Chapter 23

Chapter 23: Choosing a partner

(Third Person POV)

First year Stadium

"The top 42 from the qualifying round will move on!! But for those who placed lower, don't worry! We've got another way for you to show your stuff!!" announced Nemuri.

After she continued "And now the main selection really begins!! The press corp's going to be jumping out of their seats, so give it all you've got!"

"Now on to the second event! I already know what it is, of course…

Dying in suspense?!" she asked in a way that would cause one to misunderstand the topic at hand if they were not paying enough attention.

"Next up is…" pausing for a moment to create suspense

"THIS!!!" She shouted out pointing towards a screen.

Atop this screen in bold, capital letters stood the words. "CALVARY BATTLE".

"Participants will on their own Form teams of two to four members each, and get into a horse and rider formation." She said on the screen appearing a picture of hero 13, Snipe and present mic carrying All Might as an example.

"The rules are fundamentaly the same as those of an ordinary calvary battle, snag your opponents headbands, while guarding your own, but with one exception. Each of you has been assigned a point value that is based on your ranking in the last event." she said.

The students began speaking making their own assumptions and deductions.

"I'm about to explain it so shut up already!!" yelled Midnight while cracking her whip.

"Your Individual point values starts at 5, at the bottom! So the student who took 42ND place is worth 5 points, 41st is worth 10… Get it?" She asked. With the confirmation she added, "But our first place participant is worth…" looking straight at a certain Raven black haired youth with a slight smile she continued, "TEN MILLION POINTS!!"

This sent a wave of shock through the participants, then all eyes turned in the same direction in unison, all looking at the youth in question.


Looking at all the eyes that were staring at me, I took the advice of penguin skipper, I smiled and waved. Nemuri seemed disappointed, I guess she wanted to see a more lively reaction. She does have that sadistic side of hers after all. After that I heard Nemuri's voice once again.

"There's more Suffering ahead for those at the top, as you must have heard countless times since enrolling at UA… This is 'PLUS ULTRA'!" she said, before she repeated herself, seemingly trying to make sure the target on my back was clear for all, "After Taking first place in the qualifiers, 'Yhwach Black' has gotten ten million points!!"

Looking at her sky blue eyes, I had to admit that they looked quite beautiful. One would lose their train of thought within them if one wasn't careful. The battle would last only 15 minutes, we were also given 15 minutes to form our teams. Seeing everyone moving away from me like I was a plague, even the girls I felt slightly disappointed, but the feeling dissapeard just as fast is it had arose, I would have refused them anyways. Without wasting time, I made my way, I instantly grabbed the perfect teammate for myself, the perverted little bastard himself. I had long decided I would have only one teammate, due to his size I could have him up on my back, and still have free movement, as I was used to having Yachiru on my back at most times, due to this he made no difference, this gave me full mobility whilst others would have to consider their teammates, limiting their ability to quite an extent. Looking at Mineta who was looking at a girl from class B, she was a short girl of a rather thin build, with honey brown hair, curved inwards in a mushroom-shaped bob that reaches just below her narrow shoulders. She has a long fringe that completely covers her eyes, hiding most of her face, and her mouth is notably large. Unobscured, her eyes are wide and rather cat-like; tilted inwards with rather long lower eyelashes, and her irises are a warm brown color. Kinoko's pupils are little black crosses, both together highly resembling the caps of cross-sliced shiitake mushrooms. Seeing this I thought to give him a push. Crouching down I slapped his back, "Leave your perverted side for future use and just go talk to her, and try not to be creepy." I said, slightly pushing him forward.

"No way, Not gonna happen." He veermently refused.

"You got the guts to be that openly perverted, so grow yourself a pair, and go talk to the girl." I said.

"Well if it's that easy you do it." he retorted.

Staring at him with a blank face. "Really?" I sarcastically asked.

I walked towards Mei, "Congrats on making it through the qualifiers. Now you can show off your 'Super cute babies' to the executives." I said to her with a light smile.

"Thanks, it's just a shame my babies couldn't properly shine during the obsticle course." She cheerfully answered.

"Well the big stage is the best place to show them off, I personally look forward to seeing them in action, who knows maybe one day we'll make some babies together…" I replied.

"Yeah!!" she replied. With determination burning in her eyes.

"Goodluck." I said to her making my way back to Mineta.

Turning around she saw the red faces of Her two teammates. She truly is free spirited I thought. However for those who were dirty minded that conversation seemed to have baffled them, can't they just mind their own business.

"See, now go. Im not telling you to ask her out, just go say hello and come back." I said.

Watching him go I let out a smile, with kendo's personality and her nature, it won't take long before she involves herself, hopefully she'll beat I mean guide Mineta on the right path. I was honestly expecting him to come back covered in mushrooms, but apparently she just gave him 1 mushroom, wasn't even a poisonous one. It seems there's still hope for him.

"Good for you, I wouldn't throw that away if I were you." stopping him from throwing away the mushroom, "keep it or she won't take it very kindly." I said, hinting to the girl intently looking at Mineta. With this I won't have to murder him.

Time ran out and the teams had been made, there wasn't much difference from the original teams, except for Mineta who was with me now. After receiving the head band I stuck it on Mineta's balls, making it quite difficult to remove.

With the signal to start, the event commenced, Everyone charged at me, I simply kept out running them, realizing I wouldn't be caught up with easily, most gave up and began gathering points, however, Bakugo seemed fixated on me. He kept chasing after us. He seemed to get frustrated as he kept yelling at me to stop running and face him. I simply ignored his provocation and kept running at a speed that made him seem like he was catching up, before I would speed up a bit and slow down once more. He did not take it well. The chase went on for about 10 minutes. Whilst he was still chasing us, Students from class B stole his headband, it was a brilliant drive bye. This caused Bakugo's Rage to sky rocket yet again. He immediately changed his target, seeing this I wished the class B students luck. The five minutes passed quite fast, those who had no points during the last minute, decided to go for broke and came after me with full force, I would do the same thing I did with Bakugo forcing them to fight each other as they believed they nearly had me. Whenever they would attempt to surround me I would increase my speed and run out the encirclement. The battle ended with me and Mineta in first place. The green haired kids team actually came in second, followed by Shoto's team, it seems him not being target number 1 made it easier for them to snach a lot of points. But from the looks of the scores he went after mostly the Canon fodder, making the outcome the same as the original. I wondered if this was the world laws, in other words fate at work.

Well either way it didn't concern me. Looking at the green haired boy crying again, I couldn't help but wonder why he never gets dehydrated with all the tears he let's out. That should be considered a quirk in it's own right. We were given an hour break. To my shock, Shoto actually called me along with the green haired boy.

"Why did you call me here?" I asked.

He then told me about his past and the reason he never uses his fire. Looking at him I simply said,

"At the end of the day, it's not your father's quirk, it's yours, you're here claiming you'll reach the top, yet you won't use all your power. Don't insult all those who are giving it their all. I won't Preach anything to you, as I also follow my own path, but understand that if you don't use everything you've got, you don't have the right to be my opponent, and that goes for the both of you, come at me with all you got, or don't even show up, that way we won't be wasting each other's time." finishing my words I simply left the 2, Making my way to have lunch with Yachiru.

'Come on you two, Make it interesting for me.'