Chapter 46

Chapter 46: Bending Boot camp

(MC Clone POV)

It's been 2 days. All the clones had been reading. Our efforts were mostly focused on learning the different styles of bending. After memorizing and having all the knowledge, we left the building.

Outside the library we split ourselves till there were 11 000 of us. Splitting into five groups. Four of the five groups each consisted of 2 500 members. Each of these four groups were stationed at each of the four cardinal directions with the tower as their center. A cero was launched in the directions of one of the four groups. The cero's explotion created a massive crater.

A few jumped into the crater. Using chakra earth nature transformation. The walls of the massive crater were compacted, compressed and hardened to an extreme degree. Jumping out of the massive crater another Clone began weaving hand seals.

"Suiton: Bakusui Shoha (Water Release: Exploding Water Shockwave)"

The Clone spat out a great volume of water from their mouth, a great volume of water surged out seemingly wanting to swallow all in its path. The Clone road the waves, allowing him to move at high speeds towards the edge. The amount of water created was proportional to the amout of chakra used. And just like that a giant lake was created in the desert.

One by one the 2 500 clones jumped towards the lake all of them far apart from one another. Standing Atop the lake they began waterbending training.

The other groups were all already practicing their respective elements. The bending styles were each centered around a different martial art. I already knew this and had grabbed more complete and perfected styles when I was in the MHA world.

Tai chi formed the basis of waterbending. Inspiration was taken from the style's fluidity, connectivity and adaptability, all of which became fundamental concepts for all three waterbending styles.

Hung Gar formed the basis of earthbending. Inspiration was taken from the style's low stances, rooted power and strength.

The Northern Shaolin system formed the basis of firebending. In particular, Northern Shaolin highlighted fire in the sense that the element has many manifestations. When controlled, it is one way and when out of control, the art becomes something completely different. Firebending features very powerful and dynamic footwork, arrow-like forward attacking techniques, feather-like retreating techniques and employs the "light as a leaf, heavy as iron" concept of fighting.

Ba Gua forms the basis of airbending. It utilizes light circle walking techniques and the "Eight Trigram Palm". The fundamental concept of airbending is similar to Ba Gua in that a bender shifts and rotates their center in order to counteract resistance and attack.

The remaining 1 000 clones entered the library to continue studying.


The following day the crew continued their search. I just circulated my energies once more. After my morning training I had decided to dedicate a few thought partitions to constantly keep circulating my energies at all times. However when I took my first step my foot made a deep indent on the floor. As such I had to practice control, and I increased my weights while I was at it to intensify my training.

I made my way to the kitchens to cook myself some breakfast. I had already told the crew that I would always cook my own meals. They seemed to have taken offense as it sounded like I was implying they would attempt to poison me. This misunderstanding was resolved the moment they saw me cooking. My cooking had reached a level were it could be considered an art form.

Just as I was about to begin eating, I was interrupted by zuko's shout. Looking up, I saw a Flare going off in the distance. Zuko had found the Avatar. Returning my attention to my meal I found it had vanished turning my head, I saw the old man busy eating, the scene seemed natural. My lip violently twitched as it was exactly my food he was busy devouring. I stared at him, but he was so focused on the food he didn't even notice. Shaking my head, I pulled out my Gourd and began drinking, forgetting about the matter, next time I'd just make him a portion as well.

Me and the old man had gotten along quite well, he had taught me the game Pai Sho and we would play, when we both had nothing to do while others were searching for the Avatar. As I would always lose I applied the golden rule. If you can't win, then cheat. Following up I began creating a nen ability that allowed me to rapidly improve while playing the game. I'd also join him for tea, the man was a grandmaster when it came to brewing tea. This coming from someone with the God tongue.

We soon reached the Southern Water Tribe. The ship easily got past the "Defense Wall". With the dropping of the ramp we disembarked. A teenage boy charged at us, zuko paid him no heed as he simply kicked him aside. Looking around I saw there were only woman and children here. I shook my head at this, as I couldn't help but wonder what the men of this village were thinking. Going to war leaving their families unprotected like this.

"Where are you hiding him?!" questioned Zuko.

The only response he got was silence, seeing this he stepped forward grabbing an elderly woman and pulling her by her collar.

"He'd be about this age, master of all four elements?!" he said holding the woman out.

However, all he received once more was silence. I could tell he was getting annoyed. Shoving the woman towards the girl he was about to lash out. Moving forward I grabbed his arm, stopping him from using his firebending. He looked at me with anger. Without a change of expression I spoke.

"This is just a village of woman and children. These people cannot even oppose you in any way, shape or form, yet you want to use your bending.

If you threaten these kids with your bending I promise you, it will be the last thing you ever do." I said, Throwing him aside.

He looked at me in fury, but we were interrupted by the boy who had been kicked before. He was currently charging towards me. Lifting my hand, I simply caught his weapon between two fingers, stopping his momentum dead in its tracks. I buried my fist in his gut, he fell to his knees clutching at his core, I through him over to the tribe.

"We are just looking for an Airbender, just tell us were he is and we will be on our way." I said, in a bored tone, looking looking straight to the elderly woman.

"He left a while ago." she answered. This seemed to get to anger the girl beside her as she exclaimed, "Gran Gran!"

Noding to the old lady I turned around seemingly to leave. However, I stopped and stared in a certain direction. Shortly after, I saw the Baldy approaching at great speeds Atop a rather large penguin. Jumping up and stepping on his head, he flew past beneath me.

The penguin through the boy of its back. Warbling away shouting curses and vulgarities aimed at the Airbender. Poor guy seemed pissed. I would be to if someone used me as a snowboard. As I was feeling sorry for the penguin, Zuko and Aang were preparing for battle.

"Just hand yourself in kid, look around you, if you fight him, they would be collateral." I said, pointing at the people behind him, as I made my way into the ship.

The boy heeded my words and surrendered.

"Set a course for the Fire Nation!! I'm going home." Said Zuko following behind me. With everyone on board the ship began its departure.