Chapter 19

Chapter 19: Aftermath

(Third Person POV)

Unforeseen Simulation Joint.

With the activation of Hikotsu Taihō(Baboon Bone Cannon), Hihiō Zabimaru's segments began glowing with pure white Reiatsu, all of it flowing towards the sphere forming within its jaw, then the world seemingly lost its color as it fired the dense blast of concentrated spiritual energy from its mouth. The blast sent Shockwaves in all directions, coloring the sky a bright white for an instant. When all had settled, Tomura and Kurogiri were nowhere to be found, the heroes where shielding the students from the Shockwaves, and Nomu was no longer in this world. The Unforeseen Simulation Joint was no more, with the only part intact being the entrance, and the place where the class was standing, where the former sections where situated was now only 6 massive craters, the walls and ceiling had long since crumbled into Nothingness, the entrance was the only indicator there was once a building here, and at center of all this carnage there stood a single youth, clad in a Shihakusho, with a an ape fur cowl around his neck and the ape's skull can be seen over his left shoulder. In his hand was the tail of the giant skeletal snake, whilst its body was coiled around him as if to protect him from everything.


After I had killed Nomu, I got the notification I was waiting for.

{Main System quest completed: You have been in the shadows too long, Your edge must not be allowed to go blunt. It is time to announce your presence to the world, Sharpen yourself once more, with the exception of Shigaraki and Kurogiri, no other villain must leave this place alive.

You Obtained:

-100% Oceanus Bloodline ×1.

-100% Coeus Bloodline ×1.

-100% Crius Bloodline ×1.

-100% Hyperion Bloodline ×1.

-100% Iapetus Bloodline ×1.

-100% Cronus Bloodline ×1.

-100% Thea Bloodline ×1.

-100% Rhea Bloodline ×1.

-100% Themis Bloodline ×1.

-100% Mnemosyne Bloodline ×1.

-100% Phoebe Bloodline ×1.

-100% Tethys Bloodline ×1.}

{Main system hidden quest complete: Make your peers realize the gap between yourself and them, that they were never in the same League.

You obtained:

-Hunter x Hunter System (B-Rank) ×1.}

{Bleach system Hidden quest complete: Obtain your first kill with Zabimaru's Bankai.

You obtained:

-Hōzukimaru ×1.}

{Bleach system hidden quest complete: Defeat Nomu.

You obtained:

-Tenken ×1.}

{Naruto System Hidden quest complete: Defeat Nomu.

You obtained:

-Free spins ×10.}

'Okay that's a massive set of gifts.'

'Is this because this was counted as a major event?'

{Yes, so be sure to take part in major events, as most systems will reward you for it. Due to your wish, you can't be forced into anything, so the systems are quite, easygoing you could say. So even tho you won't be given specific tasks, all things you do that are note worthy will be rewarded, with me being the one who would mostly give you direct quests, this is because I am you, and would always reject quests you wouldn't wanna do before you even see them, as for the rewards, I'll just give them to you for something else. So you'll leteraly be rewarded for doing anything you want most of the time if not always.}

'I can live with that?' I thought, letting out a content smile.

I was soon snapped back into reality by the cautious looks given to me by the heroes. Walking forwards towards them, Zabimaru turned into a dense fog, before it converged onto the hand I was holding its tail with, and turned into its sealed state, that seemed to calm some of them a bit some still remained Vigilant. At that moment I got another notification from Keiser.

{Main system mission given: The path you walk, is one of many secrets, you must be capable of protecting them, a journey of a thousand steps, begins with the first, this will be your first step to achieving the legendary 'Talk no jutsu'. Step 1, get yourself out of this mess.


-Bullshitting Trainee(Title).}

When I approached, Yachiru happily jumped on my back, I took out some dried meat for us to chew on. We made our way back to campus, with two heroes at my sides. After we got back, we went back to class, we were left there for quite some time, then were called out one by one to give accounts of what had happened, after the whole class was called and all gave their statements, only then I was told to go to the principals office. Entering in the room were, Aizawa, then there was a very skinny man with sharp, angular features and long limbs, his neck long and his eyebrows absent. He wore baggy clothing, the other was a very tall, sturdily built man with the head of a beagle. The area around his eyes and his ears is a dark brown, the two sides separated by a tan line which runs down his forehead, widening at his muzzle, which is flecked with pale brown. He has a large, black nose and dark eyes, and, although the rest of his body is of normal human shape, his skin appears to be the same tan color as most of his face. The final person was a stout man who appears to be a possible combination of several different animals, including a dog, a mouse, and a bear, which would make him a chimera. He has the head of a mouse with circular black eyes, a large scar over the right one, relatively rectangular-shaped ears with pale pink insides slanting outwards from the top of his head, and an elongated muzzle with a small round nose. His fur is white and has large, dog-like paws with pink pads and a thin tail like that of a cat.

