Chapter 25

Chapter 25:


With that I walked up to Nemuri, "You Okay?" I asked, however she seems dazed at what just happened and just mechanically nodded. Seeing her response I left, returning to the locker rooms to clean myself up. Entering the showers I reflected upon my match. I had gone a bit overboard using 5% of big bang impact. It was too much for the kid, I had overestimated him severely. Despite this it was still okay as I did get the information I needed to convey where it needed to be. Because of my words, I made it seem as if the boy, would be able to reach me in the future, this should make Nezu at least feel like he got some measure of my true strength. The way the battle went should just reinforce that notion, by making it seem like the brat who in fact hasn't mastered his power, could somewhat contend with me, should make him believe that I Would probably be no match for All Might. Even if he suspects me of being a criminal, he won't be as wary of me. I don't know if he'll still think of me as the spy, but with this his doubts will continue long enough for me to leave this world. If not well I'll use the planet for cero practice.

Today I had spouted enough bullshit to last me a lifetime. Getting out of the shower and drying myself. I took out another UA sports uniform, putting it on. Looking proper once more, I made my way towards where recovery girl was. I knew that she wouldn't be able to grow back the kids lost limb. Very few had the vitality necessary for recovery girls quirk to be capable of regrowing their limbs. He'd die before that would happen. Outside the medical room I saw a worried Ochaco, seeing me I saw a look of anger. I entered the room, ignoring the protests from the girl behind me. Within I found a short, elderly woman with gray hair styled into a netted bun, a large syringe poking diagonally out of it to the left. She has a notably small nose and eyes which seemed to be closed, and a long mouth with defined nasolabial folds. She wears a doctor's lab coat and a dress with yellow and red vest-like designs on either side, two yellow buttons, and a belt with a pink "R"-shaped buckle. She wears pink boots and has a helmet around the sides of her head, a purple-tinted visor joining it over her eyes. In addition, she walks with a cane designed like a syringe. She was currently shouting at the Deflated All Might for not teaching the boy to use his power properly, that if he had taught the boy carefully he might not have been so reckless as to lose his arm, as for the boy himself he seemed to have just woken up, he was currently looking down, crying probably, if the wet stain on the sheets were of any indication. Seeing me enter heading towards the boy, I received a conflicted look from the skinny man and a curious one from recovery girl.

Reaching him I pulled out a syringe from a bag I was holding.

"This is something I've created myself, when injected into someone, as long as they still draw breath this will heal them back to their peak, damaged organs or severed limbs would also be recovered." I explained seeing that the blond wanted to act.

This explanation seems to have shocked the two, especially the old lady as she understood the implication. Before things got out of hand I continued.

"It's extremely hard to make, as the ingredients required are very rare. I was only able to make 2." I said, spouting more nonsense.

I injected it into the crying brat, they were seemingly tears of joy, turning around I took my leave. Exiting the room I heard, the boys screams of agony, a small smile forming on my face, this was due to him feeling the pain of his arm regrowing. The Mayuri side of me felt quite amused. On the bright side the boy would get some pain tolerance… Hopefully. Well no longer my problem. I made my way to where the others were spectating. My presence immediately got the attention of many. Currently the match between Mei and Ida was about too start. It seems Mineta and Kaminari had quite a battle with Mineta successfully immobilizing him. With the beginning of the battle Mei toyed around with Ida and used the opportunity to showcase her babies. This was quite funny, bring my mood up. After she had completed her sales pitch, She simply strutted out of the ring, honestly this girl was something else, truly one of a kind. The following fight was Yuga Aoyama vs. Mina Ashido. The match started, Yuga Aoyama fired his navel laser at Mina Ashido, but she secreted acid from her feet and used it to swiftly slide across the stage. Yuga continued to shoot beams at her while Mina claimed she already knows Yuga's weakness because they had trained together during the Battle Trial. Mina continued to dodge Yuga's flurry of beams. After he missed a rather large shot, his stomach began to hurt and Mina capitalized. She threw acid onto his belt, breaking it and dropping his pants in the process. Mina took the opening and finished Yuga with a strong uppercut. Present Mic commented that Yuga Aoyama went down hard.

The following battle was between Fumikage Tokoyami vs. Momo Yaoyorozu. The match had suddenly began and caught Momo off-guard. Fumikage immediately called on Dark Shadow to attack. Momo defended herself by creating a shield. She created a flash grenade throwing it out over the shield, I immediately closed my eyes. Shortly after I heard a lot of exclamations due to being blinded. Tokoyami had it worse however, as he took it at point blank range. Momo created a pole on her arm and began taking the offensive. With dark shadow retreating, and Tokoyami being currently disconfuckulated, the match ended in a flash. When people finally regained their sight, Tokoyami had been beaten up and was out of bounds. The next was quite uneventful, it seems Ojiro had warned Kirishima about Shinso's quirk. Kirishima simply rushed him and pushed him out without speaking.

