Chapter 54

Chapter 54: First Rift

Seeing the selection of weapons, I wasted no time. I quickly grabbed at the weapons, I activated the stealth to dissapear. The Demon turned heading for Cassandra. I grabbed a quiver filled with arrows and quickly put it on my back. Not wasting another second, I shot out an arrow. The arrow accelerated and quickly entered the skull of the Demon Cassandra was fighting.

This shocked her greatly if the look on her face was to be used as an indicator, as she quickly turned to look towards me. This allowed her to notice the second Demon that was heading her way. Stringing the bow across my back I grabbed the staff. From the memories of this body, using the staff was almost second nature as I pointed it towards the back of the second Demon.

Channeling my Magic into the staff, a concentrated beam of frost shot out towards the Demon. As it hit, the beam began freezing the Demon as a lair of frost could be seen on the creatures body branching out. The ice seemed invasive as it seemed to attempt to freeze the opponent. This caused the Demon to let out a painful howl. Using the created opening Cassandra capitalized and thrust her sword through the creatures chest.

"That's all of them." I said, walking towards her.

Without wasting time she turned to face me, her blade only inches from my face.

"Drop your weapons, NOW!!" she commanded.

"Calm down Cassie, don't get your panties in a twist, I had no choice but to defend myself."

Her lip twitched, and eyes furrowed at the name.

"You don't need to fight." she said, sending a glare my way.

"So you're saying you'll defend me?"

There was a brief moment of silence. After some thought Cassandra lowered her sword and spoke.

"You're right, I cannot protect you…" she let out an audible sigh and sheathed her sword before continuing, "… and I cannot expect you to be defenseless."

She walked forward before stopping and looking back at me, "I should remember, you did not attempt to run." she then continued walking forward.

'You need to watch yourself more, I've had way too many chances to end your life.' I thought as I watched her back.

Walking forward something on the ground caught my eye. Picking the item up, I found it was a glowing dark stone. Studying it intensely I received a shock as a screen popped up before me.

{Shadow Essence}

'Appraisal magic?'

{No, it's only a low level identification skill that comes standard with the Dragon Age System, it only works while in the game.}

'I see, to be expected I guess.'


'Yeah, I mean if you think about it, true appraisal magic is quite high level and requires a strong affinity with magic, this is due to the fact that you're accessing, 'The Magic Database' so to speak, to gain information that you don't possess.

Usually people use Magic circles and large Scale formations to use that type of magic, although some make it look common, it's far from it and those who can use it are too few and far between.'

{You are correct, however, you are one of the lucky ones who have the potential to learn it.}

'Cause I'm an elf?'

{Yes, but your real body has that potential as well.

This is because magic talent is determined by the strength of one's soul, and how far one can reach depends simply on knowledge.

You lack neither.

Also in case you've forgotten, you have the highest affinity for everything magic included.}

Hearing Keiser I simply smiled and picked up the stone from the other 'Demon' as well, before following behind the Seeker.

Shortly after we left we encountered a dead body. Ignoring the Seekers killing intent directed at me, I looted the body. I understood the reason for her anger as I had looted her comrades body.

"How dare you." she exclaimed.

"Dead men don't need wealth, and during troubling and chaotic times morality is the least of my concerns. It can be of better use in the hands of the living." I said, depositing what I got into my inventory. I didn't bother hiding it as I can littraly answer 'its magic' to any who would ask.

I walked past the angry Seeker, and continued forward. We ran into two more demons that were tearing apart a dead soldier. I made short work of them using the bow, and found some gold on the dead man. As we were walking I kept looking all over the place. This was due to remembering all the places that Gold was lying around that would assist a player in getting a head start. I would also harvest elfroot along the way. Any dead soldiers I encounter I would loot their bodies and take the equipment to sell later.

All this took some time, but in the end I had gotten a nice sum of gold, and this wasn't even all of it. All this angered Cassandra even more, I swear if it wasn't for the fact that she needed me alive. I would have been cut down by now. I finally decided to get back on track.

As we walked, sounds of fighting became audible. Cassandra picked up speed, saying we need to help them. Getting closer we were greeted by a sight of two people fighting demons, one was an elf the other a dwarf, there was a rift near them that was probably the origin of the demons.

Cassandra charged in. Lightning surged forth from my body before covering the staff, lifting my arms I hit the ground with my staff. As it made contact with the ground the lightning exploded from underneath the closest Demon before it bounced to all others nearby, resulting in them getting shocked and put in a stunned state. Using this opening, the three made their move, making short work of the demons. Before I could even react one of them grabbed my arm.

"Quickly, before more come through!!" he said and thrust my hand towards the rift.

Although I didn't like being suddenly grabbed, I didn't resist. The anchor reacted and a beam shot out towards the rift. Consentrating on that feeling, I started attempting to take control of the mark. I could feel the mark respond, there was a lot of resistance, but I attributed that to the elf currently gripping my wrist. So it became a battle for control with me trying to expand the rift whilst the opposing force attempted to close it.

My theory was confirmed when the elf squeezed my wrist as if telling me to stop fighting him. I acted as if I didn't notice and kept using this as practice, memorizing the feeling as it would come in handy later on.

I eventually lost the tug of War as the elf seems to have had enough. It was expected considering who he was. Beating him now is nothing but wishful thinking. That wouldn't last long however as I knew the anchor was slowly merging and becoming one with me. At that time his influence would be at a minimum, I might also lose my arm. I would truly have to come up with a solution for that.

With one final fluctuation the rift shrank and was sealed, bringing an end to my on the job testing.