly rang out, so I used the Strike coming at me, leaning back I blocked another punch but used its force to fly back. Immediately after a vortex appeared where I had stood with a shriveled hand coming out of it. I heard Yachiru cheering for me and glanced over to her. When I saw All Might, and the other heroes entering the building, I knew my time here was up, I would have to end it now or risk their interference, and me failing my mission. Without hesitation I held Zabimaru before me and Spoke out.


With that, a massive storm of energy swirled around me shooting to the sky. As this was happening I used the cover, using my thought partitions to form 6 cero's simultaneously, I fired each of them towards one of the sections of the USJ. With that all Villains were killed with the exception of Nomu and the two acceptions it seems Nomu must go.

A loud Roar was heard throughout the entire City as Zabimaru introduced himself to the world. Zabimaru had transformed into a massive version of its Shikai form, resembling a skeleton of a snake. Zabimaru gained many more, much larger segments, resembling a mix between a snake's vertebral column and the pick-like protrusions of his Shikai segments. It also gained a snake-like head. My attire was also slightly transformed, gaining a fur cowl around my neck. The cowl appears to be the fur of an ape, and the ape's skull can be seen over the my left shoulder, while the rest of the fur extended to cover my right arm.

"Congratulations, you shall be the first to fall under my Bankai." I said to Nomu.

I used Zabimaru's Jaws to quickly grab Nomu, throwing him high into the sky.

"Now fall into dispair. Hikotsu Taihō!!!"