Chapter 53

Chapter 53: On route to the Valley.


Being led by Cassandra we slowly made our way through Haven. Passing through the crowds of people, looks of scorn, hatred and bloodlust were aimed towards me. There would be the ocational whispering accompanied by insults and name-calling like knife-ear.

"They have decided your guilt, they need it." Cassandra said as we walked.

"Is this your way of saying that I'll be a scapegoat, or are you just suggesting that I sacrifice myself?" I asked sarcastically.

Cassandra gave me a harsh look.

Ignoring my question, she continued, "The people of Haven mourn our most holy, Devine Justinia, head of the Chantry."

"And that is my problem because…?" I questioned, secretly inspecting the rope I was tied up with.

With a scowl she said, "Because, the Conclave was hers. It was a chance for peace between mages and templars.

She brought their leeders together, now they're all dead.

We all lash out to sky, but we must think beyond ourselves as she did.

There will be a trial, I can promise no more."

Noding in agreement, I was inspecting my surroundings, calculating the chances of escape. In the end I scrapped the thought as even though I could escape the bindings, my chances of escape weren't looking too optimistic.

Cassandra was a seasoned fighter, a Seeker who once went toe to toe with a dragon and lived to tell the tale. Her strength was acknowledged by the Devine, the highest authority around here and was appointed as her right hand.

As for me, although I believe I could kill her easily in a fair fight, this situation was anything but that. I've been pretending to be uncontious for the past two weeks. Due to this I wasn't fed or had any water to drink. My magic and nen are the only reasons I'm still alive.

My current body wasn't my actual one that could go thousands of years with no food or water. I was currently very weak, freezing my balls off, starving and massively outnumbered.

With minimal knowledge of the terrain, past a certain point, the only outcome would be death. On the bright side with the way the story goes, things should work themselves out and if they don't, they would need to deliver me to the capital city of Val Royeaux, to be trialed and executed, and within a busy city, for an assassin like myself, escape would be as easy as stealing candy from a baby. Coming to this conclusion I relaxed as we moved on.

Leaving the main gates of Haven we moved along a path. I decided to use this time to train. I broke the silence by beginning to sing.

"And now, the end is near

And so I face the final curtain

My friend, I'll say it clear

I'll state my case, of which I'm certain

I've lived a life that's full

I traveled each and every highway

And more, much more than this

I did it my way

Regrets, I've had a few

But then again, too few to mention

I did what I had to do

And saw it through without exemption

I planned each charted course

Each careful step along the byway

And more, much more than this

I did it my way... "

The song started slow and in a low tone. What I was doing was playing around with my Nen. Using the same principle as the 'Enchanting Music' ability, I focused my nen into my Vocal cords, and used them to infuse the nen with the sound waves, emitting a sound that would bewitch all those who heard it.

The volume of my voice increased with every sentence I sang. Luckily my voice wasn't too bad. In my previous life I had quite the talent for singing. During my military days, my comrades would say it was wasted talent not making a profession of it. When I became one of the world's most wanted, and had no money, I would sing in small time bars to get some money to sustain me as well as fund my change of identity, travel expense, clothing... etc.

I had fortunately retained that talent. At first Cassandra and the guards following closely behind just looked weirdly at me, however, as I got further and further into the song, my use of the ability became better and better, the 'Enchanting Music' ability began to take effect, as it affected their emotions. Every word sang would strike a cord in their hearts. I would usually practice 'Enchanting Music' by playing lullabies to my little princesses using the Demon Flute I got from the Naruto system.

Even though it was the first time using it while singing, I already had a clear understanding how to influence sound enough for it to work against powerful spirits like Yachiru and the others, so how could normal humans resist. They all lost themselves to the music.

"… For what is a man, what has he got?

If not himself, then he has naught

To say the things he truly feels

And not the words of one who kneels

The record shows I took the blows

And did it my way!!"

As I sang the last part we had reached a bridge leading into the Valley. With the last two words I spread my arms out wide, as I stretched the words out. When my voice subsided, I couldn't help but miss my spirits. When I had crossed over to this body, I had lost connection with my soul world, making it three weeks since I last saw them. After some time, only then did Cassandra snap out of the spell as she realized I had freed my hands. She quickly fumbled to grab her sword. Honestly the sight looked quite comedic. When she finally managed to unsheath it and point it towards me. I simply smiled shrugging my shoulders. It was at this time that the other guards also snapped out of it. A tint of pink made its way on the seekers face, but quickly dissapeard just as fast, one would think it was an illusion if one wasn't paying attention.

She stared at me for some time before before lowering her weapon. Returning it to her sheath she spoke.

"Come it is not far." she said, however, her expresion became vigilant. Keeping her hand on the hilt of her sword.

"Where exactly are you taking me?" I asked.

"Your Mark must be tested on something smaller than the breach."

After saying this she shouted to the guards to open the gates. Passing through I followed down the path. Soldiers were on guard. Clear signs of battle could be seen along the path, destroyed carages, some on fire were on the side of the road.

My hand lit up once again and another shot of pain made its way up my arm. I stopped and once again absorbed the magic within the anchor, infusing it into my body.

"The pulses are coming faster now." she patted my back and moved ahead of me before continuing, "The larger the breach grows, the more rifts appear, the more demons we face."

I looked up at the breach, more specifically at the demons falling out of it like meteors, "How did I survive the blast?"

As we reached the second bridge she spoke, "They say… you stepped out of a rift, then you fell unconscious. They say a woman was in the rift behind you.

No one knows who she was…" before she could finish her words, one of the meteors struck just in front of us, hittingthe bridge we were standing on.

With the distraction of the bridge we both tumbled down, falling Atop the frozen river below, I was surprised the collapsing Bridge did not break the Ice.

Me and the seeker were the only survivors. The other people were unlucky as some were hit by the meteor dying instantly, whilst the ruble from the bridge fell Atop the others burying them.

Another meteor crashed in front of us. From the crash a Demon stood up, roaring towards us.

Unsheathing her sword and retrieving her shield from her back, Cassandra yelled, "Stay behind me!!" as she charged towards the Demon.

To the side the one that had crashed into the bridge was slowly getting up. Remembering the events of the game I looked to my side, and there like a blessing from above, all sorts of weapons stood, waiting for me to make my selection.