Chapter 21

Chapter 21: Preperations for the Festival

(Third Person POV)

UA Conference Room.

Around a table sat the UA teachers, standing in the center was a tall man with short, black hair and somewhat-rectangular black eyes. 

He wore a black suit, a green tie at his neck with matching slacks and dress shoes. The man spoke.

"The one called Shigaraki, his quirk allows him to disintegrate anything he touches, we've been through the list of men in their twenties in the quirk registry with no luck.

Nothing turned up on the 'Warp Gate' User, Kurogiri, either. Neither is registered, and both are using aliases. Their quirks aren't on record, making them members of the underworld."

"So you're saying we know next to nothing…, I reckon we oughta learn fast, or the leader of those varmints, Shigaraki… His wounds'll heal and he'll be back again." said a man who looked like a stereotypical western cowboy. His face is covered by an old-school tan gas mask, shaped a little like a horse's muzzle, with triangular holes for his eyes and silver ear-defenders wired to the sides of the mask, but his dark, blueish shoulder-length dreadlocks are always visible from the back and sides. On his head, he wears a brown cowboy hat with a thick metallic plate at the front, a large "S" (standing for "Snipe") stamped in the center, and gray boots with knee-high shafts and vamps with silver trims that dip a little at the front, a heel-band with a spur at the end attached to the back of each boot.

He wore a large red cloak, buttoned up at the top, with frayed ends, under which he wore a plain black tank top with white armor strapped over the right side of his torso, and a brown belt with a gun holster attached at his hip. He has baggy black or dark brown pants with light brown or yellow chaps over them in stereotypical cowboy fashion. On his arms, he wears black skin tight arm-guards going up to his biceps and on his hands, tan gloves.

" Leader, huh…" muttered All Might.

"What is it All Might?" inquired Nezu.

"It's just that nothing about this feels normal, It was an especially daring attack and not just in the meticulous planning. He started going on about some ridiculous ideology, and although he didn't say anything about his own quirk, he was shooting his mouth off, bragging about that guy nomu's quirk, when things didn't go his way he started throwing a tantrum! Due to what Yhwach told us, it seems it wasn't just empty talk either, could it be that he survived?"

" Even so it seems especially foolish in a battle against heroes to reveal your quirk and waste the element of surprise." responded Nezu.

"Spouting a plausible yet deluted ideology, bragging about the toy he brought along, and simple mindedly thinking everything would go his way.

If we think about how the attack was carried out, it seems clear that this Shigaraki character, couldn't quite hide his childish nature, that sense that he does whatever he wants.

He's a man-child." said All Might.

"You're saying he's a kid with too much power? What does that matter anyways?" asked a very tall, wide-set man of a bulky, muscular build, with lightly tanned skin, a few visible scars showing on his left cheek and the left side of his notably thick neck. He has short pale gray hair which is spiked upwards, away from his face, the only exception to this being the small clump of hair which hangs down over the left of his forehead. His eyes are very small and thin, and he has a wide mouth with two prominent lower canines, which appear even when his mouth is closed.

His hero costume consists of a dark red skin-tight suit with a very low u-shaped collar, which exposes the middle of his pectoral muscles and is lined with a thick black trim, which matches the ones over his shoulders. He wears white over-the-knee boots and thick vambraces over his lower arms, a thin wire snaking from one of the two small protrusions on the left one to the back of his neck, and red gloves. Around his waist, he has a three-piece metallic belt which dips downwards in the center, and he wears an orange mask over his eyes. Known by his hero name,  the Blood Hero: Vlad.

"Some of the corpses, those that were still intact of course, were identified, they were mostly small time thugs. Question is, why would so many of them follow this 'Man Child'?" replied the man in the suit.

"We'll expand our search and devote our efforts to apprehending the perpetrators." said the man.

"This attack was well planned, and from all we've gathered, it's safe to assume they knew All Might would be there. I fear we might have a spy on the grounds." Said Nezu, this seemed to put everyone in the room on alert.

Nezu then continued, "I trust everyone in this room, although it pains me to suspect one of our own students, it might be one of them, or one of the faculty members."

"Do you have anyone specific in mind?" asked All Might.

"The most suspicious is the boy Yhwach, however the possibility is quite low but not zero.

It's the fact that he seems to be hiding his strength that worries me, and from what we've seen so far his strength is monstrous, and I don't believe such power can be gained from training alone. We need to figure out where he gained that power."

"I Understand were you're coming from but if he was the spy, why would he kill his own comrades?" Asked All Might.

"When looking at the footage, his first attack went straight to the black thing, why not target the leader and kill him first to cause disorder in their ranks. At first I thought it might have been as he said, that he went for that thing to take it out first, but looking deeper into it, he never once went after the leader, or the warp gate user." Nezu said.

"He's just a kid, you can't expect him to be perfect." Retorted Nemuri. She is a tall, curvaceous woman with sky blue eyes, which tilted downwards in the center; framed by a set of rather long eyelashes. She has abundant spiky dark purple hair which is made up of layers of varying lengths, the longest ones reaching down below her waist. Her chin-length bangs are split into three sections; two swept to the sides and one over her face, going diagonally down to the left between her eyes. She also has a small beauty mark below her left eye, as well as red-painted nails.

