Chapter 32

Chapter 32: Hyperactive Rabbit.


The following morning I went to the Yaoyorozu household, the mansion was quite massive. Walking up to the gate, I was stopped by guards. I didn't mind this as they were simply doing their jobs, however, it seems they didn't even take me seriously as they were quite condescending, seeing this would get me no where, I knocked them out, and made my way to the main entrance. Arriving I saw there was no doorbell, it was to be expected since if you were allowed in the gate keepers would notify the residents inside, I wanted to avoid dealing with more guards, so i used my nen to amplify the sound of my knocking, I had slightly used too much as it sounding like I was banging on the door. This alerted the whole mansion, before long surrounded us, not to worried I asked the one who seemed to be in charge, if Momo was in. He wasn't as full of himself as the gate keepers but there were quite many who gave their disdainful glances. After getting my name he entered the mansion to report. A little while later he returned inviting me in. Being taken into a large sitting room, I took the offered seat. Not long after I heard hurried foot steps, coming towards us, Shortly Momo rushed in still in her sleeping attire, her hair was in its natural state.

"Ahhh, am I little too early?" I asked looking her up and down.

She looked down before registering my words, and before I knew it, she dissapeard from the room, making me question if she had learned a movement technique. While I was wondering a woman walked who looked like a more mature Momo, greeting she explained that she had told her daughter that the guards had surrounded me outside and she jumped out of bed making her way down without consideration, hence her attire, chuckling at the news, I gave an explanation for the knocked out guards at the gate. It seems Momo's internship only started around mid day. I then remembered where she selected to go. Uwabami took on Momo and Itsuka as apprentices because she thinks they're both pretty. Momo believed it was great to be drafted by her and is willing to take on whatever lessons Uwabami has to offer. It's a shame, as she would only teach her how to keep up appearances, instead of something that actually matters.

Anyways it was currently only 07h30, hence why Momo was still sleeping. We had come here unannounced, because Yachiru had wanted to go with Momo today. We waited quite some time before Momo came down again. I could see she had put in a lot of effort when preparing herself, after inspecting her for some time, I complemented her and told her the reason for my arrival, seeing the slight disappointment. I promised to come spend a day at her house at a later date, this caused her to exhibit one of her most beautiful smiles. I handed her a small backpack that was weightless and had a internal space, before explaining it was snacks as well as lunch for her and Yachiru. Giving both of them a kiss on the cheek. I got up to take my leave.

I went to pick up Jiro next, and we made our way to the agency together. Like yesterday we chilled Atop the same building enjoying the view of the city below, having a light breakfast I had made for us. After an hour or so we finally made our way inside. Entering the building, we both went our seperate ways. Each of the heroes had their own floors. I made my way to the top floor, entering my eyes instantly made contact with a pair of red eyes which are tilted slightly inwards. These beautiful eyes belonged to a woman with an athletic build with muscular arms and legs. She has tanned skin, long eyelashes, and straight white hair reaching down past her waist. On her head, she has a pair of long white rabbit ears pointing upwards with a slight crook. Along with these, she also has a round white tail, which gives her overall appearance a definite resemblance to an albino rabbit. She is currently wearing a sleeveless white leotard with dark purple trim around her shoulders and waist, a wide, yellow crescent moon design over her chest, and two thick metal plates on her midriff. She wears purple thigh-high boots to compliment her leotard, with more plating around the heel and toe areas, making her feet look like those of a rabbit. She also has a pair of thick white gloves on her hands with long cuffs, sporting small triangular protrusions around their edges.

The moment she saw me, her lips curled upwards, and I could instantly feel her lust. Hers was a lust for battle unlike my own. Not even a second later a kick was heading for my face. The kick landed perfectly. I appeared right next to her, both looking at the Gigai whose face just got an extreme makeover.

"Why did you have to kick him so hard." I asked.

"I thought he would be able to…" she stopped halfway through her sentence, and another kick landed on my chest, imbedding me in a wall.

Appearing next to her once more, I spoke. "You know, I expect a date or something before we start smashing each other against the walls…" putting on a fake disappointed look, "what's happening with the youth of today." I said, shaking my head.

'Luna Arc (Runa Āku?)' She raised her leg and delivered a powerful front-facing axe kick on to my head causing me to kiss the ground.

Appearing a distance from her, I sighed before speaking, "Poor me, at least it was quick."

She rushed towards me once again.

… Few hours later.

The top floor was a mess, all around the place bodies could be seen laying lifeless. Doors were broken down, picture frames as well as broken furniture could be seen all around in no better state. Within one of the deepest rooms, the cause of all this were there. A heavily panting woman who was barely standing could be seen facing a young man who had a light smile on his face seemingly without a care in the world. She threw a weak punch towards me. Catching it, I saw her face gain a scary grin. Luna Tijeras (Runa Tihera?) She mounted onto my head and griped me tightly with her legs before twisting her body, pulling with all of her superhuman leg strength to rip my head cleanly off and then smashed it into the ground.

Appearing beside her once more I commented yet again, "Wow, remove the decapitation part, and I would be in heaven."

"So you finally done? Got it all out of your System? Or you still wanna kill me a couple more times?"

Smiling she answered, "I'm not done yet, I'm just getting warmed up."

"Yeah, I can see that.

Well my name is Yhwach, nice to meet you.

May I ask what did I do to anger you so much? Did I kill your family or something?" I asked her all at once.

Taking heavy breaths she answered, "I'm Rumi, I'm not trying to kill, you seemed like you would be a great opponent, and my intuition was right, now if you would only stop running." she mocked.

Lightly chuckling I responded, "Fine I'll fight, but after I beat you, you'll be married to me."

Laughing she responded, "In your dreams, kid."

"Aw the little rabbit scared?" I asked.

"Nice try kid, but that won't work." she answered with a smile.

"Well than fighting would be a waste of time, but at least I received some great eye candy." I said, beginning to collect all my Gigai.

Rumi was clearly exhausted, looking like she would fall over any second. After collecting them all, I walked up behind her slapping her ass. This seemed to give her strength as she kicked out towards me yet again in pure anger. This time however there was nothing for her to hit as I dissapeard.

"Consider it as payback and my declaration that you belong to me." I said Appearing a slight distance from her.

"You know I'm gonna kill you for that you bastard." she said staring Daggers at me.

"I regret nothing." I said, walking out the building.

I was a little annoyed with Edgeshot as he didn't even attempt to stop her, he simply left when the girl started going after me. He probably told others to stay out of it as well, as even after all that noise nobody had come. So I'll just leave him with the mess.

Rumi is tough and speaks her mind, even if it causes confrontation, and she respects those who do the same. She embraces life-threatening situations with a bright grin and is constantly searching for the next big adrenaline kick, smiling in the face of danger. She does not back down, even when she is overpowered by stronger enemies. With her it was always best to get straight to the point.

Returning to the roof across the street, I sat on the ledge, and began learning the 'Fūton: Rasenshuriken(Wind Release: Spiralling Shuriken/Wind Style: Rasen Shuriken)