Chapter 20

Chapter 20: Off dayz


Leaving the office I decided to make my way back home, using Pesquisa to make sure no one was following me. The campus seemed mostly empty as all students would have left by now, so I was surprised sensing someone up and about inside a classroom, going to check who was so busy even now, I came before a familiar door. Entering what I found was a reasonably short girl with quite a mature build. She has salmon pink hair, which is shoulder-length, it is styled into thick dreadlocks and sideswept to her right. Her eyes are wide and sloped upwards with some notably long upper eyelashes, their irises yellow with a cross in the centre, making them look somewhat like scope lenses. On her head is a pair of red and gold steampunk goggles, and she is wearing a plain black tank top with workshop coveralls tied casually around her waist. She was currently busy focused on what looked Two big metallic boots that have turbines implanted inside them, which are made to seemingly allows the wearer to hover above the ground. Curious I entered, seeing how concentrated the girl is, happily working on her inventions while everyone else had already left, I couldn't help but admire her, before I knew Yachiru had already left my back and was before the girl.

"Hello Mei-chan, what you doing?" she cheerfully exclaimed.

The girl was supprised by this, but shortly after she seemed excited as she hugged Yachiru and began showing her, her 'Super Cute Babies'. The two kinda seemed like 2 peas in a pod. Looking at this seen, I simply smiled and took a look around the workshop, amongst the girls Babies I found a device that seemed to be a combination of a wire with an arrow-like grappling hook attached to the end, which I assumed can be used to reach distant surfaces. Looking at this device I had an idea, forgeting where I was, I reached in my bag and pulled out some, materials that I had created by playing around with condensing Reishi, leaving Yachiru and the girl to their own devices, I began making a simular device using my memory of it.

Hours later I had finished, what had I made was the Anti-personnel vertical maneuvering equipment. While in the ordinary vertical maneuvering equipment the body is located on the hips, in this model it is located on the upper back. It is attached to the user's body with harnesses on the torso and arms. The hooks are stored inside the body of two axles that can shoot independently and are fired from the operating device located in the user's arms. The anti-personnel vertical maneuvering equipment has, instead of two small tanks, one slightly wider cylinder which is also strapped to the upper back. This is the part from where usually the propellant gas is expelled, however, like all my other creations, I had changed it to one that used Reishi that would be collected from the air at all times. It had an operation device that is used to control all the functions of the equipment. It is attached at the hands and bears some similarities to gun's grip. It has the triggers and levers used to control the movement and the trigger that is used to shoot the guns, which are shot from this part of the equipment. When it is unused, the operating device is holstered on the hips. Instead of blades, or single-use cartridges, the operating device was connected to a gun that I had modeled to the .357 L5 Magnum Desert Eagle. Due to the metal being used being condensed energy it was lightweight and unbreakable. While sitting and polishing my new toys, Yachiru popped up looking at the anti-personnel vertical maneuvering equipment from my left shoulder, and simularly Mei leaned over my right. I didn't bother commenting on this fact, as I was well aware of her personality and the fact that personal space wasn't within her vocabulary, besides I wasn't gonna complain about the soft sensation on my shoulder.

"I want one too Yhwa-chan." Requested Yachiru.

"Interesting Consept." simply said Mei.

"Thanks, your babies are just as brilliant." I responded with a slight smile.

Taking out more material I began making more, due to the experience of making the first one, the next took only a few minutes, I decided to make some for everyone, incase they wanted one as well. The rest of the time was spent, discussing ideas with Mei for making more babies. By the time we left the sun was beginning to set. It truly was an enjoyable time as, we had formed a playful rivalry between us. When we got back I made another feast to passify the others. After dinner I went to meet the 2 new editions to the soul world. The first one I met was, Hōzukimaru, He took the form of a large, very muscular man with brown skin. He has long orange hair, which reaches down to his legs, styled into three large spikes around his face and a beard which reaches to his pectorals. He also has tufts of orange hair on his wrists, and wears a white robe as a skirt with no shoes. He has a large, black, dragon-shaped marking which stretches horizontally across his upper chest, and has dark brown eyes with light red markings underneath them. Outside of battle he is very level-headed, In battle, Hōzukimaru is somewhat savage, mercilessly trying to overpower his opponents.

