Obideeah Stern

The manager Obideeah Stern had always held a grudge on Adrien after his own son was turned down for modelling. Emilie and Obideeah had been good friends in their childhood and always dreamed of having their kids become models. Obideeah got married first and had a son who wasn't exactly the modelling type. So, when Emilie married Gabriel and had her beautiful son Adrien, he was naturally jealous. Ever since he tried to make things difficult for Adrien whenever he was around. Emilie and Gabriel couldn't bring themselves to fire him due to their long relationship. So that is why he was given a manager position at Gabriel's store, to stay out of their way and hopefully not mess with Adrien again.

Here Adrien was, standing in front of the door of the only other man he didn't want to see in the world besides his father. "What are you waiting for?" Marinette asked as he stood blankly in front of the manager's office. "Nothing," Adrien sighed and pushed open the door. There was a speaker playing classical music and a man sat in a desk chair turned away from them humming along to the tunes. "Excuse me, Mr. Stern?" Adrien asked in a timid voice. Immediately Mr. Stern, the manager of the store, sat straight up in his chair and slowly turned around. He had an evil grin on his face that made Marinette and Adrien very uncomfortable. "Adrien, what a pleasant surprise," He said sarcastically rising from his desk. Marinette moved a little closer to Adrien as the tall intimidating man approached them. "I…I need to..." Obideeah interrupted Adrien in the middle of his sentence with a loud laugh that shook the room. He pulled out a remote from his pocket and the entire office started flashing red and the emergency doors closed locking them in the room. "You were saying?" Obideeah said with a grin peering into Adrien's brilliantly green eyes. "I just need money from my dad for something then I'll leave." He pleaded. Obideeah slapped Adrien across the face remarking. "I have always wanted to get back at you Adrien and today is my lucky day, you won't be receiving any money from your dad's vault." Marinette flew into a violent coughing fit and fell onto the ground shaking with cold. Adrien realized that she was getting sick on top of all of injuries that she already had. He angrily eyed Mr. Stern who was peering down at them. "I can't wait to get a bonus from your father for catching you and your friend." He taunted. "You won't be getting anything!" Adrien yelled. "Claws out!" He exclaimed surprising Mr. Stern who didn't know he was Cat Noir. "Whoa easy there kid, I have 16 years of experience in the kung fu arts and I'm not afraid to use it!" "I'd like to see you try," Cat Noir challenged him. He rolled up his sleeves and threw punches at Cat Noir. Marinette was still crumpled on the ground beads of sweat coming off of her head, she could barely stay awake and was feeling feverish. Mr. Stern was a strong man and kicked Cat Noir up against the wall and punched him in the gut which caused him to reel in pain. While he was distracted Obideeah grabbed Marinette by the arms and yanked her up in front of him yelling to Cat Noir. "Stop!" Cat Noir stopped his charge and dropped his staff. "I want you to stay put until the police get here." He demanded. Marinette couldn't transform even if she wanted too. She was drifting away and couldn't keep her eyes open. Mr. Stern placed Marinette onto the ground behind him and tied her hands together tightly. He approached Cat Noir who was still standing defeated in front of him. "Look at me when I'm talking to you!" He demanded grabbing his chin and forcing his gaze to his face. "Give me your ring now!" He demanded. "Wow you and my father really have a thing for magical objects." He joked. "Catacylsm!" he yelled and thrust his arm towards Mr. Stern. He dodged the attack sending him flying towards Marinette. Time seemed to slow down as he careened toward her. Her eyes met his and he thought fast. He moved his hand right above her head and destroyed the desk in front of him barley missing the love of his life. He panted for air realizing that he had almost killed Marinette. Obideeah placed his foot on top of Cat Noir's back so that he couldn't get up. This is when Marinette knew she had to do something. It didn't matter if she felt feverish and her head was spinning, she had to try. "Spots on!" She yelled and she ripped the rope that was around her hands. "M'lady no!" Cat Noir gasped as the foot on top of him was pressed down even harder. Ladybug stood with her yo yo in hand ready to defeat this evil man. Obideeah laughed, "I've ripped apart metal, broken through concrete, what makes you think I won't do the same to you?" He threatened her. Her Miraculous seemed to give extra strength to her body and she replied. "I'm not afraid of you. Release him now." Ladybug's blue eyes pierced into his heart. Anger sprung up in him and he charged her, "Never!" He yelled swinging his fists at her. She blocked his attacks with her yo yo and tied him up with her string. He was surprisingly strong and loosened the string diving at Ladybug bringing her to the ground. She landed on her arm careful not to hit her head again. She tried to get up but Obideeah had her pinned to the ground. He twisted her arm behind her, and she let out a cry of pain. Cat Noir now free rushed to save Ladybug knocking Obideeah off of her back. She held onto her arm which felt terribly disjointed now and struggled to wield her yo yo. Cat Noir blocked his attacks with his staff but he didn't know how long he could keep it up. His ring beeped one last time causing him to de-transform leaving him defenseless. Ladybug rushed to save Adrien who was getting pummeled by the evil man. She hit him in the back of his head with her yo yo finally causing him to go limp and unconscious. She limped her way over to Adrien who was clenching his eyes closed. "We need to move now!" She said groaning at the pain in her arm. Adrien stood up weakly and ran to Obideeah's now destroyed desk. He found a stash of bills and grabbed it. Ladybug tried to pull the locked down doors open but it was no use, they were trapped!