In their air travel from Yellowknife to Ottawa Ingo, Lucas and Jack sat together while Nancy and Lakshmi were placed a couple of rows ahead. After the obvious references to the events the day before the Indian woman made a typical gesture of someone who has made a decision.
“Nancy. May I ask you something personal?”
“In New York Lucas mentioned your interest in other “oriental arts". He meant amatory arts, didn´t he?”
Nancy's pale skin suddenly blushed and Lakshmi immediately regretted for her indiscretion.
“Forgive me, I ...”
“No, no! I have to face these issues. Yes, he was referring to certain readings ... and certain attempts to implement them.”
“You know that for us in India these issues are not taboo as they are in the West, and among women who have had certain experiences in common as we have we feel free to talk about them.”
“I understand.”