Chapter 60

Chapter 60: Relocation

The following two days were simply spent training the fundamentals of the sword. I would spend 2 hours in the Realm of the Violent Jade Immortal every morning, Afterwards I would make breakfast for Iroh and myself, as for Zuko and the rest of the crew... They'll be strong.

Breakfast became torture for Zuko as a result. This seemed to turn into anger as during fire bending training his fire had become much hotter than usual. Clearly he wanted to make ashes of me, Sadly for him, he became nothing more than a moving punching bag.

The evenings would spent with My Zanpakuto's. After they went to sleep, I would train with the Battle maniacs. But all good things must come to an end. It was the third day, and tomorrow I would have to return to my elven meat suit.

Thinking about it, I thought I shouldn't stay on this ship. Since there would be schemes to blow it up. Last thing I needed was getting blown up while I was absent from my body. Before I could think any further, my attention was grabbed by Zuko's Rampage.

Moving closer to investigate, I found his out break was due to the news that Zhao had captured the Avatar. Zuko stormed off not long after.

In the evening, as I was about to return to my room, a black dressed figure made its way of the ship. Shaking my head, I was about to return to my chambers, however the all too familiar old man stood in my way. I let out a sigh, already predicting his next words. He didn't let me down at all as he spoke.

"Please. Keep him safe. I know you don't think highly of him, but deep down he's a good man.", said the old man.

There was no need for too many words. Honestly, there was no need for him to worry. Zuko would have made it back alive, however he didn't have my future knowledge, at the moment, he was like a father worried about his son.

"Very well." I replied, "I won't be coming back, however before I leave I'll make sure he makes it out alive."

"I see." Iroh said let out a breath of relief before continuing. "Where will you go?"

"Just let me worry about that. Till we meet again old friend." As I said those words my figure faded out of existence.

While in the distance I faintly heard his Voice.

"Thank you."

I flew through the forest silently. I was currently talking Zuko using the darkness as a cover. On the way I had changed into all black Ninja attire.

Soon in the distance a fortress came into sight. Remembering my promise to Iroh, I quickly left Zuko behind and made my way into the fortress. Aimlessly sneaking around, I started searching for a solitary guard. It didn't take long luckily. Moving at great speeds, I quickly knocked him out, my main goal being his soul, removing it from his body, I absorbed it.

From the guards memories I got a layout of the fortress. Knowing that Zuko probably had begun his infiltration by now, I started heading in a certain direction killing every guard on the way. The kills were silent, but I didn't bother dealing with the bodies, for the sake of causing chaos later.

I made my way towards Zhao's lodging. I knew at the moment he was going around the fortress. Entering the place I swiftly began my search. Just as I started. The alarm blared and the whole fortress was in a frenzy. I knew that it wouldn't be too long before the trail of corpses was discovered. Using the Byakugan I found what I was looking for.

Unrolling the scroll, what was revealed was a map. One that showed the location of the Moon and Ocean spirits. However, what I was interested in was the layout of the Northern Water Tribe. Finding the spirits wasn't hard for me after all, I just had to check who had the highest amount of spiritual Energy.

With my perfect memory, I had basically made a copy in my head. Just as I returned the piece of parchment, 3 guards rushed inside. The moment they saw me one immediately tried to use his bending.

With a swift motion I was beside the man's out stretched fist. His attack being fired at my previous position, setting the interior of the room alight. At the same time I pulled a kunai. Like a snake, it flashed, my figure dissapearing for a moment before, reappearing 10 meters behind them, continuing to flash to the outside of the fortress. As my figure dissapeard, a clear line of blood appeared on the three guards throats. Their corpses fell, accompanied by the flames they started.

From the memories of the three. It seems the alarm was set of by Zuko. However most of the guards were led astray, courtasy of yours truly. Standing on a branch in the distance, I watched as Zuko's Prison break was in progress. It didn't take long for them to make it out, using the Avatar as a hostage. As I was about to leave, a dense wave of arrows was shot out heading towards Zuko and the baldy. Looking at the dense shower of arrows I knew that they wouldn't be able to escape.

'It seems my interference had altered their fate, but no matter.' Extending my arm out, the Reishi in the air quickly gathered forming a bow.

'Ginrei Kojaku'

Hundreds of arrows shot out, accurately colliding with the arrow tips of the other sides assault. The arrows were stopped dead in their tracks, one was let through, hitting zuko straight on the mask. Feeling the gaze on me, I looked down, my eyes meeting with those of the baldy. As his gaze shifted to the "Blue spirit", I left.

With everything set and done, it was time to get lost. After some time and making sure no one was around, my body began expanding, with the activation of the primordial Kun-Peng Bloodline, and I dissapeard into the horizon.

Flying towards the Spiritual library, I arrived within a few dozen minutes. It seems even my casual speed is quite fast. I didn't stay long though, after receiving all the knowledge and experience of the past few weeks, I began heading North.

The knowledge I received was shocking. Basically I was currently the strongest bender alive. My clones did not slack off at all. What made me most excited was the sensing techniques. For firebending, I could basically see by sensing the body heat and temperature of objects, for water bending I could see using the moisture in the air as well as within living things, and for earth I had the good old fashioned seismic sense. With this, even without my eyes, I could see better than most.

After a few dozen minutes the scenery around me changed into a world of ice. Sensing 4 decent spiritual presences, I went in that direction.

Soon the Northern water tribe was in sight. Using my strong command of the elements, I created a dense mist that encompassed the entirety of the Northern Water Tribe. The density of the mis was to the extent that one wouldn't be able to see further than one and half meters ahead of themselves. I could feel that there were waterbenders attempting to clear the mist, however after they cleared a section, the mist would simply reform itself, rendering their efforts into void. All of them Unaware of the behemoth flying above their heads.

Using the map stolen from the Admiral or whatever he is, along with the spiritual energy beacon finding the location of the spirit oasis wasn't hard at all. Returning into my human form, I landed in the Oasis there of the spiritual energy sources were in this place. The strongest energy came from the pond itself, with the other two being the two fishes that stopped dancing around one another looking at me with extreme caution. The last one was in the derection of the chiefs home, it probably belonged to the girl blessed by the white fish.

"Relax, you two, I won't harm you." I said.

The two simply looked at each other as if to ask the others opinion. I didn't really care whether they believed me or not. We all knew If I wished to kill them they wouldn't be able to resist. I think they realized it as well as they continued their dance.