“Ray?” Xiao’s voice was soft as he called out. The girl really was here and he was not going to question how. That part had been Kei’s to figure out after all.
“Of course it’s me. I was the one who made the wish after all. Now let’s hurry and get out. The power won’t last for long” Xiao was still somewhat asleep but he agreed with her. There really was a time shortage on their end.
The hula hoop was still holding the hole in space which was amazing but then again Xiao should have given it more credit than it was due for. After all, it too held the power of the abyss.
The experience of going through the hoop was similar to going through the whirlpool before. It was not fun and it turned his stomach inside out. How Ray managed to do this again and again he would never know.
From her impassive expression and young face, one would never know how unpleasant the experience was. But maybe it had to do with her being part of the abyss now.