Chapter 34

Chapter 34: Fall of Stain

"Grow, Hōzukimaru!!(Demon Light; Viz:"Winter Cherry")"

Completing the command, a dense swirl of Reishi covered the sword and its sheath. Clearing what was revealed was no longer a sword but instead it took the form of a naginata with a wax-wood shaft and a red horsehair tassel on its pommel. Looking at the Nomu I had just split in half, It's 2 halves began reconnecting. The Nomu was nearly identical to the one I killed at the USJ, the difference was the lack of eyes as well as the lack of the shock absorption quirk. Jumping towards it once more. Swinging Hōzukimaru I slashed off its arm, blood gushed, and a loud Roar of pain shook my ear drums. It retaliated immediately with a punch. Seeing this I used 'Shu' and blocked with the shaft. With a loud bang I flew back a bit. The force behind the hit wasn't too bad.

[A/N:Shu (Shū; "Enfold") is an advanced application of Ten. Shu allows a user of Nen to enshroud an object with their aura, allowing them to use that object as an extension of their own body. For example, one could use Shu to extend their Ten around a weapon, which would strengthen and protect it. Shu can be combined with other techniques, such as Ko.]

The arm I had cut off regenerated fast. Charging at the Nomu I thrust at his leg. With a Stab, more blood gushed out. Jumping to the side, I dodged a punch and slashed out . Causing a pained shriek to come out along with the blood from the slash under its arm. He charged towards me. Sidestepping it's assault. I slashed at its tendons, disabling it's hamstrings, with a Roar it fell forwards. Preparing to thrust at the back of its neck, it was sent flying by a foot landing on the side of its face.

"Hey, little rabbit, get your own training dummy. I was here first." I said to Mirko.

"You snooze you lose, there are only three and he's the strongest, so go away and let the grown-up handle this. Besides you don't have a license so you can't really be here." she replied mockingly.

"Baka usagi(Idiot Rabbit)." I muttered, Sighing I looked at the incoming Nomu. Seeing the power behind the punch it threw wasn't enough to injure the girl, I used Hōzukimaru's length to disrupt her balance as she was about to jump, forcing her to take the hit. She was blasted into the building behind her. With a blue spinning orb in my hand(Rasengan), I thrust it into its stomach blasting it in the opposite direction. Putting Hōzukimaru on my shoulder I walked away.

Hearing the curses of the girl behind me, a smile made its way on my face. Looking at the other two Nomu's, I gave up on them. The flying one had Edgeshot on its ass. While the four eyed one was facing against a Endeavor as well as an extremely short, elderly man with heavy wrinkles and a scrawny build, Who was flying all over the place. Looking to where Stain was, I was supprised as the boy still tried going for revenge. I thought healing his brother might change things. Guess I was wrong. Activating Hirenkyaku, I dissapeard.

(Third Person POV)

Stain is in an alley, overhearing the chaos in Hosu and realizes that Tomura has made his move. He decides to leave Tomura to his own mechanisms while he finishes his business, preparing to kill the pro-hero Native with his katana. However, He feels the presence of someone approaching him from behind and uses his katana to slash at the person, knocking the person down to the ground as well as knocking off the person's helmet and glasses (Tenya). Stain sees that the person who tried to attack him is a child, telling the child to leave. Tenya gets up, telling Stain that he has been searching for him and looks at the Hero Killer with vengeful eyes. Stain points his katana at Tenya and says that he has avenging eyes, warning Tenya to not meddle with him and that if the situation demands it children will also be targets. Stain prepares to go and finish his job of killing the pro hero. Seething with rage, the angered Tenya yells to Stain that he is the brother of a pro-hero he cut down and he has come to stop Stain in his stead. Tenya tells Stain to never forget his hero name; Ingenium, which is the name of the hero that will take him down. Seeing that Tenya is serious about being a hero, Stain tells Tenya to prepare for death.

The battle between Stain and Tenya begins. Tenya uses a high-speed kick, only to be dodged by the Hero Killer. He smashes Tenya into the ground and stabs Tenya's shoulder with his katana. Stain says that both Tenya and his lost because they are fake heroes, causing Tenya to rebuke the Hero Killer's claim, declaring that his brother was a true Hero and that he will kill Stain to avenge him. Stain advises Tenya to first save the injured pro hero, which shocks Tenya. He says that he must not act out of vengeance since that is the act furthest from the title "hero". Stain licks his bloodied katana and activates his Quirk which immobilizes Tenya. Stain was about to deliver the finishing blow. However, Izuku suddenly appears, having activated One For All throughout his body and punches Stain in the face with his enhanced might, preventing the Hero Killer from finishing off Tenya. Izuku announces his arrival and declares that he came to save Tenya. Unbeknownst to them a pair of eyes were watching them.

