New York City

It was a long eight hours to New York. It was starting to get stuffy in the cramped container but somehow both Marinette and Adrien managed to fall into a deep sleep. After all of the events of the previous two days they were relieved to at least have some real rest. They both were awakened with a start when they felt the container start to move. They could hear voices outside and knew that they must have landed. Adrien pushed at the lid of the container and to his horror found that it wouldn't budge. Adrien was thrown into a panic as he hated small spaces, especially when he couldn't get out. Sweat rolled down his face and he resisted the urge to yell for help. Marinette seemed less worried about the situation. She studied the edges of the container and felt around the opening. She then made a slight knock on the side of the container to try to get someone's attention. "It'll be okay Adrien, don't worry." She reassured him as he was shaking in the corner of the small container. She hit the side of the container a bit harder and then heard a lock remove from the top of the container. Light flooded in as a worker peered inside. He was shocked to find the two inside. "What do we have here? Stowaways?" He said helping Marinette out of the confined space. "Oh, we have tickets. Right Adrien?" She glanced at him and he held up the two tickets with shaky hands. "You two certainly have a strange taste for seating accommodations then." He said helping Adrien out of the container. "We'll be going now." Marinette said confidently but the man stopped her. "This is a restricted area you know." He said eying Marinette and Adrien. They looked at each other unsure what to do about their predicament. "That means I will have to escort you out." He said with a smile. They both breathed a sigh of relief and followed the worker. "I hope the ride wasn't too rough on you." He remarked noticing the bruises on Marinette's arms. She instinctively covered them up and replied. "No not at all. It was fine really. Cough cough!" Marinette was horrified to see that she was coughing up a little bit of blood. Adrien put his arm around her squeezing her a bit. "You wouldn't happen to know where the nearest hospital is?" Adrien asked. The man was a little surprised at the random question but then Adrien removed his sunglasses and he gasped at his bruised face. "Should I call an ambulance or something? What happened to you two?" He said with concern he began to notice the bruises on Marinette's face too. "We'll be fine on our own." Adrien said pulling out his phone. The man pointed towards a hospital on the map. "This is the main hospital around here." "Thank you sir," Adrien said and they reached the exit of the airport. The man waved, "Be careful! This is a dangerous city," He warned them. Adrien waved and walked out into the street. They caught a shuttle bus and made their way towards the city. Marinette removed her wig and revealed her shining blue hair again. She also took off her fake glasses and placed them beside her. Never before had Adrien seen her look so beautiful before. She smiled at him and he put his arm around her. She rested her head on his chest and relaxed. After a couple hours, they entered the city. "Welcome to New York city!" The bus speakers resounded. Adrien and Marinette were awed by the huge city and took in the sights and sounds as they headed towards their destination. When they approached a block near the hospital Adrien and Marinette left the bus. They both causally walked into the emergency room lobby and looked around. It was going to be a long wait. They approached the desk and the lady looked them both over. She asked them what they were here for and Adrien explained all of the injuries both of them had received, but not how they had received them. The lady got their information and after a long wait had them in with a doctor. Adrien had to leave Marinette which he hated to do but she needed more help than he did. He anxiously waited for news as the nurse treated his bruises and checked his ribs. A couple hours later the doctor walked into the room with a smile. "You must be Adrien, I'm Doctor Philips." He extended his hand out to shake Adrien's and Adrien returned the greeting. "I believe you are the one who came with Miss Dupain-Cheng?" He said. "Yes, how is she?" He asked anxiously. "She is doing much better since we put her on the iv." He said, "She had a major concussion and I'm glad you brought her in when you did." Adrien was relieved to hear that Marinette was doing better. "Now to treat you both properly, I have to inquire where you two got your injuries?" He asked. Adrien looked down and tried to think of how to explain what they had just gone through. "We're from Paris, France," Adrien began. The doctor was interested now. "Why did you come all the way here to get medical attention?" He asked. "Someone was trying to hurt us there, so we had to escape." He said giving the vaguest explanation he could think of. Dr. Philips nodded and saw that Adrien didn't want to talk about it. "Follow me." He said and he led Adrien to Marinette's bedside. She smiled when she saw him, and Adrien took her hand in his. "She will have to stay for a couple days but then she will be good to go." The doctor said. Adrien thanked him and sat by Marinette's bedside for the rest of the day.

A few days later, Marinette was back to her cheery self. The Doctor sent them out of the hospital with a rather hefty bill to pay. Adrien was a little concerned on if they had enough money but was relieved to find that he had just enough to pay the doctor. "Do you want to go looking around the city?" Marinette asked Adrien with a twinkle in her eyes. She had never been to New York before and was curious to see all of the new sights. "Of course!" Adrien agreed and they headed into the street. Adrien felt his phone buzz and he looked at it, to his surprise, he was getting a call from Master Fu. "It's Master Fu" he said to Marinette. She nodded and he picked up the call. "Hello?" "Oh, hello Adrien, I was checking on you and Marinette and seeing how you were getting along." So now he cares, Marinette thought sarcastically. She knew how he had been talking to her before. "We're doing great! We arrived in New York and are currently sight-seeing." Adrien replied making a look at Marinette who had a scowl on her face. "Oh, how cute, don't you realize that you two are still in possession of my miraculous?" "Your miraculous? You are the one who gave them to us." Adrien said back, frustrated at what his master was implying. "Us guardians have rules you know. If a miraculous holder's identity is revealed to the villains they must, and I repeat must give them back to the aforementioned guardian that originally gave them the miraculous." Marinette chimed into the conversation. "You know master, I've been thinking, and I have come to the conclusion that these miraculous were given to us as a gift and you can't just take a gift back after you give it." "You think your so smart? I studied in guardian school for years and I know more about guardian rules then your simple minds will ever understand." Marinette was flabbergasted. "Have you lost your mind?! I am THE ladybug! You dare speak to me like that?!" "That's enough from you Marinette Dupain Cheng! I should have told you this earlier, but I will need you to mail your miraculous back to me." Adrien and Marinette looked at each other and bellowed in laughter. "You can't be serious master, mail?" Adrien chuckled. Master Fu wasn't amused. "Everyone knows that you can't trust the mail with expensive items such as, I don't know, the most powerful objects in the known universe!" Adrien replied. Unbeknownst to them, a shadowy figure was watching them from a distance listening to their every word. A sly grin came over the mysterious figure's face when he heard of the powerful jewels that were within his reach.