Chapter 50

Chapter 50: New System.

We eventually lost the avatar as his flying bison was really quite something. Thinking about the next event I needed to participate in I was interrupted by Keiser.

{Good news I've finished negotiating terms with, The God of this plane.}

'Ah that's why you've been so quiet. What terms?'


The rewards for completing this world's quest dumbass.}

'You do realize you're insulting yourself here.'

{... Anyways, due to the condition of the quests completion, I saw an opportunity to steal more benefits.}

'How so?'

{You're an assassin for the Gods not some errand boy. Something like advancing the world isn't something they have the right to request of you.

Long story short, a bit of some extortion later and now you'll get an extra reward for completing the mission.}

'So what will I get.'

{I got you the complete treasury of the king of heroes, Gilgamesh. With this you'll never be lacking any weapons. Now that my job is done your turn.}


{Precisely, if you have no magic, then the Gate will be nothing more than a decoration.}

'Alright, I wanted to focus on martial arts and become a true martial God in the next world though.'

{Yeah, so far you have lots of power, but your amount of combat skills is lacking. Most of your power relies heavily on the Bleach aspect of your strength.}

'Putting one's eggs in one basket may lead to disaster. But I don't just wanna grab other energies as I want the best body first. The stronger the vessel, the more power it can contain.'

{That is indeed the case.}

'Aw well, I was gonna pick it up when I went to Danmachi anyways. I'll just get an early start. Question is which…?'

{While you think of that, I'll hand you these.}

{Quests completed:

1.Capture the Avatar with minimal destruction to the Southern Water Tribe.

Bleach System Reward:

-Minazuki ×1.

Naruto System Reward:

- ×5 free spins

Hunter x Hunter System Reward:

- Hisoka Attire ×5

2. Join commander Zhao for a cup of tea.

Bleach System Reward:

-Third Division Captains Attire ×3.

Naruto System Reward:

- ×5 free spins

Hunter x Hunter System Reward:

- Fundimentals of Cleansing nen. ×1.

3. Cause less damage to Kyoshi then in the original Story.

Bleach System Reward:

- Spirit Wolf Companion ×1.

Naruto System Reward:

- 9 free spins.

Hunter x Hunter System Reward:

-Greed Island Binder ×1.}

'Thanks, use up the 19 free spins and my daily spin.'

{20 spins + 2 Bonus spins:

You obtained:

- Mother and father Puppet.

- Chidori technique.

- 100% Jugo Clan Bloodline.

- Chakra Scalpel technique.

- 100% Senju Bloodline.

- Iron Sand Technique.

- Samehada ×1.

- Needle Jizo technique.

- Root Ninja training Guide ×1.

- Interogation 101 ×1.

- White Zetsu creation knowledge.

- Bashōsen ×1.

- Teikou no Kuntou (Electricity Resistance Training)

[A/N:Description: While not necessarily a technique that must be taken, most Cloud-nin are taught this at the Academy. As most know electricity in general is a deadly and somewhat scarce element, generally one could only collect the necessary electricity necessary to perform techniques if they were fighting in the middle of a thunderstorm, or near an electrical source. However current training standards in the academy show how a cloud-nin tends to make electricity through the use of chakra, turning most Cloud-nin in to human capacitors, technically. The process is generally quite painful and requires about 5 months of mental and physical conditioning to resist the charges you activate onto your body. As it is written, this technique is optional. A person who doesn't take this skill will generally feel pain when even performing their own electricity based techniques, also one who tends to take this ability tends to notice that minor shocks generally do not hurt them as badly. {Note: This skill is passive.}]

- Katon: Karyūdan(Fire Release: Fire Dragon Bullet or Bomb) technique.

- Genjutsu Fundementals.

- Demon Shuriken ×5

- Nanabi, Shichibi Chōmei.

- Lightning Release Armour (Raiton no Yoroi).

- Hiraishin no Jutsu (Flying Thunder God Technique)

- 100% Uchiha Bloodline.

- Ichibi Tanuki Shukaku.

- Orochimaru Knowledge.}

'Sweet, Send the Spirit Wolf to the children in the soul world. They should take care of it.'

We continued trailing the avatar, this lasted for over a week. In this time I continued tortu- I mean training the annoying prince. In this I had already found a solution to getting easy magic.

'Keiser, the protagonist Alexander from 'Hail the King' had a diablo system on him, do you have anything similar?`

{Yes I have one of those for every game out there.}

'Then Get me a random one that is affordable, has a simple magic system and relatively not too much trouble.'

{Alright give me a minute...


Dragon Age Inquisition System (C-Rank) = 750 000 SP.}

'Damn, that's a lot of points.'

{You're trying to save up for turning the Hōgyoku into an omniversal level treasure I presume.}

'Yeah but it seems it will take longer. Purchase it.'

{No need to sweat it, some of the systems will give you system points when you have most of everything.

Purshase successful: -750 000 SP.

Remaining: 5 500 000 SP.}

'Seems I'll have to cook a lot more dishes to get back what I lost.'

'Activate it and Open up its starter pack.'

{comencing system integration:


{Dragon Age starter pack opened.

You received:

-Jack of all trades carácter ×1.

-Caracter potential boost ×1.}


I continued my day as normal. Time went past and soon the sun had long set, giving way to the peaceful night.

Sleeping Atop my bed I got into a comfortable position.

'Alright, let's begin.'

My Vision quickly went dark. When I reopened them I found myself on the start screen. Using my mind to navigate I selected the New Game option.

With an explosion in the background I found myself before a carácter creation section. From the options I selected, the Elven Inquisitor. The next one was the class selection section.

'Keiser use Both Starter Items.'


The Race of Elf, changed into 'Ancient High Elf'. And the screen changed to select 2 starter skills. Showing me two skills from each class.

After some careful thinking and consideration, I went with stealth and Chain lightning.

And so the game began. New memories entered my head in waves, my body felt heavy and I felt like I would drop at any moment.

'Well it's true what they say the bigger they are the harder they fall. Getting stripped of all ones power is not fun.'

Forcing myself up, I stretched out my body. I swear this nigga didn't train a day in his life. Inspecting my body calling me a walking toothpick wouldn't be too far from the truth.

Well complaining wouldn't fix my issue. First I needed to find out if I'd be able to learn majority of the skills or I would have to focus strictly on magic.

'Keiser, when I level up will I get three ability points, or stick to one.'

Before I could get an answer, I heard a crawling noise from behind me, Turning around a spider Demon pounced on me and before I knew it, I was covered by spider demons being eaten. I felt my flesh being ripped from my body, Their venom slowly seeping deep inside my body and having my limbs torn off.

Respawning, I emmidiately turned towards the rift and ran.

'Well Keiser, nothing like a healthy fear of death to motivate a man.'

{Indeed, that body will be whipped into shape in no time, at this rate.}

"Mock my words you you eight legged sons of bitches, when my power returns, I will kill every last one of you!!!

Even if I have to destroy the whole fade, No one makes a snack out of me!!!"

Ignoring the spirit of the woman I ran, my body was on adrenaline alone. I knew the moment I stopped, I would fall unconscious.

True to my words the last thing I saw was me passing the woman and exiting the rift.