Chapter 51

Chapter 51: Preperations


Waking up, I soundlessly observed my surroundings. It was dark. I was within a cell. Outside the sell two guards were standing watch probably waiting for me to exhibit signs of Awakening. Unlucky for them I had trained to remove that habit in my first life. Tourches were lit on the walls outside the cell. Taking a moment to inspect my body, I couldn't help but feel helpless. I was truly stripped of most of my power. I also felt the anchor on my left hand pulsating, with every pulse sending streams of pain crawling up my arm, however could it ever compare to the pain of being eaten alive, slashed over and over or having every bone in your body shattered?

Inspecting and sorting the new memories, everything was as expected, apparently the details of my birth were unknown as the Keeper of the dalish clan I was raised in, had just stumbled upon my baby self. I was the Keepers apprentice learning magic under her. When the divine had called a gathering of the leaders of the different factions, I was sent as a spy, as she felt that this gathering would have a great impact on the current status quo.

Delving into my mind I began searching for ways to strengthen myself as fast as I can. Even though I could create Chakra I had no Chakra coils to use it with. Keiser had taken it upon himself to seal away my Reiryoku. However, there was one silver lining. As an elf I naturally had insane amounts of vitality, and I could make use of it. It seems nen would be my means of cheating. Although the amount wasn't even close to that of my main body, it was far beyond that of humans. This was to be expected if one took into account the lifespan of elves, not to mention a high elf like myself. I could aso sense an energy all around alongside nature energy.

Closing my eyes, I began finding my aura nodes, and began opening them one by one, as I had done it before it only took me 45 minutes. Getting my nen under control, I immediately felt better. I started developing a nen ability that's function would only be self healing. I knew the more complex the ability the longer it would take to create and master. From my estimation this ability would take half a day to make and shouldn't take too long to master.

I had also discovered if I focused on the thought I could bring up my skill trees, Stat page, map as well as missions list. But I only had access to my own, I guessed this was due to others being living beings now, giving me no say in their growth direction.

'Keiser you never answered my question, would I get three points every level.'

{No, you'll get 5, the two rogué classes and warrior classes are considered as seperate clases.}

'That's reassuring.'

I shifted all my attention to creating the self healing ability.

The following day my ability was ready to go, to test it out and train it up I would bite my lower lip open and heal it repeatedly. I assumed this training took place in the middle of the night, as the guards weren't really diligent guarding an 'unconscious' prisoner and spent their time catching Z's. Satisfied with the level of the skill, it was time to put my plan into action.

Controlling my nen, I clenched my teeth, then used nen to damage all my muscle fibers, before using the new ability, I began the cellular healing process, this fused muscle fibers together to form new muscle protein strands or myofibrils. These repaired myofibrils increased in thickness and number to create muscle hypertrophy (growth).

Due to my current situation, I knew it would alarm my new jailors if I suddenly grew too much in muscle mass. So covering the muscles in nen I compacted the muscle fibers not giving them enough room to grow too large, this resulted in having strong muscles while staying lean.

The pain was definetly worth the growth. The stronger the muscles became the more painful the process was. My body continuesly spasmed, the guards didn't seem to care though, this process was done over and over for the next two days. I had confirmed with Keiser about the time line, so I knew I had about a weeks time before the actual time I was supposed to awaken.

Not liking the feeling of being ignorant, I used Satellitonbo (Satellite Dragonflies) to create a few dragon flies, in conjunction with Super Eye (Super Compound Eyes) to see what the dragonflies saw acting as my eyes through out Haven.

On the third day of me pretending to be unconscious, I saw a bald elf being led towards my cell. Stopping what I was doing, my body became motionless, one dragonfly observed from a corner of the cell. The man examined my left hand before he began casting. The pain from the mark lessened considerably, it seemed calmer now. Seeing this I secretly attempted controlling the energy coming from my left hand.

With this man here I knew if something went wrong he'd probably be able to do something about it. So I emediatly began fidgeting with it. The first thing that hapend was the anchor began acting up once more. The elf seemed supprised and intrigued at this. He calmed it once more. And so I went on experimenting with the mark.

Few hours later, I finally calmed a bit. The elf was no fool and I was sure he knew I was awake from my first antics. The interested gaze he directed at the dragonfly that was intently observing made me even more sure.

The fact that he didn't rat me out, and paciently let me experiment with the anchor to my hearts content, made me rather grateful towards the guy. The only thing I managed to do sadly was high jack some of the seemingly endless magic contained within the thing. What I wanted to achieve was using it to enter the fade or connect myself to it. Doing this would essentially give me access to a great ocean of magic.

The little bit I managed to obtain from the anchor, seemed purer and on an entirely different league from the magic I sensed in the Air. I circulated that little bit I had across my whole body, using it to refine every bit I could, due to the lack of quantity however, the effects were not too great, giving only a minor all round Stat boost.

The elf nodded towards the dragonfly and gave a slight smile looking at me and left.

I thought of conjuring myself a pair of chakra coils, however I scraped this idea as I had come to master magic. So I spent the remainder of my time practicing the chain lightning spell inside my head, and began using weak currents of electricity throughout my body to start Strengthening it.

Soon the day of Awakening drew near. On that night I feigned the signs of one stiring from their slumber, the guards seeing this ran out presumably to inform the higher ups. Soon I was dragged out of my sell, my hands were restrained and I was brought to a room. With this the story began.