Chapter 24

Chapter 24:


The break went by in a flash. After lunch with Yachiru, I gave her lots of snacks for her to enjoy while watching the event. We made our way back to the stadium. Arriving Nemuri announced to those that were eliminated, that recreational activities would be Taking place, as this was a sports festival after all, they were free to choose whether they would participate. They had shipped in cheerleaders from the States to cheer them on, however this time around Mineta didn't trick the girls. He had to prepare for the final as he had made it through this time around.

The final event would be a tournament, a series of one on one battles. This excited some of the remaining participants as they would be on the big stage during these battles. The Battles would be decided by drawing lots, however before Nemuri could begin, Ojiro from our class chose to drop out. He is a young man of muscular build and has short blond hair, swept to the front of his head. He has thin eyes with no lower eyelashes. Unlike the other students in our class, he normally wore pale gray sneakers with his school uniform instead of the brown dress shoes worn by everyone else usually, and the bottom button of his blazer he leaves casually undone. Due to his quirk, he also has a tail. He withdrew due the fact that he felt that he didn't earn his place due to his lack of memories of the event, probably an after effect of the mind control quirk. It was truly a shame as the guy was quite well versed in martial arts, i would probably have enjoyed fighting him. Shortly after he was followed by a chubby young man of average height, with short, ice-blue hair and a round face. He has large, wide eyes with small pupils, and is usually seen looking a little sheepish and apologetic; his eyebrows are almost always pointed upwards. If my memory served me well his quirk was called Twin impact which allows Nirengeki to remotely cause attacks to repeat a second time, but with significantly amplified force involved compared to the initial impact. He's truly a hidden gem. Due to this we went from 18 down to 16, there was no need for additional participants this time around.

After pulling lots the battles would happen as follows.

-Izuku Midoriya vs. Yhwach Black.

-Shoto Todoroki vs. Hanta Sero.

-Denki Kaminari vs. Minoru Mineta.

-Tenya Ida vs. Mei Hatsume.

-Yuga Aoyama vs. Mina Ashido.

-Fumikage Tokoyami vs. Momo Yaoyorozu.

-Eijiro Kirishima vs. Hitoshi Shinso.

-Katsuki Bakugo vs. Ochaco Uraraka.

I was quite surprised as I thought I wouldn't get the chance to fight Midoriya, however as he is now he wasn't worth fighting at all. With that the recreational stuff began, due to the way the events were it was clear to see that most information about time before quirks was lost. Some used this time to prepare themselves by psyching themselves up, while others tried to relax. Everyone was dealing with it differently. Looking at everyone I noticed Momo seemed a little distraught. Walking up behind her, I pat her shoulder which visibly startled her.

"Whats knawing at your mind so much, that a giant person like myself would be able to sneak up on you?" I jokingly asked.

Sighing she responded, "I'm just trying to figure out how I'm gonna beat someone like Tokoyami."

Giving her a gentle smile, I spoke, "Well his quirk is quite strong, too bad he has such a glaring weakness. Well knowing you, you'll come up with something, you're one of the brightest girls I know. It's Your time to shine. I'm sure you'll get a flash of inspiration. You know one of my favorite sayings from A wise man goes, happiness can be found even in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light." After speaking I stroked her hair and left. Leaving her seemingly in deep thought.

The time to begin had arrived in a flash. With the commentary of Present Mic announcing the time to begin. I made my way up the two sets of stairs, entering the big stage. Opposite of me, the green haired boy entered. We made our way close to the center of the stage before we heard Present Mic shout.






"Can I ask you something?" asked Midoriya.

'I forgot how chaty this guy is during his fights oh well, might as well use this.'

"Sure go ahead?" I said.

"You're quirkless right? How did you become so strong, it's clearly impossible from training alone." he nervously asked.

"Is this your personal question or someone elses?" I asked, putting a little pressure on him.

"I-it's b-both." he stuttered.

I could see a skinny blond man face palming, Sometimes I forget how naive and honest most protagonists are.

"Since you're so honest, I'll tell you." I said putting away the little bloodlust I had let out.

"You see kid, you're wrong about it being impossible to reach my level with training alone. It's very much possible. The human body is capable of things you could never imagine. Let me give you a history lesson.

