Chapter 62

Chapter 62: Future considerations


Time moved on as the stars began to fade and the world would soon welcome the dawn of a new day. With the approach of day break, my time to decide upon my way forward came with it. Letting out a deep breath into my palms in an attempt to warm myself up, I decided that moving my body would be a better alternative.

Getting up, I took out a longsword I had looted on my way to the temple of sacred ashes. Calming my mind I began practicing the art of drawing the blade. Soon the passage of time was forgotten and all distractions were muted and ignored. Following the steps of the basic sword technique to the letter, I kept sheathing and unsheathing my blade.

Overtime my movements became smoother and smoother, with it the time it took for me to unsheath the blade became shorter and shorter. As I continued my training, I slipped into my thoughts my body continuing the training on its own.

My thoughts were now contemplating the pro's and con's off staying and becoming a part of the inquisition and using this moment to leave and dissapear. This choice wasn't difficult.

For starters one had to consider my current identity. A dalish elf, treated as nothing more than a common slave, hated and discriminated against wherever I would go. This would close a lot of doors for me. As much as I hate politics, even I know the benefits influence can bring.

The second matter to take into account, is the fact that it has become common knowledge that I hold the key to sealing the rifts opening all over the place. Meaning it's highly likely that I would be forced to help at best. Worst case scenario, I become some mages play thing in hopes of extracting the anchor from me.

My somewhat peaceful days would come to an end. As this is the real world Cassandra and the others are most likely at their peak or at the very least close to it. In that case I'd be a lv 3 going against people above lv 19. Although level isn't a indication of strength, I know better than anyone that the specializations they have would be more than enough to curb stomp my current self.

Another thing I have to consider is the person I stole the anchor from. It was only a matter of time before he came after me, afterall, I through a monkey wrench in his plans. I'd want to skin me alive too, if our positions were reversed afterall. Then there is the creator of the anchor watching from the shadows.

The deciding factor was the fact that I would get this world as my own. That meant that eventually I'd have to, "facilitate a change in ruling parties". The inquisition would be my best bet.

With the inquisition I would eventually be placed at its head. At that time I would be it's undisputed leader, elf or not. And eventually I'd hold power second only to if not greater than the Devine and Empress. Probably the later as if my memory serves me right, I would get the strongest say as to the selection of the next Devine, and the Emperial power would belong to the one I decide to side with.

I would basically be in the best position to control both religion and Emperial authority if I played my cards right. Strong foundations as well as limitless future growth potential, the perfect stepping stone.

After confirming with Keiser, my job would be to take over if I could do that, the maintaining and governing of said would also fall under Keiser, cause I sure as hell did not plan to waste who knows how many lifetimes ruling this place. And if ever a day came where I would need faith to progress. I'd have multiple worlds waiting for me to become their new God. One step closer, to breaking free from the shackles of my reincarnator.

(Third Person POV)

Northern Water Tribe

Within the northern water tribe the night started out as peaceful as any other. The moon illuminated the city, it's gentle light giving the tribe a sense of peace. Within the palace, home of the village chief, there was a young 15 year old girl. Princess Yue.

Yue is a princess of the Northern Water Tribe, daughter of Chief Arnook, as well as one of the latter's advisors. She is a lady with tanned skin and sporting long white hair. Her Hair was worn in a ponytail that split of into to on either side of her hair before being braided at the end, tied with ribbons each sporting the water nation insignia.

At the moment the princess was deep in thought, thinking of the news her father had dilivered about her engagement two days prior. She was to be wed to a young warrior named Hahn.

Earlier today she had met with her husband to be. The moment she saw him, she knew. This person did not love her. She could tell that what he was after wasn't her, but her high status. She had wanted so much to refuse the engagement, however she knew it would not do. In the end she consented. Her consent had nothing to do with love but to stay in line with the customs of her people.

She let out a tired sigh as she slowly let herself enter into sleeps embrace, unbeknownst to her, This night was one destined to be a sleepless one for her.

Few hours later the girl was forced awake by the connection she shared with the moon spirit. This connection was one she had since she was a child. When she was born She had an unknown illness as an infant, being still and quiet as though asleep, her parents feared she would die. As her condition was critical and the tribe's healers, including their most skilled Yagoda, could not cure her, Arnook prayed to the Moon Spirit in desperation and placed her in the tribe's Spirit Oasis. The Moon Spirit gifted her with part of itself, saving her life and turning her hair white as a side effect.

Since then she had always felt more at peace whithin spirit Oasis. This time however she felt something from the moon spirit that she had recently come to feel herself. This feeling was one of Helplessness. Shortly after it was followed by fear.

Fearing the worst she hastily got up. Putting on her cloak she rushed out of her room. As she took the first step out of her room, a thick mist rose, encompassing everything and obscuring her vision. This change caused a lot of panic amongst the guards as they were on high alert. As the mist got thicker the feelings from the moon spirit that she had felt intensified.

She wanted to move forward but was stopped by the sounds of yelling from the guards, as well the ocational sounds of weapons clashing, forcing her to stay put, lest she was mistaken as an intruder and attacked. A feeling of unease grew in the princess, as worry came over her.

After a few dozen minutes, as she wanted to to rush towards the guards and bring them to the Oasis not caring of the consequences, the feelings of the spirit rapidly calmed, and quickly turned into feelings of curiosity. This surprised the girl.

Not long after the thick and heavy mist began to clear. Yue wanted to hurry to the Oasis to investigate on her own what was happening, but stopped when she saw the state of the guards, some had been injured by their fellow guards thinking they were intruders.

As the princess helped the guards take the wounded to the healers. She could feel the emotions of the Spirits change once more into joy and contentment. This was strange to her as the spirit would always give off a sense of peace, yet today for the first time it had changed. To say was dying to know what had happened would be understatement. Not wasting any time she rushed towards the spirit Oasis.

Stepping into the spirit Oasis she could feel something was different. Stepping in further. She saw it, saw him. At the center of the Oasis sat a man. As she moved forward she tried calling out and questioning the person, however silence was all that answered her she finally went went around the pond and saw the front of the man her, words failed her.

What she saw was a face she could only discribe as perfection. His body one seemingly sculpted by the Gods, his eyes glowing a bright crimson. His hair was currently pulsing as it changed colors, one second being a pure Resplendent white and changing to a dark Obsidian black the next. Her breath slowed down as if afraid the noise would ruin the picture perfect scene. Her heartbeat sped up, and the girl simply stared at the man before her.