14.The Town For The DEAD!

[[14.The Town For The Dead!]]

[[3rd Person's POV]]

Bathing with everyone was quite...interesting. While Rei, Saya, Yuriko, Yuki, Rika, Lillian, Kiriko, and even Saeko were trying to do their best to form a proper conversation, they couldn't help but awkwardly glance at Shizuka and Derierei. The pair were the objects of their affection, and currently, the both were currently showing too much reaction, skin, everything! for their poor little hearts.

Unlike the others who were trying their best to be subtle at checking them out, the pair in question were currently giving them a show! Shizuka, who had, mere minutes ago, been serious and leader-like, had gone back to her innocent, clumsy self, and with a heated blush, was trying to feel how soft Derierei's skin was from behind the the pinkette, pressing her massive boobs against Derierei's back. And while Shizuka was just curiously groping Derierei's body, the woman in question was currently trying to calm herself down.

She had to admit, she wanted, for the longest time, to have Shizuka touch her body like this. But currently..."Let me swim in peace God damn it!!", Derierei wanted to experience swimming with her physical form.

"Uuh!" Shizuka, from both the chop to the head and the sudden shout, was definitely surprised, and made a cute sound that expressed her pain.

"Wh-why...? De-Derierei-ch-chan...?" Shizuka's head hurt, not by a lot, but it still hurt. She didn't even know why she had to have her head chopped!

'Shizuka just wanted to compare how their skin felt! Why did Shizuka have to get chopped! The injustice! Shizuka didn't deserve this!' Then, in her mind, Shizuka spoke in third person. It seems that Derierei's chop had rattled her brain a bit.

"Shi~zu~ka~. Don't just go groping others! I mean, I'd let you grope me wheneva' you want, but that ain't the point. When someone tells 'ya to stop, stop, okay? I kept on telling you that I just wanted to swim, Shizu, and what did you do?" With her hands below her breasts, raising them up in front of the nurse, Derierei sported a haughty expression, but in reality, she just made herself look both adorable and enticing to Shizuka, who didn't even realize that she was being asked a question!

And Derierei, after not receiving an answer from Shizuka, rolled her eyes both in annoyance amusement. Since the blonde was too focused on her body, Derierei was flustered and flattered, but she decided that if Shizuka's too focused to answer her, she'll just ignore her. So, after taking a glance at Shizuka, Derierei finally dived down and began to swim deep into the water.

The rest of the group was just watching on in amusement by this point, their initial embarrassment disappearing since Dereirei had showed off her ass without a care to the world, whether it was intentional or not, none didn't know.

Alice was just swimming around Saya, making sure she doesn't go any deeper into the river.


After the bath, everyone felt refreshed. And they finally get to wear new clothes! Their previous clothes were a bit tattered, so they decided to not even wash it anymore and just burn it.

And now, everyone was back in the cafeteria, where they began to discuss their plan and sleeping arrangements while they sort through what they have.

"Saeko-san and I will take the black cabin, Saya-chan and Yuri(Yuriko) said they'll sleep together in the green, Kiriri(Kirirko) and Rei-chan will take the blue cabin, Yuki-chan and Shizu would take the yellow cabin, and Alice-chan and Lily would be in the white cabin." Rika relayed to Derierei their current sleeping arrangement, and none saw anything wrong in it. They were comfortable with their current pair, so they didn't have a problem with the arrangements. And none chose to have any of the counselor's quarters as they were a bit far from the cabins.

"So I get'ta have one of the three remaining cabins by myself?" Derierei asked in a bit of shock. While the prospect of having a cabin to herself was fun, she does get lonely at times, but thinking about it now, she'll have an easier time being with Mellion that way.

"Well...you can join any of us... I don't..." Rika, who had a blush on her face, looked around the room and noticed the other's questioning gazes. "... I don't think any of us would really mind..."

After Rika finished her suggestion, everyone got the message and blushed, with Shizuka own blush practically being the brightest.

Of course, Derierei noticed all this, and she could barely hide the smirk playing on her lips, but still, she was flattered, and was able to easily give her answer. "Nah. I'll just sleep anywhere whenever I can. I still have to be the lookout at night and all. And speaking of which, it would be best if I'm always in nightwatch duty. Don't really need sleep."

Everyone was disappointed, though Alice was disappointed she wouldn't be able to sleep with her favorite Onee-chan, everyone was despondent for a different reason entirely.

