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Live YOUR best life

*Mackenzie pov

I have never felt happier. I have my kids, Yoongi, my home and despite gaining a few scars I still have my health.

At least, I think I have my health.

I've found myself becoming exhausted so much more in the last couple of weeks. I put it down to emotional stress. Spending 24 hours a day in a hospital, eating very little, making police statements, finalising and attending Shauns funeral to support his parents and now the company lawyers demanding urgent meetings is all taking a toll on me. I have booked a check up with the GP tomorrow morning. I think I may be suffering from anaemia and some vitamin deficiencies due to my recent lack of sustenance and the bout of sickness I had the week before my life changed forever just over 6 weeks ago. I have lost some weight and have had days where I vomit for no apparent reason too. Worrying about these symptoms won't help me. Better to get an MOT and put my mind at rest.

We have had the most idyllic week. Yoongi and Shay are looking so well now. There are only a few times when you can even tell either of them were so close to leaving us. Shay still doubles over if he laughs too much. Due to the length of time it can take for the bruising to the internal organs to go down he could still be struggling for a few more weeks. Yoongi is having intense physiotherapy on his left shoulder as raising it above shoulder height is currently excruciating for him. Big Hit are paying for that service and he is working so hard to recover. I really hope he can.

Bo and Namjoon have gone out on a couple of dates this week.

One day going to play crazy golf and then for a traditional English roast dinner. Apparently Namjoon loved it. Another day they went to the zoo and bought 'keeper for the day' packages.

Bo told me that, "Having the opportunity of feeding all the animals, being up close to all that beautiful innocence, and sharing it with the most amazing and intelligent man was the most wonderful date I've ever been on" I am so happy for them. They are perfect for one another.

Yoongi and I have been relaxing and really getting to know one another. We have discussed all aspects our lives from earliest memories up to present day, and are just starting to talk about the future. When he isn't with his physios we have been spending time in the hot tub which we hope will help his shoulder injury. We've watched films, eaten takeaway and spent our nights working those calories off doing anything but sleep. No wonder I feel run down! I might be tired but I am elated. My life is going to be starting again.

Shay has met up with the lovely nurse from the ward twice so far too. They've been bowling and out clubbing already, and have made plans to go to an indoor ski centre next weekend. They look cute together. He is 6' 1", she is 5' tall. He is blonde and blue eyed, she has the most glorious auburn red hair and emerald green eyes. A few freckles on her nose and cheeks are the only blemishes on her porcelain pale skin. She is Swedish and her name is Pippi, after the fictional Swedish childrens character of similar appearance and personality. I can't help but think that never has a more apt name been given to a child! She is a darling, and will certainly hold her own in any heated debates with Shay. He can be a hot head, but she is a red head! The 2 of them both very passionate in their opinions which haven't always aligned themselves well. Shay really does like her a lot. She's everything he wants in a girlfriend.

Tonight all 6 of us will be having dinner out at my favourite restaurant, and tonight I am going to eat!!! No Shaun telling me I'm a pig, or unladylike for eating a meal, and I can't wait, I am ravenous.

Dinner is a Bon Voyage party for Yoongi and Namjoon. They are flying back to Seoul tomorrow afternoon. The management of their label can no longer keep the media and the fans thirst for information quenched. Rumours and conspiracy theories are flying all over the world. Neither man has been photographed or seen in public for a month, and Yoongi for over 6 weeks. The headlines range from '2 K-pop rappers killed in helicopter crash' to 'BTS rappers in jail in England', and my personal favourite 'Suga and RM leave BTS to pursue new found love for one another in privacy'! We all laughed at that one. Namjoon making it clear he would definitely choose Jin if he was going to run away with a group member! Yoongi feigning upset at this insult.

We are just finishing our desserts and waiting for coffee. We have had the best night ever. Lots of talking, laughing and swapping of stories. As our drinks arrive Bo clears her throat loudly and announces she has something to say.

"Mum, Shay! I'm going to travel to Korea with Namjoon and Yoongi tomorrow. Muuuuum..... before you say anything just listen!" she pleads, hands up with palms out, indicating I stay quiet.

"It makes sense Mum. Listen... I'm learning Korean anyway, my Uni has deferred my place for a year so I can study 'real' everyday Korean. Namjoon has said he can help me with finding suitable living accommodation, he is the best study partner AND, if I'm honest, I'm worried that he will forget all about me if we have to have a long distance relationship".

Namjoon shakes his head and says four words that make me realise that this really will be the best thing for her. He looks into her eyes and says "That would never happen"

I love this man. He is one of life's special gifts. Every mother's dream for her daughter.

I am surprised she has kept this a secret until tonight, but I did expect it. She's young, in love, and despite her clinginess she has always been very adventurous and keen to explore the world, hence the interest in becoming multi lingual.

"Bo, that sounds fabulous. I will miss you so much, but you're an adult, you must believe in your choices. If you think that this is the right path for you then you have my blessing. Please never refuse opportunities in life because you're worried about me. Live YOUR best life! We will have face time, Instagram etc..... and we can visit each other often too. I am so excited for you both. I will miss cuddles though" I cry

"You could always come and live in Korea too Kenzie, then you wouldn't miss Bo" Yoongi suggests hopefully