“Ms. Veselsky is a siren.” Eliza opened her mouth as if to object, but Alessandro continued, “The Irish called her kind a banshee. Similar idea. There are all sorts of legends about creatures who can control the fates and minds of other people just with their voices.”
Eliza remembered the effect Ms. Veselsky’s words had had on her when they were in the office, leaving the helicopter, meeting Alessandro. It hadn’t*felt* like her will had been taken from her, but what would being robbed of one’s will really feel like?
“I’m not sure how it works.”
“Yes, I mean, the stories are all full of magic. Trust me, when you get right down to it, there’s no such thing. When you live with it for as long as I have, it becomes… well… it becomes a great big bore.”
Eliza looked at her… what was he? Did she still work for him? He’d tried to kill her. She’d maybe tried to kill him back? How long had he been alive? Goodness, how many people had he killed?