Chapter 47

Chapter 47: Stepping out


With the ship on route, I decided to start on my main mission. Returning to my room, I lied down on my bed. I closed my eyes and expelled my soul from my body. Leaving the ship, I used Sonído, heading straight towards the location I had previously seen the currupted spirits. Arriving there I used my Byakugan to locate the spirit forest where the southern spirit portal was. It didn't take too long for me to find the forest that had been frozen. With a snap of my finger a Garganta opened in front of me. I emmidiately stepped in.

When I had first arrived in this world I had felt the existence of the spirit world. As one who has a powerful soul I felt that could freely travel between the two planes, although I couldn't control where I would land. However, this can be fixed by entering the spirit world at one of the places that has a connection to it as well as exploring the spirit world.

In certain places, the landscape of the Spirit World seems to conform closely to the area of the physical world that functions as its entry point, to the extent that a human crossing over might not immediately notice the difference. In other places, the geography of the Spirit World has no relation to the physical world and the two settings vary considerably.

The first example of one such place is, the Forgetful Valley situated outside the Fire Nation village of Hira'a, It is comprised of thick wilderness and four mystical, crystal-clear pools of water. On occasion, usually once a season, a wolf spirit would drink from one of the four pools. The valley is home to the Mother of Faces, whose presence can be discerned upon observing the various fauna and flora, they exhibit face-like markings when the spirit is nearby.

Another would be The Spirit Oasis located in the Northern Water Tribe at the base of a waterfall behind the chief's palace. It is the center of all the spiritual energy in the entire North Pole and, unlike the rest of the region, has a warmer climate able to facilitate the growth of vegetation. Two koi fish swim in a central pool of the oasis and are the mortal forms of Tui and La, the Moon and the Ocean Spirits. Under normal circumstances, if one sets foot in the pool it acts normal. However, sometimes it can open as a portal to the Spirit World, and even be used to drag people nearby it to the Spirit World.

Due to me entering the spirit world at the Southern spirit portal, the Garganta opened at the field where Raava and Vaatu battled during Harmonic Convergence. The plain consists of streams of water and rocky formations and is enclosed by a chain of mountains. In its center was the location of my target, there stood the Tree of Time, where Vaatu was imprisoned after his defeat.

Legends state that the Tree of Time's roots bind the two worlds together and is a source of great spiritual energy. In the era of Raava, the ancients used to commune in the hollow of the tree to connect with the great cosmic energy of the universe, before Vaatu was imprisoned in the tree by Avatar Wan.

Walking up to the tree I felt its massive vitality.

'Keiser could this tree actually be a Yggdrasil tree?'

{You are correct, however the proper term would be a Yggdrasil sapling. It can't really grow as the energy in this world is too lacking and cannot nourish it. Instead it's using its vitality to nourish everything around it.}

'Ah I see, in that case I'll steal it later. By doing so the two worlds would be seperated. And I get a tree that might one day be one of my greatest treatures.'

{Two birds with one stone.}

[A/N:The Tree of Time is similar to Yggdrasil, the Tree of Life in Norse mythology. It is believed that the latter connects the nine realms of Norse cosmology, while the former connects the mortal and spiritual realms. So I simply made it a Yggdrasil Tree.]

Using Sonído I appeared right before Vaatu's cage. Looking at the spirit in front of me, I was slightly surprised. His size was far bigger than I expected.

"A Human?" Exclaimed the spirit seemingly supprised. Then again no human has been here for almost 10 000 years.

"Vaatu I presume?"

"Correct. Since you know my name I take it you came looking for me."

"I came to offer you a deal. I get you out of this cage, and you merge yourself with me." I said

"How about you give me your body instead." he replied.

"You don't stand a chance against Raava and her host otherwise."


"How do you plan to do that, the Southern spirit portal is closed, and without it, You'll never leave this place. With me at the very least you get to prove you're superior to Raava by merging yourself with someone better. You'll be released from this prison."

"Very well." he responded.

Stepping into his prison, we began merging. Vaatu's large body seeped into my smaller soul combining.

The fusion took some time. Jumping out of The tree, I saw the area around the tree became brimming with life, without Vaatu's presence the place changed completely. Taking a few steps forward I paused. My eyes glowed Red and Vaatu attempted to take control of my body.

With a laugh he spoke, "I lived ten thousand lifetimes before the first of your kind crawled out of the mud! It was I who broke through the divide that separated the plane of Spirits from the material world! To hate me is to give me breath. To fight me is to give me strength. How naive to think I would submit to a human. Now prepare to face oblivion!"

However just as he spoke, a powerful Reiatsu shot out completely suppressing Vaatu. Moments later we both appeared inside my soul world. Looking at Vaatu who was looking around in shock, I spoke.

"You're so predictable, and I truly hoped you wouldn't have done that."

Portals began opening and one by one Black along with all my zanpakuto spirits emerged. Every last one of them released their Reiatsu along with their killing intent, falling upon Vaatu like a terential rain. Looking at Vaatu that couldn't even stand from the pressure, I continued.

"Now you shall face the consequences of your actions." I turned to the others, "As long long as you don't kill him, you may do with him as you please."

Turning around to leave, screams of agony were heard behind me.

Exiting the Soul world I was once again before the tree. I made some shadow clones to explore the spirit world for me. Snapping my Fingers the Garganta opened, and I stepped in without hesitation. As I already knew where my body was, I appeared right in front of my body on the ship.

It seems aang began his escape already, I heard the commotion outside, activating my Byakugan to investigate, I was just in time to see aang in his avatar state use water to wash away the soldiers. The two water tribe siblings landed not long after taking aang, as they were flying away zuko and his uncle shot a fireball at them, true to the storyline aang used his air bending to redirect the blast, causing damage to zuko's ship.