Chapter 55

Chapter 55: Solas and Varric.

With the closing of the rift things became calm once more.

"It seems the mark can help." I said.

"Whatever magic opened the breach in the sky also put that mark on your hand.

I theorized the mark might be able to close the rifts that have opened in the breaches wake.

And it seems I was correct." said the elf.

"Meaning it could also close the breech itself." said Cassandra.

"Possibly." answered the elf before looking at me, "It seems you hold the key to our salvation."

"Good to know!

Here I thought we'd be ass deep in demons forever." came a voice from the side.

I turned to face the dwarf that was heading my way.

"Varric Tethras, Rogue, storyteller and ocationally unwelcome tag along." he said winking at Cassandra.

I could tell they did not get along at all, courtesy of the look Cassandra's face.

"You with the chantry?" I asked.

"Is that a serious question?" said the elf with a laugh.

"Technically I'm a prisoner, just like you." Varric answered.

"I brought you here to tell your story to the Devine, clearly that is no longer necessary." explained Cassandra.

"Yet here I am, lucky for you, considering current events." Varric responded.

"Nice to meet you Varric." I said.

"You may reconsider that stance in time." commented the elf.

"Ah, I'm sure we'll become great friends in the valley Chuckles." countered Varric.

"Absolutely not. Your help is appreciated Varric but-"

"Have you been in the Valley lately Seeker? Your soldiers aren't in control anymore.

You need me." Varric said, cutting Cassandra off.

Cansandra unhappily backed off. The elf Stepped forward seeking to break the tension.

"My name is Solas, if there are to be introductions. I am pleased to see you still live."

"He means, 'I kept that thing from killing you while you slept'." explained Varric.

"You seem to know a great deal about it all?" I questioned.

"Like you Solas is an apostate." Cassandra explained.

"Technically all mages are now apostates Cassandra." Solas said then turned to me.

"My travels have allowed me to learn much of the fade, Far beyond the experience of any circle mage. I came to offer any help I can give with the breach.

If it is not closed, we are all doomed regardless of origins."

'Damn, he's at a higher level than me in the skill of bullshitting.' I thought nodding my head.

"That's a commendable attitude." I said.

"Merely a sensible one, although sense appears to be in short supply right now." Solas responded.

Looking at Cassandra he spoke once again.

"Cassandra, you should know. The magic involved here is unlike any I've seen. You're prisoner is a mage, but I find it difficult to imagine any mage having such power."

"Understood. We must get to the forward camp quickly." Cassandra said moving forward.

"Well Bianca's excited." Said the dwarf following behind them.

I trailed behind them ready to collect more gold lying around.

(Third Person POV)

MHA Verse.

An hour after the departure of Yhwach, the commotion had finally began to settle down. Those that were injured had been taken to nearby hospitals to be treated, and a man hunt was issued and carried out by the combined forces of police and heroes. This caused a storm as reporters began their investigations about the identity of the UA Student gone rogue.

Those with quirks related to construction were all busy trying to plug up or fill the now massive hole in the middle of the city. No one new how deep it was. If it wasn't handled soon it had the risk of calapsing inward causing massive distruction to the city.

Amongst the heroes on the hunt for the boy, a certain group of heroes were currently going through different emotions. These were the group known as the Wild, wild pussycats. All of them with the exception of tiger were having stray thoughts all revolving around the same individual. Each different from the others.

Mandalay was the least affected as she just wondered why Yhwach cared for her as well this was due to all three of them appearing in the mental image that the youth had sent. This had caused Pixie-Bob to make accusations towards the two, as if they stole her prey while she wasn't looking. Pixie-Bob vowed she would not let him escape when she met him once more.

The most distraught of the trio was Ragdoll. Her emotions conflicted. On one side she remembered the information she saw on the boy, being the only person with a rough estimate of what the boy was capable of, she hesitated to inform the authorities. This was because whenever she decided to do so, her mind would involuntarily think of the figure of the young man.

That day the boy had saved her life, healing and guarding her. Her intuition told her that he knew that she had seen through him, despite the fact, he saved her instead of letting her die and protecting his secret. Under the urging of Pixie-Bob she attempted to find him with her quirk, but to her dismay she found nothing. She attempted to monitor him, the quirk activated but all she could see was a blur due to the difrence in time, the gap so large that she couldn't see a single thing just a menagerie of colors, a headache soon assaulted her. In the end she had given up and only informed the police of the fact that he had the quirk foresight, adding more fuel to the fire.

Within an unknown location a dark skinned woman with rabbit ears and a muscular physique was looking through some items she had found within her home. Amongst these were a new and improved costume, simular to her current one however the colors were darker, mainly being black and Grey with some silver here and there. The materials much lighter and stronger than the one she currently wore. She found some documents that recorded all she needed to know about the crime group she was tasked to deal with.

After looking through everything she had gotten she discovered a small book. Opening it she found a note that simply said,

'Still waiting for you to give yourself to me. In the meantime as motivation, here is a copy of my Baka Usagi collection.'

Flipping through the book all of it was pictures of the day she had attacked him at Edgeshots agency, put in way that vividly showed how she had been toyed with by him. This caused her anger to spike as her knuckles cracked with the clenching of her fists. A battle hungry grin that would send shivers down the spines of any who saw it, made its way on her face. Putting on the new gear and resolving to beat up Yhwach the next time she saw him, she headed out to train as well as do a live test of her new gear.


We made our way to the forward camp. On the way I once again collected recourse. As I was busy collecting some elfroot, I felt chills go up my spine in succession, not having the Almighty, I decided to be more Vigilant. We ran into quite a few demons but they weren't too powerful as we quickly made short work of them. Arriving at the camp there was a rift out side the gate. Getting behind Cassandra, I reached out my left hand disrupting the rift. This sent out shockwaves that greatly affected the demons and wraiths that came out of it. Using my bow I immediately began rapidly firing towards the ones that were furthest leaving the nearby ones to the others.

We made short work of them and I sealed the rift. With the completion of this my body lit up, and I emmidiately felt a rise in power. A screen in my head popped up informing me that I had reached level 2.