After battling with him getting the Shikai, I left to meet with Tenken, he had taken the form of a large, muscular, red-skinned man with spiky blue hair and an ornate golden headpiece on his forehead. He has large blue eyebrows, which merge with his sideburns, and his eyes are filled with a bright yellow light while fire constantly crackles within his mouth. His neck and shoulders are covered by a thick, segmented black shawl, and he wears a strip of golden fabric, connected to a red pauldron on his left shoulder, which crosses his body diagonally and covers his upper legs. He wears a thick black rope tied around his waist in a semi-ornate bow, and wears a red cloth with a yellow border over a black kilt with a ragged hem. He wears large, two-toed wooden shoes, a segmented black gauntlet on each wrist, and a black bracelet on each bicep. Tenken willingly gave me both Shikai and Bankai, he is the type who keeps to himself, but he is very overprotective. After meeting the two I decided to test my luck.

'Yo Keiser use 9 free spins along with my free daily spin.'

[10 spins + 1 bonus spin,

You received:

-paperbomb ×50.

-Suiton: Daibakufu no Jutsu.

-Kunai ×10 000.

-Pain Akatsuki Attire ×1.

-Slugs summoning Contract.

-Killer Bee's Lyrical notebook.

—Shuriken Kage Bunshin no Jutsu.

-Doton: Doryū Taiga.

-Kakashi Face mask ×5.

-Katon: Hōsenka no Jutsu.

-Sanbi, Isobu.}

{Isobu will be sealed within you and given his own demention within your soul world, you'll find him inside.}

'Thanks Keiser. Is it possible for me to merge the 12 titan bloodlines into 1?'

{It is but you don't have to, since the bloodlines are compatible, your titan bloodline transformation will posses all of them anyway, having them each in their own separate bloodline slot will give you stronger command over their individual power, also giving you access to powers that derived from their union, meaning the powers of their children. Think of it as I gave you one bloodline in the form of 12, so your growth potential will be higher. If merged you'll still have their power, they would just be less powerful, example would be 1 man who trained all 12 elements against 12 men who each trained one of those elements then fused it all into one being.}

'Please Begin merging me with the 12 titan bloodlines.'

With that process beginning I went into, the new dimension I sensed, after entering I found myself at the bottom of an ocean I would assume by the size, if it wasn't for my kun-peng bloodline I wouldn't be able to breath and would be blind. Before me I saw a large turtle, but with a crab-like shell, and three shrimp-like tails. Under its shell, it has red, muscle-like tissue. It has a pair of human-like arms and hands, but no hind-legs. Its lower jaw is rather big and has teeth-like horns, together with its big forehead, which also has horns, it somewhat resembles a mouth with big teeth, making it look like the rest of the face is inside the mouth. Its eyes are dark and have red pupils. Its right eye is constantly closed, indicating some sort of injury, however I knew that if it's eye was injured it would heal before long, I also knew that its only known physical weakness it possessed was its eye, as hard as its skin and armoured shell are, it cannot harden its eyes and so seems to keep one closed at all times.

"Who are you human, what do you want?" He asked.

"I am your new host, however no need to be alarmed, as I will probably be your last. I will give you as much freedom as I can, as proof, this entire world belongs to you and you alone, there is another world connected to it that belongs to me, you should be capable of sensing it if you focus, you can also go there if you want to, in return I simply ask for full access to your power." I said.

" Very well, I'll allow you to use my power, but if you break your word I will kill you. Now go away I wish to sleep." he replied, closing his opened eye.

I had nearly forgotten how lazy this guy was, shaking my head I simply left him be. Exiting from my soul world I joined Yachiru in bed and called it a night. The following morning I did my usual routine, after breakfast, I gave those who were interested their new toys, most of us spent the day, practicing using them all around the city, I also learned that black could, also manifest in the real world, this was due to my power of being capable of dividing my soul that I got when I purchased Los Lobos, so after we both got comfortable with the use of the new gear, we began having spars using the gear, we mostly used kicks as we used our hands to stay airborne, the challenge was whoever hit the ground would be the loser, this would go on for the following week with all of us having fun when I was done practicing and refining my new skills as well, this wasn't to hard as I would divide my soul into clones of myself allowing me to pratice everything at once, when I reunited my soul once more, all would return to me. Eventually all great things must end though, as the day came to return to school.