Chapter 35

Chapter 35: Aftermath

Decending on stain a white streak passed. With my landing an earthquake shook the ground and the ground shattered sending shockwaves in all directions, destroying the nearby buildings. Jumping out of the crater, I looked towards the extremely short, elderly man, holding onto the Hero Killer.

"It seems everyone is making a habit of interfering in my battles." I said, annoyed at the man. I disappeared.

"That's enough Yhwach, he's not a villain!!" Shouted out Edgeshot from above.

I had moved at my fastest speed, using a big syringe, to take some of Stains blood, before going back to the spot I was and slowed down making it seem like all I did was charge at Grand Torino. With Edgeshots shout, I stopped, Hōzukimaru only millimeters from the old man. Grabbing at the middle of Hōzukimaru's shaft, Reishi swirled once more, revealing a sword in one hand, and it's sheath within the other. This seemed to surprise the old man, preparing to attack me. Paying no mind I sheathed Hōzukimaru returning him to my side. With my gourd in hand, I took a gulp, and headed towards the four coming out of the alley. It seems my words were ignored and Ida had gotten free from Stains quirk. Midoriya as well, with the only still out being, the pro Native. Every single one of them was in good shape.

Stain suddenly got up and his bandaged mask fell off, revealing that he does not have a nose, shocking everyone. Stain, despite his heavy injuries, steped forward and stated that the fake heroes must be rectified and the word hero must be restored. He urged the "pretenders" to try and stop him. He continued walking forward and declared that the only one who is allowed to kill him is All Might. Stain unleashed a bloody malefic aura which instilled fear into everyone present, in retaliation I released some of my own, falling down on Stain like an unstoppable tide, one of the Pro Heroes fell down out of fear, Shoto and Tenya fell to their knees, Izuku became terrified, Gran Torino became tense and even Endeavor took a step back. Stain with extreme difficulty took a step forward, but the grievous injuries of his nearly shattered body as well as the pressure pushing down on him causes Stain to finally lose consciousness. Everyone is shocked and stunned that even though the Hero Killer lost consciousness, Stain is still standing. His will power alone kept him up.

'Keiser give me the drops of this event.'

{Comming Right up

Bleach system hidden quest complete: Defeat the Hero Killer.


-Sakanade (Counter Stroke) ×1.}

{Naruto system hidden quest complete: Defeat the Hero Killer.


-Ashura Chakra ×1.}

{Mining system hidden quest complete: Defeat the Hero Killer.


-Trinium mine (Found in the Stargate universe, it is given the symbol Ke. In its unrefined form it is brittle and useless, but when refined it is a hundred times stronger and lighter than steel.) ×1.}

{Hunter x Hunter system hidden quest complete: Defeat the Hero Killer.


-Tiger Bite Fist (Kokōken) ×1.}

{Main system quest complete: Participate in the Hosu incident.


-80% discount coupon for 1 item Omniversal conversion ×1.}

The next day I was told to go to the Hosu General Hospital, Izuku, Shoto, and Tenya where recuperating there. Izuku concluded that Stain allowed them to live as he had the power to kill them at any time to which Shoto agrees. Shoto looked towards me, before thanking me for saving them, in response I simply nodded turning my attention to the door. Manual and Gran Torino announced to us the 'young heroes' that we had a visitor, 'The Chief of the Police Force, Kenji Tsuragamae', a tall looking human with a dog-like face. Tsurugamae told us about Stain's condition, that he had severe injuries but is alive and is being treated, looking at me with a side glance. He then begins to tell us that since the appearance of Quirks the police refused to use Quirk users in the Police Force out of fear that Quirks would be used as weapons and that was why Heroes were rose up to fill that position, but only if they followed strict rules and morals, as even young heroes like ua that aren't ready to take such roles may harm other with their Quirks if they aren't with their guardians or supervisors.

Even if it was the Hero Killer, it would still be considered breaking the law, as such because we were not with our supervisors during yesterday's incident, Tsuragamae told us that we and our guardians (Manual, Endeavor, Gran Torino and Edgeshot) must receive punishment for breaking the law. Furious, Shoto says that had they not gone into action Tenya and Native would have been killed by Stain, He prepared to lash out at the Chief of Police, angry that he expected them to sit idly and do nothing but obey the law, Gran Torino and Tenya stop him. Tsurugamae says that was just his opinion as a member of the Police Force, as stated that we would have been punished had it been an "official disclosure".

Since there were not enough witnesses to report the incident regarding Stain, Tsuragamae states that he will cover up the incident but as a result of Izuku, Shoto and Tenya will not get any recognition for their valiant efforts, in my case there were already videos showing my Eagle Stamp circulating, however as I am quirkless that specific law doesn't apply to me, on top of that Edgeshot as well as Mirko were technically there so I had two supervisors. Tsuragamae admits that he is covering up the story because he didn't want us to get into trouble. Izuku, Shoto, and Tenya thank the Chief of Police. Tsuragamae says that Izuku, Shoto, and Tenya have a promising future awaiting them, Tsuragamae gave them a bow for their heroic actions and thanked them for keeping the peace, ignoring me, shaking my head at him, I wished them a speedy recovery as Ida's hand was in short, 'fucked'.

At the end of the week, the workplace training came to an end. With our internships concluded we returned to school. In the class everyone was talking to one another about their experience. Denki notes that the people who improved the most are Izuku, Tenya, Shoto and Myself because of their encounter with the Hero Killer. Tokoyami comments if they have actually seen my true strength? This caused the classroom to go silent and eyes went towards me yet again, ignoring them, they all went back to their chatter. Most of the class approached the trio, Izuku, Tenya and Shoto and asked what happened, but Shoto says that Endeavor as well as myself saved them from the Hero Killer instead of the truth. Denki comments that Stain is kind of cool despite being a villain. Stains popularity, still skyrocketed.

Afterward, we all attended our next class; Foundational Hero Studies with All Might. All Might says that our lesson will be a rescue training race through Playing Ground Gamma (a construction site with many densely packed lanes which makes it look like a labyrinth). Me and Yachiru put on our omni-directional mobility gear, when we were changing, I didn't wear the ambu flak jacket or haori, wearing only the inner armor. The class must race through the construction site and to the area in the middle to meet up with All Might. We would be split into four groups of five with the exception of one team having 6 for the training lesson. Izuku, along with Ojiro, Tenya, Mina, Hanta and Myself were the first group that would partake in the rescue training race. The class comments on who will win, Momo and Kyoka note that Izuku is at a disadvantage due to his grievous Quirk with Katsuki saying that Izuku will lose, others think that Tenya, Ojiro, Sero, Mina and Myself all have an equal chance at winning.

The race begins, with that me and Yachiru shot out in the lead. This place was a paradise O.D.M. Gear users. Without contest I won the race with Yachiru following right behind me. And so the class went on and came to an end. Returning to the changing rooms I had to threaten to remove Mineta's eyes as he tried to use a peep hole. I could see the girls shudder on the other side when I activated my Byakugan, to make sure there were no other holes. Making our way to class, we found Aizawa waiting for us. He continued to explain that it would be irrational to let us have a summer vacation, and so there would be a summer camp in the woods, However those who failed the upcoming exams would be stuck in summer school. With that said and done we were dismissed. After waiting for everyone to depart, I saw that the girls did the same, presumably wanting to spend time with me. Seeing this I took them with me to Mei's class. Mei didn't mind them at all and used it as an opportunity to show off her babies. She had gotten an internship at one of the big support companies. We spent the day together and I walked all the girls home Afterwards.