Chapter 26

Chapter 26: Becoming the Champ


The crowd went silent for a while, the one who broke the silence was Yachiru shouting through the mic "GO YHWA-CHAN!!" Smiling at her antics, I left the stage, leaving behind a Shoto who seemed like he just lost a part of himself. Present Mic seems to have snapped out of it as he started commentating. Getting back to the spectating area, I saw Bakugo staring at me with a very serious face. Smiling at him I took my seat, not really looking forward to the next match as the outcome would be quite predictable. As if to prove me right. When the match started Ida simply grabbed Mineta at a fast speed and threw him out of the ring.

The following match was Mina Ashido vs. Momo Yaoyorozu. With the signal for the match to start, the two girls got straight into it. Mina immediately forced Momo to go on the defensive by throwing balls of acid towards her opponent. She kept secreting acid from her feet and using it to freely move around, due to her costumes constant extraction of her acid, the amount she could secrete at this point was quite a bit. She took advantage of her mobility and kept bombarding Momo with acid, from different directions. Momo on the other hand was not simply taking things, as she created gloves for herself, I assumed they were acid proof. With that she rushed into the direction Mina was headed and began pushing her. Using Mina's acid under her as well as the momentum from her rush, she pushed Mina towards the edge of the stage, she slid back out of bounds because of her own acid. Seeing this I chuckled, at the outcome. This was due to Mina's frustrated expression, to me it resembled a little child trying to look angry, made her look funny and cute at the same time. When she got to the spectators seats, I gave her a smile and stroked her head.

The final match of the quarter-final matches was Katsuki Bakugo vs. Eijiro Kirishima. The two wasted no time and charged straight at each other. Katsuki and Eijiro traded blows using their Quirks. Eijiro's hardened skin dampened Katsuki's explosions and then Eijiro struck out and managed to cut his opponents cheek open with a punch. Katsuki backed off, mulling over Eijiro's persistence and wondered how long his opponent could keep his hardening up. Eijiro rushed Katsuki and tried to strike him with a flurry of punches. This put Katsuki on the defensive and forced him to constantly dodge while losing ground. Katsuki fought back with his explosions until he finally managed to damage Eijiro. He surmised that Eijiro had been pushing his Quirk beyond its limits by keeping his body rock hard the entire fight. Knowing that Eijiro's defensive will give at any moment, Katsuki striked with a large explosion. Eijiro managed to block it, but Katsuki unleashes a barrage of explosions that forced Eijiro to overuse his Quirk. Katsuki capitalized on the opening and striked Eijiro with one final explosion. Eijiro fell defeated and Midnight declares Katsuki Bakugo the winner.

With that the final four had been decided. Ida, Momo, Bakugo and myself. We moved right on to the next round. It was Tenya Ida vs. Myself. Facing each other I saw the man glaring at me. Raising an eyebrow at this I wondered if I had angered him at all, but thinking back, this was probably due to the outcome of my fight with the green haired boy. While I was thinking the match began when I came to I instantly bent down, with a powerful gust a kick flew over my head, Reinforced with the kids 'Resipro Boost'. Annoyed at this, I infused my fist and leg with a bit of nen, as he turned to face me, pushing up, my fist connected with his jaw, with a slight cracking sound, he was sent flying and spiraling off the stage due to his own rotational force. It was a perfect TKO. This all happened in a mere second. Making it shortest match this tournament. I think Nemuri had heard the punch connect as she was currently wincing looking at the, now out cold Ida. Turning I made my way of the stage with Present Mic and Yachiru announcing my victory. Ida was taken to the medical room to get checked. I was pretty sure the boys jaw was a little cracked, but something like that is easily fixed by the old lady.

The following match was Katsuki Bakugo vs. Momo Yaoyorozu. When the battle began it was completely one sided. Bakugo had not given her any chance to react, the only thing she managed to create was a shield. With his signature shout, Bakugo rushed towards her and kept bombarding the shield with his explosions, not letting up even for a second to allow Momo to create anything. The shield began cracking, and heating up to insane temperatures. Not long after he let out a final large explosion, his assault then stopped. Momo used this chance let go of what was left of the shield, as well as to create a weapon, however, it was announced that she was out of bounds. With that the final match was set. I left going to the preperation room. Sitting inside enjoying the short break, the door was kicked open by Bakugo. Seeing me he asked why I was there before reading the door and realizing he was in the wrong room.

