Chapter 31

Chapter 31: Rasengan


I stood behind Edgeshot, Hōzukimaru's blade held to his throat.

"How?" he asked, looking at the me he had tied up.

Kamui had finally snapped out of his delusions, reaching out, his wooden hands extended towards me seemingly trying to enclose and capture me. Removing Hōzukimaru from Edgeshots throat, I jumped away dodging the wood coming my way. No matter where I went they followed, cutting some down they regrew and reached for me yet again. Getting annoyed at this I looked up towards Kamui, our eyes met and in that exact instant I was before him, my fist buried deep within his gut. Clutching at his stomach, he fell forward, gasping for air.

"That would be my portable Gigai, an invention of mine." I answered, walking towards the one that was entangled by Edgeshot not long before, returning Hōzukimaru to his scabbard.

Edgeshot was frozen in place, this shock was probably the result of the speed I just exhibited. He himself could move at the speed of sound using his quirk, so the fact that he couldn't react at all seems to have shook him, however, it didn't last long as he calmed himself seemingly trying to decifer everything.

"Don't overthink it, this is due to my equipment, at the Festival what you saw was essentially an unarmed me. I wasn't allowed to use my equipment.

When I'm fully equipped, I'm an entirely different kind of monster." I said, deflating the Gigai, seemingly putting it somewhere within my haori, in reality storing it in my inventory.

The commotion seems to have startled the others in the building. Well it was to be expected with Kamui shouting out 'Sensei Hitsubaku Urushi Sarō(Lacquered Chain Prison)' before attacking. As they hurriedly made their way through the door, I took this as my sign to leave.

"Well I need to go get myself something from the store so be back in a bit." I said, leaving the room.

(Third Person POV)

Within the room Kamui was given some medical attention. His organs were probably a little shaken but otherwise he would be fine was the deduction.

"What happened?" asked Jiro Curiously, seemingly speaking the thoughts of all the newly arrived.

"We were testing Yhwach so I could measure were his strength was, in order to guide him accordingly, however he doesn't seem to need or want any guidance.

I'm not even sure if I would be able to beat him…" Looks towards Jiro, "What can you tell me about him?"

"Well I don't really know what you are asking, and I'll only give you general information that everyone knows." she said.

"Yes that's fine." Edgeshot answered, paying close attention.

"Well he's quirkless which you should already know. He's the best cook in the world, As well as the smartest if I had to say, although he's plenty strong on his own, when he has his creations with him, I feel he could easily beat most pro heroes.

So far everything he made can only be discribed as extraordinary. My costume was also made by him." she said with great pride, before she began showing off her costume with vigor, she was so animated that it was as if it was made by herself.

The presentation of hers took everyone by supprised at the sheer versatility the suit gave considering how simple her quirk was. Realizing she was probably going off topic she let out a fake cough and continued.

"He seems hard to approach at first as he mostly keeps to himself. You're right that he originally didn't want to take part in the internships, we all were told to participate.

He said that there's very little people could teach him that he couldn't learn by himself. He chose you because he felt you wouldn't really care if he did his own things. That's all I can tell you if you want to know more you have to ask Yhwach himself." she finished

"No need, I understand, if that's so I'll let him be and observe what he'll do. Thank you." answered Edgeshot, leaving the room.


Leaving the building I sent out a clone to watch over and take care of Yachiru, whilst I made my way to the nearest super market, I thought of finally learning the Rasengan, and some of its variations before I got them from the system, wasting a spin on something I could have learned myself. Getting there I bought many balloons and rubber balls. Making my way back to the agency, I filled some of the balloons with water and began the first step rotation. It didn't take too long as I already knew the trick to it. The popping of multiple Ballons got the attention of Edgeshot. Coming into the room he simply observed me, I didn't mind this as I would use the technique freely anyways. And even if they saw it few would be capable of replicating it. I moved on to the rubber balls this one was also quite simple as it was simply about power, my reserves of Chakra was massive and I had condensed my Chakra a lot since getting it, making it far more powerful than any human. Putting in a great amount of chakra into the ball, I began rotating it, I kept increasing the amount of chakra steadily.

The rubber ball in my hand began deforming greatly but I felt I could make the Jutsu far stronger than all its other counterparts. Reinforcing the ball with Nen its deformation stopped. I knew this could end very badly, but my curiosity, of what would come of this was immense. I began the third stage of practicing the Rasengan, containment. Focusing on the large amount of chakra that I could feel wanting nothing more than to burst out in all directions. I began trying to contain it and stabilize it, this was easier said then done. Trying a different approach, I increased the speed of the rotation gradually, I could feel it becoming easier to control. Few hours later, I was beginning to get the hang of it when I heard a notification.

{Congratulations Rasengan created,

You obtained:

-Free spins ×5.}

With the Chakra sphere stabilized, I began adding even more chakra slowly, when the stability would be broken I would stop and and begin the process of containing it once more. This would continue till the sun was about to set. Due to how focused I was I didn't register Jiro who had joined us a while back and was waiting for me. Realizing this I decided to end the refinement procces here. Removing the Nen protecting the rubber ball, it was instantly shredded to nothingness. The result didn't look like the Rasengan at all. It instead seemed like I was holding a solid glowing blue orb, occasionally within the orb a streak or two of chakra could be seen. Edgeshot seemed disappointed at what was in my hand, I didn't really care as I knew that this orb was more than meets the eye bringing it closer to the table in front of me, before it even made contact with the table, the part that was about to touch the orb started to dissappear as if there was nothing there to begin with. This seemed to grab the man's attention as he looked like he had just seen a ghost. Standing up I moved towards the wall and the same thing happened once more. With this I was happy for now. Knowing that letting it disperse freely would be unpredictable, anything could happen, might probably even kill us all. I used my Byakugan to get a closer look at it. Seeing what was happening I was quite intrigued, because of how fast I was rotating the Chakra, the force from the rotation caused all the Chakra to be pushed outwards towards the edge of the sphere. The sphere was basically hollow at the center. Due the extreme amounts of Chakra consentrated at the edge and the rotation speed, it simply grids anything that comes close enough, it grinds them into pieces so small that they can't be seen by the human eye.

Deciding to leave it for another day I left the place using Hirenkyaku reaching the forest I threw the orb, the orb became smaller, thinking I was too cautious I was about to leave but with the place the orb landed as the center everything in a 10 meter radius was gone, there was no loud explosion, just a flash of blue light and then there was nothing. Thinking of what could have happened if I had done this back at the agency, a chill went up my spine. Returning at my fastest speed, I apologized for the table, Edgeshot didn't mind and simply inquired about what I did with the orb, I told him I just threw it in the forest, I then wrapped my arm around Jiro's waist, and we walked out together. Taking our sweet time, I walked her home. On our way she told everything that happened with her today, as well as her conversation with the others. I was glad as it seems Edgeshot wouldn't care too much no matter what I did.

"Thank you for waiting for me." I said giving her a smile.

"It's fine, wasn't too bad." she said, before her face started turning a light shade of pink.

I was curious what she was thinking about, but I knew better than to ask. If thinking about it makes her like this, her head might explode if I said anything. Seeing a woman looking at us secretly from her house, I decided to take my leave. Planting a kiss on her lips, I wished her goodnight, she probably didn't hear me, that is if her blank stare into space was any indication. Smiling, I left.