Chapter 49

Chapter 49: The attack on Kyoshi


After we set sale, I decided to show my fire bending. This was done to get the fire breath from Iroh. Although he was a little surprised I was a firebender considering where they found me, he was not too stingy when it came to teaching, like that I became his second student. He was honestly a good teacher. Zuko had no idea how fortunate he was to have such a teacher.

During the late afternoon I practiced Zanjutsu. On the ships deck. One day Zuko joined me, asking for a spar, which sounded more like a command. I simply told him to get lost. I knew the one who recommended him to join me was Iroh. Even if Iroh himself wasn't a swordsman, being friends with a master swordsman like Piandao, as well as his experience as a General, would he really be unable to tell the skill level of someone. I honestly can't stand the kid. He does eventually mellow out becoming more bareable, however, as of now his pride and arrogance is annoying.

As one who does not mind arrogance and understands that arrogance and pride are nearly one and the same, I don't care if one is arrogant as long as the person in question's arrogance stems from their own achievements, then I might even give you some respect, hence I never really had anything against Bakugo. However, in this brats case, his pride and arrogance comes from his status as prince of the fire Nation. This sometimes makes the urge to kill him surface during times when he speaks to me as if he's above me.

I only agreed to spar with him when Iroh requested it personally while we were playing our game of Pie Sho. Although I'm a Narcissistic, Selfish and Self serving Bastard, I wasn't ungrateful. So I would just fight him, I wasn't gonna teach a thing, but I would be giving him plenty of experience, and new scars everytime we fought, they weren't fatal, just extremely vicious, by the time this journey is done his scars will have scars.

I also began experimenting with new ingredients. On our way I had stocked up on plenty of, Puffin-seal, Arctic hens, possum chickens, Turtle ducks, Boar-q-pine, Hippo-ox and Komodo chicken.

At the end of the day, a river of knowledge flew into my head, what caught me off guard was the tremble in my soul. After putting the received memories in order, I then realized why, the language I just learned was none other then Dovahzul, This knowledge came from one of my clones in the Dwarven library. It seems that the fundamentals also included learning every language, especially ones that wield power. Due to my orders to the clones they wouldn't disperse until they understood everything.

This clone only now understood the first language, if it wasn't for my powerful soul I would need to absorb a dragon soul to learn this. But I bypassed it, in turn I couldn't use the thuum, for that I would need to merge my soul with one of a dragon. I immediately knew witch I would go for, I would not accept the soul of some second class dragon. This meant that I had to make a trip to the Profound Sky Continent at some point. With that another clone began studying the next language.

The following day when we had docked for replenishing supplies, a member of the crew had overheard one of the merchants. He reported that the avatar was on Kyoshi, it seems he had spent quite a long time there, basking in the glory of his past life. With this knowledge in hand. Zuko prepared some Rhino's for the occasion and set a course for the Island of Kyoshi.

We arrived on the island in the late afternoon of the following day. Zuko took a squad on rhino's, I dissapeard jumping from tree to tree.

(Third Person POV)

Kyoshi Village.

Aang informs Katara that he is going to locate the unagi and ride the creature. After a heated exchange, Aang runs off to ride the beast. Aang is in the water with the young ladies on the beach impatiently waiting for the unagi's arrival. After what seems like forever to them, the girls decide to leave. Katara shows up and they each apologize for their behavior before starting to make fun of it. However, the unagi soon appears, thrashing around and throwing Aang violently into the water, causing him to fall unconscious.

As the unagi swims toward Aang to finish the attack, Katara rapidly swims to the rescue, grabbing hold of Aang and using her waterbending to propel herself toward land. When she comes ashore after a fast escape, she hides behind some rocks, where she spots Fire Nation troops approaching. After they pass, she waterbends water out of Aang's throat. Aang coughs and wakes up, telling her to not ride the unagi.