And Derierei, noticing their mood, just smiled. "But if you still have some energy left, I could use the company." Then, fortunately for Derierei, it seemed that what she had said was enough to lift their spirits up.

"Righ' now though, let's plan about what we'll do tomorrow. If we still need to build a base, which I suggest we should, because there's a lot of trees we have to clear for a better vantage point, and the wood would just be a waste, even if we try to use them on reinforcing the camp. Then we need to train some of you--" The pinkette began to rant, not noticing how everyone else was looking at her in amusement.

Yeah, while Saeko, Saya, Rei, and Yuki had wanted the have their base in the summer camp, Derierei really, °really° wanted a base made from the ground up.


Currently, Derierei was teaching Saya and Yuki were on how to properly use the crossbow, Rei was reading the [Quick Learn [Sojutsu] Skill Book] -given by Shizuka- to compare what her Sensei had thought her and what the book teaches, but in reality, the [Quick Learn Skill Book] allows you to unlock the skill, and will quickly raise the Skill's level, faster than learning normally by miles, and of course, applying what you learn from this [Skill Book] will just make the Skill level up faster and be more refined, until the Skill reaches the Max Level Limit a normal human can have, which was at level 6. And now, it was helping Rei level up her [Sojutsu] Skill!

Other than the three, Saeko continued to teach the young Alice kendo, with a stick of course. Yuriko and Kiriko were exchanging pointers with one another, Shizuka was currently teaching Lillian basic medical knowledge, like how chest compressions is always a must, and there was no strict need to force air to the person through mouth-to-mouth.

And lastly, Rika was reading the [Quick Learn [Gunsmith] Skill Book] while practicing what she was currently learning on a pistol. With the amount of guns they have, they will need maintenance once in a while, so they'll need someone with experience to be able to it.

This was what was currently happening in the morning, just like what they had planned yesterday. For the better part of the morning, they'll train, then, before lunch, Lillian and Rei would cook and pack a bento for Shizuka, Saeko, Derierei, and Yuriko. The four will be the current Raid Team, tasked with finding more food, essentials, weapons, and tools for the camp. Finding and taking in survivors was still upto a debate, but most seemed to want to just stay as they are, not wanting to have to baby anyone else and take care of those who were already in the group.

So, for the remainder of their current training time, everyone was determined to become stronger. Shizuka, for her case though, was contemplating on how she would distribute the sharable Status Points. The nurse had a talk with Derierei before she went to sleep yesterday, and it turns out that a normal human's Max Status Level was level 3, and only those who keeps trying to go past their limit can go higher than level 3. And as for the Max Skill Level for normal humans would be level 6, and to get higher, they have to actively try to get past their current level. However, it turns out that the Lesser Level Limit Breaker were pills that breaks the normal human's Max Skill Level Limit and allows them to achieve a level of 10! And not only that, but one Lesser Level Limit Breaker was needed to allow a person to reach level 10 in all Skills!

So, Shizuka was also thinking about how she'd give the Lesser Level Limit Breaker's to her group.


The current Raid Team was currently eating outside Shoshoramu's entrance. For an hour, they drove with a decent speed, and had met no trouble. Though Derierei had sometimes had asked them to stop to syphon out gas from cars along the way, and she was able to get a lot of gallons of petrol because they found some empty big containers back at the camp.

So, upon getting close to the town, Yuriko suggested that they eat where they currently were. And since they hadn't used the RV, and just opted on using the delivery trucks to be able to transport more stuff back to camp, they ate in the middle of the road once again, with Derierei setting up the tarpaulin above them.

"What'cha gonna get for yourselves? Since the others already gave us a list of what they personally want, you should have also have those." The pinkette started the conversation, bringing said list out of one of her body aromor's pockets. She was currently wearing casual clothing underneath her body armor, since, unlike the rest who had added their tattered and dirty clothes to the bonfire yesterday, her clothes were just dirty, and just needed to be washed.

The first one to share was the sadistic Ice Queen. "Hmm. I want to find some lacquer thinner to use for cleaning my katana, and hopefully find a sheath for it. Other than those, I want to find a proper bokken for Alice-chan, for aesthetic purposes really, and some stuffed animals, but Lily-san had already asked us for that."

Throughout the days they had been together -God, a week had yet to pass since the beginning of the apocalypse-, Saeko hadn't hidden her sadistic side, and had openly showed it when she was slaying zombies, and no one minded that, since she was their friend.