Stain praises Izuku for his efforts and threatens Izuku that he will kill Tenya if he gets in the way, asking the young Hero what he will do. Izuku plans on what to do, two people are injured and require protection. Izuku decides that he must protect Tenya and the pro hero by trying to drive Stain away. Tenya orders Izuku not to get involved since his fight with Stain has nothing to do with him. Izuku responds to Tenya's order, saying that heroes would not be able to do anything by following Tenya's logic. Izuku puts on a brave face and says that getting involved in other people's business is one of the principal qualities of a hero; Stain smiles at Izuku's statement.

Izuku and Stain begin their battle; Izuku activates One for All Full Cowl throughout his body and Stain charges at the young hero. Izuku manages to get close to Stain and runs through the gap between Stain's legs, avoiding the hero Killer's katana and dagger slash. Stain counters by slashing at Izuku with his katana, but Izuku dodges by jumping into the air and above him. Izuku, above the Hero Killer, uses 5% Detroit Smash on Stain, delivering a powerful blow to Stain's head. Tenya is shocked at Izuku's fast movements, comparing them to Katsuki's movements. Stain, unfazed by Izuku's move, licks his dagger and activates his Quirk; Izuku becomes immobilized and unable to move.

Stain, impressed with Izuku's actions, decides to spare Izuku, saying that there is worth in keeping him alive he then prepares to kill both Tenya and the pro hero since they according to him have no worth. Izuku yells at Stain to stop but to no avail. Suddenly, a column of fire and a column of ice attack Stain, but Stain manages to avoid the attack of fire and ice in the nick of time. Shoto reveals himself, being the one that attacked Stain with fire and ice. While Izuku and Tenya are surprised at Shoto's arrival, Shoto tells Izuku that Izuku didn't text the message specific enough and caused him to arrive almost late. Shoto begins battling the Hero Killer and manages to hold him off using both his ice and fire powers. However, the Hero Killer's highly adept combat skills pressurize which nearly overwhelm Shoto. Suddenly, Izuku activates One For All Full Cowl and leaps in to stop the Hero Killer's attack; Stain retaliates by knocking Izuku away with his elbow. Izuku and Shoto fall back. The two young heroes start to realize that the Hero Killer's immobilization Quirk has to do with blood types to which Stain states that they are correct. Izuku and Shoto begin strategizing with Shoto stating that they will protect Tenya and the pro hero.

Izuku and Shoto team up to battle Stain. Izuku activates One For All Full Cowl and tries to attack the Hero Killer, but Stain slashes at Izuku with his katana, causing Izuku's leg to bleed; Stain licks his katana and activates his Quirk, which paralyzes Izuku; Izuku apologizes to Shoto as Tenya tells them to stop. Shoto replies that if Tenya wants to stop them he must stand up. Now that Izuku is immobilized, Stain sets his sight on Shoto; he cuts through Shoto's wall of ice, removing Shoto's defense and prepares to attack Shoto. Cutting through the air a Shuriken went past Shoto's head. Stain used his katana to block it, however from its shadow came another. Unable to stop it in time, the second pierced his shoulder. At the exact same time a sandle was buried in his face. Dynamic Entry, said the man standing before Shoto his haori and air dancing in the wind.


I had gotten too absorbed in spectating. Due to Edgeshot and Mirko's presence they dealt with the Nomu very fast and the heroes were already just around the corner, I had to act. My loot depended on it.

"Take your friends and leave." I said. Rushing stain.

Throwing kunai, sparks flew as they clashed with two Daggers. At a fast speed I slashed downwards. With Stain jumping back, a pillar of dust was raised high. Before stain could even land, Hōzukimaru like a snake stabbed through the dust heading straight for his heart. Clashing with his crossed blades, they shattered. The force blasting him out the alley, nearly hitting a hero who was about to enter. Dissappearing from my spot, I reappeared behind Stain, blasting him into the air. Dissappearing once more. I appeared above him. I smashed him to the ground using the force to push me up as well. Reaching the apex of my climb, I bent one foot, straightened my body, increased my weights and with my extended foot glowing with Nen, I decended.

'Eagle stamp'(Kings Avatar, Eagle stamp)