"You better use your full power, I'll crush it like I do everything else." he said turning to walk out.

Looking at his departing back, I shook my head. He's an interesting person. Even when he knows he can't win, he just let's his explosive personality boost his confidence.




NOW START!!!" yelled out present Mic.

Bakugo always using Instinct and if that's the case there's no way way in hell he'll fight me head on. As if to prove my point Bakugo instantly fired two Lage explosions towards me, at the same time using that explosion to fall back to the edge of the arena. Jumping back I dodged the two explosions. Looking at him I knew he would try end it in one shot.

"You'll regret making a fool of me. I'll freakin' kill you!!

I'm taking the first to end all firsts!! I will not lose to some quirkless wonder!!" shouted Bakugo at me.

Katsuki took to the air, and then using explosions to propel himself in a circular motion he created a big tornado. I knew this tornado would build up oxygen to fuel the incoming explosion.

"Howitzer Impact!!" he shouted.

"Then bring it, fool ya fool!!" I shouted back

With an upward spin kick I begin spinning faster and faster in the same clockwise direction as Bakugo, at some point the force quickly became a tornado, shielding me at the base of the tornado. Forming into a dragon with long whiskers, the outward surface of the dragon seemed to be solid enough for a person to impact and rebound off of, making the only way to enter this technique once it has been initiated, being swallowed.

"Konoha Ryūjin!!"(Leaf Dragon God)

The dragon moved to swallow the incoming Bakugo. As the two came together he released a massive explosion. Due to the rotation of the Konoha Ryūjin the explosion was contained making Bakugo eat his own explosion. However, that was not the end as the dragon swallowed him, the sharp winds within began cutting from all directions, I had to avoid killing him or I would have used the sharp winds to cut him into Nothingness. With the dragon movíng forward it blasted him out, launching him straight into the arena wall. The boy was covered in blood from head to toe. This caused all watching to draw in cold breaths. I wasn't really worried as most wounds were superficial and didn't cut deep enough to kill, his clothing however wasn't as lucky as it was long shredded to nothing. With the tornado dissipating, I became visible once more, standing with one hand behind my back, the other open in front of me, facing towards my opponent, palm facing upwards. (Lee's fighting stance)

People immediately took action to see if Bakugo was okay. Finding that he was fine with just a few broken bones.

"Bakugo is out of bounds!! So Yhwach is the Winner." announced Nemuri.


"Now let's move on to the awards ceremony!" spoke Nemuri.

"In third place we have both Momo and Ida, but Ida was forced to leave early due to a family emergency. We hope you all understand." she said.

She then continued, "And now for the medals!! Presenting them this year is… you know who!!"


"He's everyone's favorite hero… ALL MIGHT!!" said Nemuri cutting him off.

"Congratulations Momo, you're a smart one, but relying on that alone won't be enough to overcome an everwelming opponent. Hone your quirk to open a world of opportunity." Said All Might giving her a hug.

Bakugo was fully healed up Recovery girl. This time around he wasn't raging but seemed kinda sullen.

"That's a new look I'm seeing on your face. You did your best but you only came up a little short. Who knows maybe You'll beat him next. Continue to become stronger." All Might said giving him his medal and a hug.

He continued to me and spoke once again, "And finally Yhwach. In a world that's constantly graded on a curve, there aren't many who can continuously be on top. Con-" he was cut of by Yachiru who grabbed the medal from him.

Jumping towards me I caught her and lifted her, she put the medal around my neck and I put her on my shoulder.

"Ahem" fake coughed the man then continued, "Well these are your winners!!

But hold on everyone! Everyone here today has the potential to be standing up here!!

As you all witnessed! Competition! Encouragement! Pushing each other to climb higher and higher!!

The sprouts of today, will grow to become the heroes of tommorow!!

In that spirit let's have one final cheer!!