Chapter 27

Chapter 27: Rewards


With the conclusion of the festival we all headed to the main building, going to the classroom. Due to the festival we would be given the following 2 days off. Scouting reports and such from the pro heroes and agencies, would be waiting for us when we return. When we were dismissed everyone went their seperate ways, I kept sitting waiting for all to leave, after a while when all were long gone I stood up to leave. Making my way out of the classroom, I headed to the entrance of the main building. Turning a corner I ran into Nemuri.

"Well hello there champ, why are you here so late, could it be you're having a secret romantic rendezvous?" she asked, a mischievous tone could clearly be heard.

Smiling at her antics I responded, "Depends, you wanna have a secret rendezvous with me?" I asked.

She chuckled lightly."You're still a few years too early for that. If you're not careful I might just eat you up!" she said, sounding quite suggestive.

Knowing I wouldn't be able to keep up with her at word play as I was never the type, I simply threw all caution to the wind. At a speed she wouldn't be able to react to, our lips met.

Stepping back, I saw Nemuri's stunned face. I let out a smile.

"Who knows I might just devour you first." I said, leaving her frozen in place.

'Keiser it's about time I get my rewards.' I thought making my way home.

{Coming right up.}

{Bleach system hidden quest complete: Win the obstacle race.


-Murciélago(Murushierago; Spanish for "Bat", Japanese for "Great Black-Winged Demon") ×1.}

{Bleach system hidden quest complete: Win the calvary battle.


-Suzumebachi ×1.}

{Bleach system hidden quest complete: Win the tournament.


-Katen Kyōkotsu(Flower Heaven, Crazy Bone) ×1.}

{Naruto system hidden quest complete: Win the obstacle race.


-Free Spins ×3.}

{Naruto system hidden quest complete: Win the calvary battle.


-Free Spins ×5.}

{Naruto system hidden quest complete: Win the tournament.


-Genjutsu Crow contract. ×1.}

{Hunter x Hunter system hidden quest complete: Win the obstacle race.


-Magical Spa Services (Majikaru Esute) ×1.}

{Hunter x Hunter system hidden quest complete: Win the calvary battle.



{Hunter x Hunter system hidden quest complete: Win the tournament.


Hide and Seek (Fourth-Dimensional Mansion)

{Main system quest complete: Win all events.


-Mining System(A-Rank).}

{Main System hidden quest complete: Steal a kiss from a unsespecting party.


-100% Bakeneko Bloodline.}

'Okay Keiser please explain that Mining System. From my knowledge, Almost all A-Ranked systems have the power to easily destroy multiple universes.'

{Very perceptive of you. Well the Mining System is one that is part of the highest A-Ranked systems. It just fell short of S-Rank because of its supportive nature.

The system is as it states a system that gives resources, however the resources it has, range from common material like gold, all the way to materials only mentioned in myths and legends.

The system itself is a rare passive type system, meaning it basically is functioning at all hours of the day. The system has a level system. Think of it like idle games, they continue to run, all you need to do is buy and add new things when you level the system up.

The system possess its own universe if you will. However you will not have full access to it until you reach a certain level. You'll be the God of this universe. It's only occupants being Dwarfs who will have loyalty to you from the core of their very being. I will manage it as I know you possess no desire to do so. }

'Sweet Activate it. Give me the starter pack that comes with it.'

{comencing system integration:


{Mining system starter pack opened. You obtained:

-Mythril Mine.

-100% Dwarven God Sovereign Bloodline.

-Dwarven Multiversal Knowledge.}

'What kind of Bloodline is that.'

{Don't think about it too much Basically you've become the Father, God and Ancestor of all dwarfs.}

'Well I can live with that, give me that knowledge.'

{I cannot, if you were to receive that much information your head would explode at best. This is the combined knowledge, ideas, hypothesis, blueprints, skills, arts... etc. Of all dwarves that have been and is continuously growing every second as dwarves across all creation are born and coming up with more ideas.}


{What I can do for you is compile it all into a library within your soul world, and organize them for you, so you can read it properly. From basics upwards. You might never be able to read it all, however if you know a majority of the content, even God's of forging wouldn't have the right to call themselves as such. So make some clones have them start reading. Make sure they comprehend what they read, as world laws also exist in there.}

'Alright Intergrate the bloodline.'

'What does the Bakeneko bloodline offer.'


Flight: Bakeneko are able to fly through the air.

-Enhanced agility: Bakeneko are able to go from one movement to another effortlessly, allowing them to effectively dodge attacks, do backflips, swing from things, and numerous other athletic, gymnastic, and martial implements with ease.

-Enhanced balance: Bakeneko have extremely well-developed senses of balance, the positioning of limbs in space, centers of balance, and the physical conditions to use these facts.

-Enhanced bite: Bakaneko, due to their fangs, are able to deliver powerful bites.

-Enhanced climbing: Bakaneko are able to climb and otherwise move effortlessly up angled or vertical surfaces, such as rocks, walls, branches, etc., as long as they can gain ahold of it and keep their balance.

-Enhanced flexibility: Bakaneko are able to effortlessly bend and twist their bodies past mortal limits.

-Enhanced hearing: Bakaneko are able to hear with amazing clarity, distance, and even ultrasound.

-Enhanced jump: Bakaneko are able to achieve rocket-like jumps, while having hassle-free landings.