Long ago before quirks had manifested, all humans had no power right. Well that is not the case, there were rare humans who had dedicated their lives on the martial path. Amoungst these people there were those who had discovered the existence of internal energy that could be found within all humans. They would spend years apon years developing this inner energy, till they reached a level where they could manipulate and use this energy. Their power grew greatly with the use of this energy, however, the number of those who could learn to utalize this energy were too few.

Due to this the knowledge of how to learn to utalize this energy didn't become too widespread. When quirks came to be, the people who practiced these arts all but died out.

When I was four my parents threw me away essentially, during this time when I was homeless and I was about 5 years old, I learned that I could only depend on myself, that the only people who could change my life and save me from that hell was me, myself and I. Not long after I was fortunate enough to stumble upon this training method. I began practicing and training, I would keep training till my muscles tore and my bones would break, 5 years down the line I discovered I could use this special energy, and so I kept training. Thus my power just kept growing and growing."

Closing my eyes, I lifted my fist seemingly consentrating, my body gained a light white glow, with the appearance of the aura the ground beneath me cracked.

"In doing so I gained my current power." I said, looking at him.

"Is this that power?" he asked.

"Indeed," I responded

He looked at me in surprise, he was seemingly speachless. A look of pity and sadness then suddenly appeared on his face. Seeing were this was going I spoke up once more.

"Don't get me wrong kid I'm quite happy that my life went the way it did. I'm thankful for all those who didn't give a damn, cause no one would help me, I helped myself.

This is the way things should be.

You see I'm different from the rest of you, simply because I fight for myself and myself alone."

"Now that I've told you all this, withdraw from the match, it's too soon for you to fight me." I said.

"No, I will win and reach the top!!" he responded.

"Very well!!" I said, rushing towards him, my speed was slow enough for him to keep up as I wanted to see how he'll respond. Dodging my punch I saw him prepare his fingers as if trying to flick at me. Directing his hand away with my free hand, a Shockwave shot to the side. Punching out yet again, I smashed his face. Not letting up I followed up, burying my fist in his gut. Spitting out a mouth full of saliva, he flew back.

Rushing him again, I threw out another punch. With a side step dodge a flick sent me flying back but not by much due to my weights. Taking advantage of his shock, I buried my fist in his face once again. Before he could fly back, I grabbed his leg smashing him to the ground below. Punching down he rolled causing my fist to impact the ground. A spiderweb of cracks formed. He immediately created distance between us, flicking two shots my way. Smashing into my body, they caused me to fly back a bit.

Standing back up, I rushed him yet again. He kept flicking his fingers at me, dodging some, another two reached me, both smashing hard into my body, pushing me closer and closer to the edge, seeing this I increased my weight allowing me to stop my momentum and stand my ground against the Shockwaves that followed. He was clearly shocked at this revelation. With a white light covering me I charged towards him, shrugging of the next Shockwave sent my way, I punched him in the face yet again sending him flying to the other side of the stage. At this point the boy had only one finger remaining unbroken. His face was a swollen mess with blood falling from his mouth and nose.

"Give up you're too weak." I said.

Without a response the final finger was broken as another Shockwave was sent my way. Side stepping, I rushed him, aiming for his face, he crouched and buried a glowing fist in my gut. Knowing this was bad I increased my weight much higher this time, causing me to crash on the stage and to slide back creating a trench on my path. The force from that punch had shredded my shirt into nothingness. Stopping a red aura shot out of my body, with a boom the whole stage cracked beneath me. The aura suddenly flowed to my right arm, my eyes snapping to the boy rushing towards me.

"Then don't die!" I said, heading towards him.

We heard voices screaming at as to stop however neither of us would back down. All Might rushed to protect Nemuri, with that I had no worries.

" I'll beat you!! SMASHHH!! " he shouted out. Rushing towards me with his last arm glowing.

"BIG BANG IMPACT!!" I followed suit.

For a second the world seemed to go silent, shortly after, accompanied by a loud BOOM a Shockwave exploded in all directions, dust rose covering the entirety of the stadium. Screams could be heard from the audience. The Shockwave sent powerful gusts towards them. It took a while for all to settle, when the dust finally cleared, all that could be seen was a deep crater, the beautiful stage was no more, at the center of all this destruction was one figure standing.

All Might immediately, came my way and began looking for Midoriya, I simply pointed towards the wall. There imbedded in the wall was an unconscious Midoriya. Rushing towards him, he took him from the wall, lifting him up he finally saw the boys arm, or lack there of.