"Well interesting day, today wouldn't you say?" I said taking a seat on the unoccupied spot on a couch within the office.

"Indeed. We've brought you here, to take your account of today's events." Said the principal.

"Okay, nice fur by the way must take some effort to make it so shiny." I replied.

"Thank you my secret is Keratin, no human could produce such luster. Enough of that. Can you please explain to us what happened today. From what I heard from Aizawa, When the villains attacked, you were all told to stay put, yet you charged straight at the villains. Not only did you not listen, you outright killed them, instead of simply incapacitating them. What was your reasons for this?" questioned Nezu.

"Well sir, When the villains arrived, the one who led them claimed that they were there to kill All Might, however, the person they were looking for was not there, he seemingly wanted to kill us, in order to draw him out. This was a blatant threat to not only my life, but that of all my classmates, I realized that no matter how strong our teacher was, he would never be capable of dealing with them all. So I took matters into my own hands, I had jumped in in order to draw the attention of the villains to my self, the only way to achieve this was to prove myself a threat to them, this would in turn give everyone a chance to escape, in case there were more villains blocking the exit teacher Aizawa would be able to assist, however, the class seemed not to use the opportunity I had painstakingly made for them. As a quirkless individual who was surrounded by super powered people who wouldn't hesitate to kill me, I did what I had to do to survive, and I fulfilled my duty, as the one who was selected as the class president, it was my job to make sure they all made it out of there alive." I said, without hesitation.

The room went silent with everyone looking at me, after some time Nezu spoke up once more." Well from the footage we recovered, it looked to us you were in no danger what so ever as you seemed calm through everything." spoke Nezu.

"Since a young age I had to fight and claw my way in order to survive, I had no one and nothing, and when I found Yachiru… " I smilingly patted her head before continuing, "I had to take care of us and made sure she would never have to suffer, as I was struggling to get whatever I could get my hands on, I very quickly learned showing weakness to those who wish to hurt you, will only lead to an early death. So I taught myself, no matter how desperate things are to never show weakness." I responded.

The dog headed man focused on me as if trying to see through me. I Stayed calm ignoring him.

" With the way you handled things, they didn't seem to be, a threat at all. What threat did they pose." Asked the dog man.

" That black creature had 2 quirks, a kinda shock absorption and super regeneration." I paused to let my words sink in. It seemed to work as I saw the skinny man as well as the principal's eyes widen at the revelation, striking while the iron was hot I continued, "It may have seemed different to you, but that thing forced me to use everything I had, I used two explosives that I had specially created to deal with power thats out of my league, those explosives I dare say, would be enough to kill even All Might, if not kill, it would at very least, remove a limb. That thing shrugged off two of them. So trust me when I say, that was no walk in the park."

"Are you certain that thing had two quirks?" immediately asked Nezu.

I got up and punched a hole in the wall. "My blows aren't something just anyone can just shrug off." I said. "Can I go now?" I asked.

"Just one more question." he said. His face turning serious, he continued, "Are you truly quirckless as you claim? From what I see, nothing about you is normal, whether it's your strength, speed, or intelligence, they rival top quirk users." asked Nezu.

"I am, I've been training my body since, I was five, as for my intelligence, I was born that way as I had gotten a high school equivalent qualification at a very young age, and continued to further my knowledge after that as well. When others were still playing with their friends I was working my butt off. " I answered.

"Then you are free to leave. There will be no classes within the following week." he said.

Standing up I left the room.

(Third Person POV)

After he had left the room, a man came out of a hidden room.

"Was he lying?" asked Nezu .

"No sir, he seemingly spoke the truth, the only part that seemed shaky was when he said he used all he had." answered the man.

"It doesn't matter, he killed many people. We should take the boy in." said the dog headed man.

"We can't charge a kid for defending himself, also this entire incident was caused by our own negligence. And if what the boy said is true than we might have bigger problems. Something big seems to be coming." said Nezu.

"Aizawa from now on I want you to keep a close eye on the boy." he added.