Her hero costume is very similar to one of a traditional dominatrix. She wears a breastless, black leather leotard—similar in style to a corset—over a thin, skin-tight flesh-colored bodysuit, which accentuates her voluptuous figure. The center strip of her leotard is embellished with red gemstone-like accessories in a vertical pattern, extending from her collar to her midriff. She also wears translucent, black, thigh-high garter stockings, which are attached to a burgundy utility belt decorated with gold studs around her hips, a matching pentagonal buckle in its center, and black knee-boots. She has a small red mask outlining her eyes, and a handcuff on each wrist. The flesh-colored bodysuit is made of thin material that is easily rippable so she can more easily use her Quirk.

"As I said the possibility is low but not zero, I based this of the fact that according to Aizawa and All Might's assessment you claimed that he was a genius when it came to stratagy and he is very adept at assessing a situation. If this is taken into account I don't believe he would charge in recklessly and even if he did would he not have thought of taking out the one giving orders." Explained the principal.

"However this is a matter for later, as for now, we have to show that we are not weakened by this attack, and the upcoming UA Sports Festival would a great opportunity to do so, and we can use it to force the boy into showing his full power. The rules of the sports festival are that costumes aren't allowed in order to make it fair to the other departments, with the only exception being the Support department.

Usually we would make an acception in his case as he is quirkless, added to the fact that he makes his equipment himself, however, we will forbid him from using them as well and observe him." Nezu explained.

"You can't do that, that would affect his chances of getting better internships." protested Nemuri.

"If he fails, he'll have two more chances in the following year to make a name for himself. But it's better to be certain." Nezu stated.


While making my way to the main building with Yachiru, I suddenly felt a bit of unease. Normal people would have probably ignored this feeling, however as a person who was a former assassin I new to never ignore it. Before I had marched towards my own death I had the feeling as well. This was the only reason I had prepared enough to be capable, of slaughtering my way through the place, only coming up short at the end. Making sure no one was around, additional pupils appeared within my eyes with the activation of 'The Almighty'. Moments later my eyes returned to normal.

'it seems I had underestimated them too much. To think they would come up with such a plan. They really need to stop explaining details to enemies, but makes information easier to get for me. Apparently I would have gone to war with the heroes due to being labeled as the one giving information to the villains. Well it seems Nemuri took my side till the end. Well although a war against the whole world looks interesting, it would be a waste of time. In that case, I'll play the fool and give them what they are after. I have just the tool.'

' Keiser activate the Hunter X Hunter System, and open that starter pack.'

{comencing system integration:


{Hunter x Hunter system starter pack opened, you recieved:

-Skill 'Nen's Champion'.

-Nen Basics Manual ×1.

-Zoldyck family arts ×1.}

'What does the skill, 'Nen's champion' do?'

{It Grant's its welder the highest talent in Nen, as well as perfect affinity with all specializations of Nen. It will allow you to learn and use all Nen, to the highest degree, Drawbacks of certain Nen abilities will be lessened, as well as Nen supporting your growth. Due to this you will start with the highest reserves of it.}

I won't be able to learn too many Nen abilities within the short two weeks, but I only need one at the moment.

'Get me Uvogin's experience.'

{Purchase successful:

Uvogin knowledge = - 90 000 SP.

Remaining: 1 300 000 SP.}

I had gained SP, Shuriken and more of the pervy sages books. During my daily Naruto system spins.

As espected today Aizawa told us about the sports festival, and I was forbidden from using any of my equipment, I attempted to argue it, using the fact that I was the one who made the equipment, therefore making it my personal power, however, Aizawa wouldn't have it, seeing the looks of pity given too me by some of those in the class, I made up my mind to beat them, as it seems they think I'm nothing without my equipment. When class had ended there was a crowd blocking the exit I simply went over them without being seen, making my way to find Nemuri, I found her walking within one of the many hallways, Walking up to her I gave her one of my lunch boxes, without saying a thing I made my way back home.

Splitting my soul into 250 clones we all began learning the Nen Basics with 50 learning the Zoldyck family arts, although I had Uvogin's knowledge he was quite simple minded, I wanted my foundation to be far more solid, I put all my attention into learning Nen. Even when I went to classes, I left my clones training, when returning from class I would join them, reabsorbing them and making new ones every 12 hours. Due to my bloodlines I was able to go without sleep and keep at it. I would also collect my lunchbox from Nemuri, giving her a new refilled one daily. Just like that, the night before the sports festival arrived, I decided to sleep in preparation, My body had buffed up quite a bit, thanks to the Hōgyoku, my body didn't take long to change and would develop into a perfect body. Muscular, yet doesn't restrict my movement. I also noticed that my facial structure was changing, slowly turning back into my hopelessly average appearance, however due to the Hōgyoku's removal of flaws, I was gaining a face that was perfect but unnoticeable.

[A/N: Almost simular to Li Qiye, think average at face value, but perfection if one looks deep enough. Sorry I suck at explaining.]