Oyaji runs to Sokka, Suki, and the rest of the Kyoshi Warriors, urging them for help. The Kyoshi Warriors are an order of female warriors named after Avatar Kyoshi, who founded them to protect her homeland, Kyoshi Island. Each village of the island had its own band of warriors. With their unique and individual fighting style, these elite fighters ensured the safety and isolationism of their homeland during the Hundred Year War.

They ran towards the commotion. Zuko arriving before the Kyoshi statue he called out for Aang to stop hiding and reveal himself. a battle ensued. The Kyoshi warriors attacked from the rooftops proficiently demonstrating their abilities and skills, taking out many firebenders even though they were outnumbered. The Fire Nation troops, led by Zuko, burn the town as they search for the Avatar. The Kyoshi Warriors attacked them, knocking Zuko and several of his men from their rhinos. Suki and several other Kyoshi Warriors along with Sokka surround Zuko, and in order to escape, he used firebending, knocking them all down. He calls out to Aang, sarcastically complimenting him on his use of the Kyoshi Warriors as an advance defensive force. He saw Aang, and they engaged in a short battle, which results in further damage to the town. Using the fans of the Kyoshi warriors, Aang Blasted Zuko into the building behind him. Zuko was far from top condition due to his recent training.

Distressed by the realization of the damage caused, Aang flees to find Katara.

"Look what I've brought to this place." Said aang in sadness.

"It's not your fault." replied Katara, in an attempt to console the boy.

"Of course it's his fault." came a male voice out of nowhere.

Turning around they saw a young man who was the definition of average.

"His and Avatar Roku's incompetence is what led to this war in the first place." The young man continued.

"You're lying. Don't listen to him Aang." Said Katara.

"Am I?

Avatar Roku knew that fire lord Sozin had planned to start a war, but what did he do...

He left him, retired to a small island, turning his back on the world's problems and neglected his duties as the avatar.

Then we have Aang, when the monks foretold a war, you ran away. The fire Nation attacked the air nomads to hunt you. As a result all the air benders were exterminated.

You kept running away from your responsibilities.

Now, instead of training and mastering the elements, you're here taking advantage of the prestige of Avatar Kyoshi, messing around.

And once again the innocent people of Kyoshi are the ones to suffer from your actions."

"Shut up!!" Katara shouted, punching out towards the young man.

Simply sidestepping the punch, with a blue glow surrounding the Young man's palm, he struck towards the back of her neck.

'Ranshinsho (Important Body Points Disturbance)'

The young waterbender fell forward.

"Katara!!" shouted Aang.

"I can't control my body." Answered Katara.

"Take your friends and leave, you've caused enough trouble for these people boy." Said the young man before disappearing.


'Hopefully that will get you to speed things up avatar, I'm getting quite Bored.' the elements were not as challenging to learn as I was expecting, no wonder a boy like aang did it in less than a year, not to mention Korra who mastered three by the age of four.

'If you still gonna take your sweet time, I'll kill you and just end this war myself.'

I had used the commotion earlier to search the village for any bending scrolls or heirlooms of Kyoshi, but all I found was her clothing and a painting.

I reappeared behind Sokka who was going behind a building with Suki. With a single chop, the boy was knocked out.

'There will be no romancing on my watch.' I thought to myself.

Lifting a fist, I blocked a kick from Suki.

"Don't get your panties in a twist. I'm only here for the boy." I said to the girl.

The girl however, resumed her attacks. Sighing at this I used the Ranshinsho (Important Body Points Disturbance) once more causing the girl to hit the ground.

Picking up Sokka I threw his body in the direction of the flying Bison. He landed on the Bison just as Aang brought Katara there. I picked Suki up by her collar, ignoring her protest. Getting back in sight of all the others I threw the girl to her companions, right at this time the Bison flew over head.

Zuko immediately ordered his men and began the chase. Lifting up my hand a small flame appeared above my palm, afterwards all the fire burning in the surroundings, began converging towards the small flame.

After all the fire was collected I extinguished it, under the surprised gazes of the residents of Kyoshi.

Nodding my head slightly towards them, I dissapeared.