The next to share, then, was the nurse/leader. "We have to~ns~ of med kits back at camp, bu~t~, I'll de~finitely need proper~ tools! Ooh! Actually, why don't we raid a pharmacy~ too~! We will need the medicine~!" And with her usual sing-song voice, Shizuka suggested something they forgot to mention.

"Yeah! Let's do that too." Derierei, who had become the Shizuka's co-leader at some point in time, due to her strength and boldness.

"Mmm. And as for me, I would want to find some good wine, combat boots, and some paint, so that I could make those crude target boards for the crossbow training." Yuriko sighed, longing for a good sip of wine, of any kind of wine. She has been too used to drinking wine for at least once every two days, and now that six days had passed without a taste of it, she was feeling sad. Honestly, she even thought about helping our Lillian in the garden and plant multiple grape vine, so that she could make her own grape wine. She knew how to make one, since she had gotten curious before and even tried to actually make grape wine, which wasn't °that° good, but still decent. She even knew how to make sugar! But making it by hand wasn't going to be easy.

(A/N: A grape wine's ingredients are: Grapes and Sugar...)

"Mm-hmm, mm-hmm. The wine is important. We really should look for some. And the paint, too. I found some paint brushes earlier, but no paint. They were all used up, or can't be used anymore. And, personally, I want to get a speaker for the electric guitar. I'd want'ta play it in the middle of the road to lure Zs to me, soe'd I wouldn't need to look for the damned shits. Generators too! And...what was it again... Right! I want to find materials for a Wind Turbine! I was able'ta find out how to make one from the internet earlier, thanks for letting me borrow your phone by the way Shizu, and it isn't too hard. But actually, that was because it was a small one. I'mma make sumthin' big for us to get electricity from!" Derierei excitedly shared her plan of creating a Wind Turbine. She, a Higher Being who could create anything without the need to even snap her fingers, was very excited to build something like a Wind Turbine by hand! It just shows how much Higher Beings think differently from mortals/lower beings.

And of course, the three women smiled at their friend's excitement, relishing the light-hearted moment.


Shoshoramu had a lot of zombies on its streets, but they had nothing against Derierei's scythe and Saeko's katana. And with the amount of zombies in front of them, even with Derierei and Saeko, who opted to just stay on the ground to clear a path, Shizuka and Yuriko's pace was slowed down.

Fortunately enough, they were quickly able to find a convenience store. So, after getting close to the place, Shizuka and Yuriko left the delivery trucks and helped out Derierei and Saeko in clearing the place. And, for nearly 15 minutes, the Raid Team had finally cleared the place of the nearest zombies.

Afterwards, Shizuka and Yuriko went back to their delivery trucks to park them right in front of the convenience store, while Shizuka and Saeko went in first to start looting the building.

Fortunately, there were baskets, so Derierei and Saeko carelessly transferred the goods into those baskets. From cup noodles, junk food, sweets, to lipsticks, shavers, toothbrushes, basket after basket, they continued to fill every basket with everything they find, with Shizuka and Yuriko taking the baskets and putting them inside the trucks. And when there were no more baskets, Derierei and Saeko used plastic bags.

Then, for 20 minutes, the team had cleared the convenience store, even taking the things they didn't particularly need, and some cigarettes and low-grade wine. All was left was the ice creams in the freezer! Which Derierei easily carried -the freezer- and put inside the other, empty delivery truck, all with a straight-face, which showed that she was serious about what she had just done.

And after putting the freezer inside the truck, she took out some ice cream for each of them, and gave them to the three women who were just looking at Derierei with amused expressions. So, for some time, they rested while eating their ice cream, talking about random things.


By 2:11 pm, they found a clinic, which was conveniently next to a small hardware store! So, after taking 20 minutes to slay the zombies, the team quickly began to loot both buildings. Shizuka and Saeko went inside the clinic to find medical equipment and medicine, while Yuriko and Derierei went inside the hardware store to take whatever tools they could get and everything else inside the store!

The pair in the clinic was having a slightly hard time looking for whatever they needed, but were soon able to find the rooms that had what they came for. And the pair in the hardware store were going all willy-nilly with using a wheelbarrow to transport whatever they could get. And after clearing the store of its tools -like the mini-chainsaws, circular cutters, hammers, and the like- and small materials, with them nearly filling up the delivery truck that had the freezer, Derierei took some of the plywood and strapped them on top of the truck.