-Enhanced smell: Bakeneko are able to detect certain beings, beasts, objects, places, substances, etc., by nothing but their sense of smell.

-Enhanced speed: Bakeneko are able to move at superhuman speed.

-Enhanced stealth: Bakeneko have extraordinarily skillful expertise in numerous ways and techniques of stealth.

-Enhanced strength: Bakeneko are able to exert a great amount of strength from their muscles.

-Claws: Bakeneko are able to use their claws as powerful weapons.

-Night vision: Bakeneko are able to clearly and effortlessly see in either low light or even in complete darkness.

-Contaminant immunity: Bakeneko are able to neutralize all existing detrimental contaminants in their bodies.

-Matter ingestion: Bakeneko are able to consume and digest any substance without injury.

-Necromancy: Bakeneko are able to utilize spells to summon the dead, and control them like puppets.

-Pyrokinesis: Bakeneko are able to generate, shape, and manipulate fire.

-Dreamwalking: Bakeneko are able to enter the dreams of others.

-Feline communication: Bakeneko are able to communicate telepathically with cats and feline creatures.


Aquaphobia: Bakeneko, due to their feline nature, have a distinctive dislike of water. Almost all bakeneko suffer from this weakness, the main exceptions being demigods of the various sea/water Immortals.

You're immune to the weakness due to your Kun-peng bloodline not even to mention your Titans.}

Arriving I entered my soul world. There was a large building Atop a new floating island in the far distance.

'That doesn't look like it would have too many books."

{Thats the entrance. The actual library is in its own demention. It is also constantly expanding.}

'Well that system seems to be a cheat. I should try get more of them.'

{It is. That's why you can't buy them. They can only be given as system rewards as they will, more times then not. Give you records of entire Civilizations. They are quite rare, as I said.}

'Okay, that's fair. I wouldn't be able to afford them anytime soon. Use 10 free spins on the Naruto system.'

{10 spins + 1 bonus spins,

You received:

-Fūinjutsu (Sealing Techniques) basics ×1.

-Kusanagi no Tsurugi ×1

-Leaf Anbu uniform ×1

-Storage Scroll ×1

-Doton: Yomi Numa (Earth Release: Swamp of the Underworld).

-Kiri Gakure no Jutsu (Hiding Mist Technique).

-Yonbi Son Goku.

-paper bombs ×10

-Kuchiyose: Rashomon (Summoning: Rashomon)

-100% Hyuga Bloodline.

-Smoke bombs ×10

-100% Ashura bloodline.}

'Is it possible to split ashura's bloodline.'

{It is possible, it will cost 15 000 SP.}

'Do it.'

{Bloodline seperation complete. - 15 000 SP.

You obtained:

-100% Uzumaki bloodline.

-100% Senju bloodline.

Remaining: 1 300 000 SP}

'Thanks Keiser, Integrate them.'

While that was busy I went to visit the new arrivals. The first was Suzumebachi she was a very small, pink-eyed young woman with long brown hair tied into two long pigtails at the back. She has a collar of white fur around her neck, wears puffy shorts and leggings with alternating yellow-black stripes on them, and wears black shoes. She has a small yellow-black plate covering each breast, and has short, puffy, yellow-black striped sleeves covering each shoulder. Her entire right arm is covered by a segmented, yellow-black stinger longer than her own body. Suzumebachi emits a faint yellow glow at all times. I found out she's not very fond of impatience, due to me asking for her Shikai and Bankai, in the end she only shared her Shikai and chased me out. The next visit was to Kate Kyōkotsu(Flower Heaven, Crazy Bone).Katen's spirit is a tall, violet-haired woman with a red ribbon around her neck and a black eye patch covering her right eye. Her left eye is turquoise, and her hair is worn in two corkscrew pigtails with bangs framing her face. She wears an indigo cape with an imprint of a large skull and the two blades of Katen Kyōkotsu on it, and a long, dark dress with a significantly low-cut neckline, exposing her large breasts. She wears a golden bone headdress.

Kyōkotsu's spirit is shorter and younger in appearance than Katen. She has turquoise eyes and chin-length violet hair, which is styled so only her right eye is visible, with a skull decorating it. She wears a dark top which covers her lower face, her neck, and her arms, close-fitting shorts, and knee length socks. Over this, she wears a purple, hip-length coat fastened at the front by a dark purple sash. The tops of her thighs and the middle of her torso are left exposed. I ended up spending quite some time with her as she wanted to play games.

My last Visit was to Son Goku he was on an island with a massive tree that was situated in the center of a volcano. Son Gokū is a red-furred and green-skinned monkey, with a body-build of a gorilla. It has eyes with yellow irides and white pupils, spike-like protrusions along the length of its tails, elongated blunt fangs, and two long horns curving upwards on its forehead like a crown (both its fangs and horns are dark-tipped). In its mouth, Son doesn't have a tongue, but has an opening that is shaped like a dome volcano. He was extremely prideful and seemed to want to kill at all cost. He only calmed down after I had told him That Isobu was also within me. The fact that I knew his real name helped a great deal. After some persuasion he agreed to the same deal as Isobu.

With that done, I left the soul world signed both the slug and crow contract. And spent the night studying the sealing basics. It was only the next morning that I discovered that my eyes where now white, and I had perfect 360 degree vision, this was probably due to the fact that I had the purest bloodline. And with that I began training all my new techniques as well as refining the ones I already have.