The final battle was Katsuki Bakugo vs. Ochaco Uraraka. When the match began, Ochaco immediately rushed at Katsuki, forcing him to counterattack rather than dodge. Ochaco knew that Katsuki starts a fight with a right hook, but still got hit with one of his explosions. Ochaco was blown back but remained mostly uninjured. Katsuki told Ochaco that she should have dropped out of the match and blasts what he believed to be her body. However, Ochaco had sent her jacket through the dust as a decoy and Katsuki fell for it. She swiftly got behind him but Katsuki blasted her away with his incredible reflexes. She rushed Katsuki again but he said she is too slow and blasts her. Ochaco continued to pressure Katsuki, forcing him to repel her repeatedly with explosions. Pro-Heroes in the crowd believed she was desperate because her aforementioned feint did not work. The crowd casted Katsuki as a villain and started to boo him because he appeared to be dominating Ochaco. All the while, Ochaco continued to attack Katsuki only to be blasted back by his explosions. Shota called out the man who started the uproar. Shota asked him if he was a Pro Hero, and if he was, then to go home and hang up his cape, suggesting that he starts looking for a different career. He goes on to explain that Katsuki's fierceness is an acknowledgment of his opponent's strength, and he's simply doing everything he can to keep Ochaco at bay so he can come out on top. Katsuki remained focused on his opponent. Despite his onslaught, she remained standing. Katsuki knew their fight was not finished yet and said that Ochaco was not "dead" yet. Ochaco thanked Katsuki for keeping his eyes focused on her. Neito explained to spectators that during the entire fight, Ochaco kept low to the ground so Katsuki's explosions would destroy the floor of the stage. She kept attacking repeatedly to keep his attention on her while she floated several dozen pieces of debris into the air high above the stage. Ochaco released the debris from her Quirk, effectively attacking Katsuki with a meteor shower from above. She believed that no matter what Katsuki would do in response, she would be able to get in close and touch him. However, Katsuki unleashed a massive explosion that took everyone by surprise. He blew away all the debris at once while keeping Ochaco back at the same time. After unleashing the explosion, Katsuki's hand began to shake and he acknowledged that it was a close call for him. Katsuki said he figured Ochaco had a plan to win because she is friends with Izuku. Ochaco was shocked he had managed to foil her plan with one explosion. She stood up and tried to keep fighting despite betting everything on the meteor shower. As she rose, Katsuki commented that it's "time for us to get serious, Uraraka," using her real name for the first time instead of a nickname. However, Ochaco had reached her limit and fell once again, to Katsuki's surprise. Even so, she tried to keep fighting and crawled towards Katsuki. Ochaco recalled memories of her past, specifically about how her father encouraged her to become a hero, and eventually passed out from exhaustion as well as her injuries. Midnight checked on her and confirms she's unconscious. She declared Katsuki the winner of the match.

Knowing my turn was coming up I made my way to the prep room on my way I ran into, the girl, she was up again. She seemed to have just come from recovery girl. Passing her, I spoke, "You did good, your plan was excellent. If Bakugo wasn't on guard against you, the outcome would have been different, that on its own is a testament to your skill." after saying so, I continued onwards. Leaving behind a stunned girl, seemingly on the verge of tears. When I made my way to the stage once again I was cut off by a tall, sturdily-built man with a very muscular physique. He has short crimson hair which he wears spiked up around his head and sharp turquoise eyes. His beard and mustache appear to be made of fire. His hero costume is comprised of a tight, navy turquoise bodysuit with lines of flames streaming across his chest, upper torso, arms, and most prominently his shoulders. He uses his flames as a makeshift mask around his eyes, and the tall boots he wears appear to be either made of fire themselves or constantly left alight, as only their soles and laces are visible around the flames. He sports white bracers on his lower arms, styled in a cage pattern, and a blue belt with a pouch attached on either side.

"Hey. There you are." The man said.

"Endeavor, What do need?" I asked the man.

"I saw what you did out there, that's some power you got there, creating such force with just a punch.

In terms of power it seems on par with All Might's quirk." He said pointing at me.

I simply smiled and nodded, indicating for him to go on.

"My boy Shoto, he has a duty to surpass All Might. His match against you will prove a valuable test. So give it your all. Put up a good fight against him.

That's all I wanted to say, sorry for my bluntness."

"No worries, I'll be just as blunt. I've got no interest in fighting him if he insists on using only half his strength." I said walking away.

I walked up the two sets of stairs yet again. Breaking off a good sized rock from the stairs, I entered the stage. With the start announcement, Shoto fired off a large scale ice attack. Using the stone within my hand with a bit of nen, I threw it, so it would just fly past his head. Breaking through the ice with great force. Looking at the stone seemingly going for his head Shoto shifted his head instinctively, right at that moment my foot was buried in his face. The match ended with the name of the attack.

"Dynamic Entry!!"