Though, while Derierei was excitedly putting the plywood on the truck, Shizuka, Saeko, and Yuriko just watched on in amusement at seeing Derierei's ridiculous strength in action.


By 3:54 PM, the group decided that they needed to head back after they loot a fruit stand. Of course, most the fruits weren't fresh anymore, and a lot were crushed and were not edible. But what Derierei had suggested made the three women want to smack their foreheads. Though most of the fruits weren't edible, they still had seeds that they could plant!

So, with Derierei's suggestion, they all went to get a plastic bag and began to take the fruit, crushed or not. Of course, they did it in an organized manner, putting the strawberries with the strawberries, the oranges with the oranges, the apples with that apples...you get what they're doing. And soon enough, they had 23 plastic bags of stinky fruits put inside with the hardware tools!

And, since they finished looting the fruit stand, they finally drove back to camp!


The Raid Team was greeted with a smile. Once they entered through the gates, everyone had stopped doing what they were currently doing, and was able to greet them once they made their way to the center of the cabins!

Alica had immediately ran up to the Raid Team and hugged the first one out of the vehicle, which was Derierei, since she had been on top of the trucks this whole time. And though she was a tiny bit disappointed that she didn't see any plushies, Derierei had quickly appeased the girl with promises and candies!

And, while Derierei was dealing with the little girl, Shizuka instructed the Guard-the-camp team to take out the loot. Yuki, Rei, and Lillian, who had went for the truck with the hardware tools, were assaulted with the stink of the fruits, while Rika and Kiriko were a bit surprised with the cases of wine and booze, and the littered packs of cigarettes that met them.

Anyhow, they were able to take out the loot from the trucks, the freezer was left inside with no one inquiring why it was there, but Derierei had soon taken it out, put it in front of the nearest outlet, plugged it in, and then offered the group slightly melted ice cream. Of course, Alice was quick to take an ice cream, and she was soon followed by everyone else.

However, back to the loots. The hardware tools were promptly ignored for now, as everyone opted to organize the food the Raid Team were able to loot inside the kitchen, which was previously nearly fully stocked with canned foods, cereal, granola bars, and dried fruits by the stock Shizuka had prepared early on before the apocalypse, which was now overstocked! And that was a problem.

So, the group decided to take out the canned goods and replace them with the easier-to-open food.

Afterwards, the hardware tools were brought into a room the Base-Protector Team had cleared earlier, where Yuki and Saya had promised to organize later on. And honestly, the building had a lot of unnecessary rooms, but it was still a blessing they decided to take.

What they didn't know though, was that this summer camp was made with the money of arrogant rich parents, used for their spoiled children. So the summer camp had to at least be 4-star hotel worthy.


[A/N: Hopefully I did well. The next chap will have some base foundation building, some zombie killing, and a reveal!

I decided to have Shizuka reveal the System. Why? Reason:

1) It would make things easier for the group.

2) Shizuka wouldn't have to lie, because it's not in her nature.

3) Shizuka would be able to easily strengthen her group.

4) I'm going to add a bit of magic in the next chap, something Shizuka would have a hard time explaining if she didn't reveal the system.

5) Hiding the existence of the Inventory is annoying.

And, of course, the current System is the [Love Live:Yuri Edition], so I think I'll have to introduce the new Affection Levels next chap, which will begin to lead Shizuka into the harem route.

Also, should...

1) Derierei and Shizuka "own" the harem

2) Shizuka own Derierei and the harem -Derierei will actively convince the others to join the harem, since Shizuka's nature will make the harem building slow-

3) Derierei own the harem through Shizuka

And then...

Second World:

Naruto: 11

Akame Ga Kill: 20

Kim Possible: 15

High School DxD: 8

Arifureta: 3

Demon Slayer: 3

Twilight: 1

Love is War: 2

Monster Musume: 7

Shokougeki No Souma: 2

Danmachi: 8

MCU: 8

If Akame Ga Kill gets to be the second world, whoever the host will be, they won't reveal the System, unless it was Tatsumi, but he's a guy, so he could just sulk in the corner -he's actually a good Protagonist, so I don't hate him that much-, or Sheele, who might accidentally share the System's existence due to being an airhead much worse than Shizuka.

Hope you liked the chap!]