Chapter 28

Chapter 28: Daily life.


It was the final day off, waking up I had realized that I had not received any knowledge from the clones within the Dwarven library, I decided to go check. Entering the massive doors with two golden Dwarven warriors ingraved onto them. I entered an new world filled with nothing but rows of books, the place itself seemed endless, it didn't take long to find my two clones. They were sitting at the table closest to the door staring blankly at a book each. Curious I had asked Keiser why the were like this. To my surprise they were all still reading their first book, the state they were in right now was a state of enlightenment. It could last anywhere from one day to millions of years. Knowing that I would benefit from it all when they are done, I left them to continue. Leaving the library I found the main world was unusually silent, there was no one. Black was probably with Hōzukimaru, the two apparently were having battles most of the time. The children spirits are usually up and about in the main world. Entering their personal worlds , they were empty. It's only when I went to one of the new additions that I found them. They were all sleeping within Katen Kyōkotsu's world. Katen had seemingly taken the role of their mother, absorbing the clone I left behind to keep them company so they wouldn't feel lonely when I was out, I found out that they had all played games together till they all dropped. It was quite nice till I ran into the information that Katen had proclaimed herself as my wife. Just like that I was married without my knowledge or consent.

I didn't mind the marriage part, it was without my knowledge part that annoyed me. However, there was no use crying over spilled milk. Souring my relationship with my zanpakuto's isn't something that was worth while. They are forever bound to me and are a part of me. I had already desided long ago that they would be free to do as they wished. I loved each and every one of them unconditionally. If you can't even love yourself, who will. Taking a final look at the sleeping little ones, I left to make breakfast for us, as well as the snacks for them to enjoy throughout the day. When that was done, I put the food away in my inventory and left. Deviding myself into as many clones as I can we all spread out all over the city doing our own thing. Some were practicing Chakra nature and Form manipulation, others where busy making our nen stronger and increasing it, Some where studying Seals and practicing the inscriptions, while others were busy practicing using kido at its full power without the incantations, Some where fighting to kill each other using strictly hand to hand combat, Whilst others did so using swords etc. All were busy with something, there was no chill, those had to practice justu had left the city and were all over the UA grounds, making sure to not be discovered.

If one looked at UA ground at this point. Streaks of lightning could be seen all over the place, Gaint Rashomon gates were popping in and out of existance, Mud rivers were flowing through the grounds, Gaint water Vortex could be seen being fired all over and wind Dragons were fighting each other all over the place. In simple terms the UA Grounds were in pure utter chaos at this time. When the sun was about too rise. A spesific clone welding the ability I had perchased the previous day, 'Shun Shun Rikka (Japanese for "Six Flowers of the Hibiscus Shield")', would go around rejecting the phenomena that had happened, returning everything to its previous state. I had discovered due to my immeasurably massive amounts of Reiryoku. I could use the ability, to cover an entire continent. This would cause the restoration effects to take a little longer, but that's only if you consider 5 minutes a long time. When used in small areas the proses was nearly instant. Due to me wanting to avoid its weakness I had imprinted the ability on a tattoo that was located on my upper arm, the design was that of a six sided Ninja Star.

When the restoration was complete, the ones outside the City were absorbed, and those within the city continued their rigerous training. Returning to the house we all had breakfast. The rest of the day was spent more training until the afternoon. After we had lunch I spent the rest of the day playing with the little ones. At night I desided to give them all a little gift, as well as get in some practice using one of the new Nen abilities at the same time. I conjured many Cookie's (クッキィちゃん, Kukkyi-chan) which uses different massaging techniques and a Nen-transmuted lotion to relieve fatigue and restore vitality to anyone it massages. It can also burn off excess fat and cure arthritis, muscle tension and locked joints. It is particularly useful for training/recovery purposes and to treat aging ailments. I also used this ability on myself. It wasn't too long before we all fell asleep. Being the first to awaken, I found myself on a very large futon with Katen sleeping beside me and the others surrounding me. Some on top of me, and others next to me on the opposite side of Katen. Seeing the happy smiles on all their faces, I felt as if all was right in the universe. Using my fastest sonido I got out and put a clone in my former place without alerting any of them. I began my usual routine.

Later that day me and Yachiru made our way to class once again. I was carrying a large gourd filled to the brim with the highest quality Dwarven brew. I discovered I had a craving for alcohol every now and then, this was caused by the Dwarven bloodline. The alcohol was quite potent as a single sip would instantly put a person into a wasted state. I had an extremely high tolerance so I needed something strong. However the amount I had wouldn't even make me tipsy, it's job was simply to combat the craving. I found out that the dwarfs in my newest system would give me large amounts of the stuff as a tribute weekly. Getting to main building I went to see Mei and spent the morning with her. She was always the first to arrive in her class as well as the last to leave. Soon time came for class to begin, Kissing Mei's cheek who was currently focusing on what she was building, caused her to look up at me in pleasant surprise, as I gave her a smile and made my way to my own class. That was my way of telling her classmates to stay away, she was mine. Entering the classroom I found that I was the last one to get there. No one seemed surprised however as they attributed it to the fame of winning the Festival. I didn't bother to correct them and simply made my way to my seat.

With the ringing of the bell everyone took their seats. Not long after Aizawa entered. He went on to inform us that we would be having 'Hero informatics' class, also that it would be a special one as we would be selecting our hero names. This information made the class erupt in excitement, however, a single glare from the man stopped them dead in their tracks. He went on to explain about the pro hero drafts. How the heroes and Agencies were taking interest and could just as easily retract their offer on their whims, this made me think of not taking part. On the rankings I only had the nineth place, this was most likely because of the knowledge that I'm quirkless, although I showed great strength in their eyes my potential is limited due to the fact, some also didn't want to acknowledge that a quirkless individual would be capable of competing with them. I had only 19 offers. I had more than Sero but less than Uraraka. This caused more looks of pity to be directed towards me. Seeing this I took a large gulp from my gourd. After that Nemuri came strutting in, I heard Jaws dropping, it took all my willpower not to use my Byakugan, you know, to do what every man does when he sees a beautiful woman, look straight at her heart, the fact that her breasts where in the way were a bonus. The moment her eyes went my way they met my own, I gave her a smile, her face turned slightly red, before turning to one of consern. Confused at this I heard her ask.

"What happened to your eyes?"

Her question caught me off guard, the only one to notice the change was Mei, but she didn't ask, she just stared for quite a while.

"Don't worry, I'm fine." I said, giving a wink.

We then began selecting names. I didn't really feel like coming up with one so I went with the classic

"I shall be known as the one who stands above all.

The Almighty

Yhwach (Yūhabahha)"