Chapter 61

Chapter 61: Going back to sleep.

Seeing the two continue their eternal dance, I let them be. Taking out my phone I began scowering the internet for information on different magic systems, how they work, as well as any similarities they might posses. This went on till it was already deep in the night.

When I finished researching, I examined my surroundings. This place was a spiritual wonderland, although it was to be expected considering this place was a portal to the spirit world. This gave me an idea.

After some time I began casting kido spells, their purpose being to guide, purify and condense the spiritual energy, concentrating it at the pond's center. The spiritual energy in the Air lessened but still enough to maintain the surroundings.

Through my actions I had essentially created a pseudo healing spring and cultivation ground for myself. I could sense excitement from the two in the pond. I didn't mind them though. Taking off my clothes and changing into swimming trunks, I walked onto the pond. Reaching the center I sat down crossing my legs.

Seeing this the two fishes stopped before beginning to circle around me continuing their dance. As I was wondering what they were up to, I felt a sudden change. My soul began forming a link with the two dancing spirits my Eyes glowed red, entering a dark avatar state so to speak. The eyes of the two and the diamonds on their for heads following suit.

Within my consciousness a Yin-Yang diagram began to form. Synchronizing with the movement of Tui and La the diagram rotated, releasing a strong energy that spread throughout my entire body, beginning to refine it. The Ancient Strengthening Technique also began to circulate on its own acord.

I let it be and decided it was time to return to Thedas. In the sky, the moon shined brighter than ever before, while the seas danced in joy, waves rising to never before seen heights. Like this the eternal dance became one of three. With my mind clear and tranquil, the mask I wore faded. Sparkling clear water flowed outwards from the spirit Oasis, and the cause of it all, unaware of any of this, woke up in another world.

Opening my eyes and feeling the familiar cold that made ones balls retreat upwards, I got up. Feeling the weakness due to hunger, I looked around the room searching for something to eat. Finding nothing, I made my way out in search of food. I left using the window due to my door being locked from the outside.

It was currently dark out if I had to guess the time, probably around two in the morning. Haven was quiet, only the ocational guard walking around could be heard. Making my way through the settlement, I arrived at the tavern. The door was locked. Looking through the key hole, I saw that the key was still in the door. Thinking, I sent my nen under the door to the other side, few seconds later the door was opened.

Looking left and right to make sure no one saw me I entered the establishment. As I entered, Kukkyi-chan closed the door behind me before turning into nen returning to my body. Making my way to the kitchen, I began preparing food from the few available ingredients.

Preparing all the ingredients my actions were swift and my cuts accurate. My movements graceful, not a single wasted motion, making the process seem natural. Due to my eyes as a high elf, the darkness made no difference.

Just as I was finished making the dishes. I heard footsteps from behind me. Turning to take a look, there stood a woman, judging from her demeanor, she was half asleep. It seems the aroma dragged her over. Moments later she finally came to. Seeing she was about to scream I quickly put a finger on her lips, using nen to stop her Lips from moving.

"Shhh.." slowly moving my finger away, letting her go.

I waved my hand before her face as I said, "You didn't see anything."

Slowly stepping back without breaking eye contact, I grabbed the many prepared dishes, and made my retreat, Ignoring the weird look of the woman.

"Was that the Herald of Andraste?... " I heard the woman murmer as I got further away.

Knowing she would most likely alert the upper echelons, I decided to make my way out. Completely consealing my aura, I started searching for a way out. The gate was full of guards so I went along the wall searching for an area where I could jump over without issue. After some distance I found it.

As I was moving away from the settlement, I recalled a cabin where a guy named Tengen or something lived, were I had to find his notes on an improved lirium potion, and began making my way there. To avoid being discovered, I walked across the frozen lake to get to there undetected.

Sitting on the docks close to the cabin, I looked out towards the frozen lake as I ate, and began recalling the magic knowledge of this body, that of other magic systems I researched, as well that of my own speculation. With that I began reverse engineering magic.

The conclusion I came to was a basic outline of magic at a fundamental level. Magic can be discribed as the technique of projecting an idea into reality via a medium, usually magic molecules in the air or mana as it's most commonly named. Fundamentally, it is the power to interfere with the laws of nature.

There are many kinds of magic such as, Elemental Magic, Spiritual Magic, Holy/Demonic Magic, Summoning Magic... etc.

Elemental Magic is magic cast directly using mana. It operates by controlling the surrounding magic particles to bend the laws of nature, using the caster's mental power and incantations as a medium. More powerful spells would require greater concentration and longer incantations. High level Mages should be capable of casting spells by drawing energy solely from their own mana pool, and at an even higher level.

Spirit Magic has a lot of offensive spells that are similar to Elemental Magic. It borrows the power of the Spirits by using mana or lifespan as compensation, which is then converted into Natural Energy. Since Spirit Magic utilizes the power of spirits, beings whose existence are based on natural phenomena, it obeys the laws of physics and can be cast even when there is little to no magic available. Spirit Magic requires no chants and anyone can use it as long as they are connected with their contracted spirits.

Holy or Demonic Magic could be considered a higher form of spirit magic. In essence it is magic that comes from a higher being or realm usually obtained by faith or worship of said being. This usually allowed for one to access stronger magic that would otherwise be unaccessible to them. An example of this would be Marvel's Ancient one Using the magic of different dimensions.

Summoning Magic summons another entity to serve or fight on behalf of the summoner. To activate the magic, the user usually has to conjure a magic circle and prepare some offerings in the form of mana, life span or material objects. The summoned entity can be anything from regular Monsters to Spirits or Demons. Summoning stronger beings require more powerful summoners and greater offerings. Individuals more powerful than expected can sometimes appear during the summoning act. However, it could be detrimental if the summoner doesn't have the power to control the summoned entity.

In this world, although there is plenty of mana in the surroundings. It's simply a grain of sand in a desert. All the magic was sealed away by the veil created by the dread wolf. To my joy I was given a key to the magic paradise, in the form of the anchor. Armed with this knowledge my journey to master magic began.