The Cards Part 3

Hello. The last two of the seven girls are October and Rebecca. The last two who haven't been sent into the games yet. Are they even going to be sent in the games? We honestly do not even know yet. They could be, but they could also be rejected from the games due to personal stuff going on. Right now, October is in her fifth period, history class. As the teacher hands her her graded work, a two paged essay on Alexander Hamilton and his impact on the country. She noticed a letter fall out of her essay.

~October Hennings~

I leaned over to grab the letter thing before anyone else could grab it. I don't know what this is for, but I hope it's not super you know, dangerous or whatever. I looked at the envelope and examined it for a little bit. It looks sort of funny. Strange definitely, but rather pretty funny to look at. I opened the crease of the envelope, gently ripping it off. It was orange with little squiggles all around the envelope. Well, the entire envelope was orange too, but there were brighter orange squiggles.

"What's that?" The girl next to me asked as I opened it. It had my name on it. 'October Robin Hennings' right on the paper itself.

I unfolded the letter and read it to myself, so that no one else can know what's going on in this letter. It says it is confidential information.

"October Hennings,

We are so pleased to select you as our orange competitor for this years arena games. This is the thunder dome where you live in a dome for months until one person is left. We usually give you a male partner, but this year, there will be no male partner for the women. They will play in their own arena in a couple months. For now, you are expected to meet me in the arena in an hour. Come, or else you're burned at the stake tomorrow morning.


The Hunger"

I mean, yeah I am going, but that's a little harsh in my opinion. I showed the letter to my teacher and she let me go. I immediately grabbed my backpack and rushed the hell out of that classroom, panting as I run to my car. I was rushing so quickly that I forgot which key is used for the door. I quickly went through my lanyard of keys and opened the door to my car, hopped in, and quickly drove to the games. It took my 45 minutes

"This is going to be great. Just believe in yourself. Orange always dies first, but if I work hard, and continue to work hard, I am going to make it out." I said to myself, as I walked to the door, holding my letter to the door.

The doors opened up, as I walked in and realized that I am the only one there. All the other cards were assigned. The doors say 'Submitted' on them and I sighed, as I waited in the waiting room. The only ones that don't say submitted are the red room and the orange room. I have been chosen as orange, so I am expecting the orange door to open, but I patiently wait for the door to open, even though I am shivering inside. I have no idea who I am participating against. It could be anyone.

"Hello, October Hennings. Welcome to the arena. As a relative of our recent winner, you get to choose an advantage: you get introduced later into the circle after the first death, you get an extra weapon, or you can automatically kill someone off the bat." The announcer said.

I took some time to think about it since you know, this could be a big advantage. But I know exactly what to choose.

"I would like the extra weapon." I said, and a random person comes out with a bow and arrow.

Thank god because I know how to work one of these! I feel more well prepared.

"Now, put your bags next to the other bags." The announcer said, as I moved my bags to the side of the room with the others.

There were two cheerleading bags and a blue bag with jeans and stuff, and then a green bag with a bow and arrow and a gun as well as flint and steel. I sighed, placing it with them knowing that I am not in the worst position. At least I have an extra weapon. After setting my stuff down, the orange door starts to open. I walked in to see the orange eyeshadow and I put horizontal lines on my face so easily, smiling at my mirror, prepared to go into battle. The door then slammed shut as I waited.

"October Hennings. Sixth contestant in the games." The announcer said, checking me off or something like that.

~Rebecca Roberts~

I am looking around to see if I get the note. I honestly have zero clue where the Pearson twins are or where Yvette is. I hope we didn't all get chosen to go into the dome. I looked around and then I see Jacob.

"Hey Jac--" I started saying until he cut me off.

"Go away!" He said and I looked at him.

"This is actually serious. Where is Priscilla?" I asked him and he gulped. Does he have something to do with her disappearance?

"Rebecca, I saw Priscilla earlier. She was rushing out, talking about this weird letter." He said and I looked down at myself and then I rushed to the field for cheerleading practice, hoping that she is there.

As I get on the field, I notice that the coach is walking towards me. I sighed, started to get paranoid, and then the cheer coach handed me a letter that looks like the one the picture that I had.

"Here you go. It has your name in it, so I assumed that you lost it." She said, and I took it, opening it up.

"Rebecca Roberts,

Today is your special day. You are invited and forced to be the leader of the red team, which consists of you and only you. You are to see me in the meeting room in an hour. You are the last one to get a letter and you are the last one to be invited. Please take yourself to the arena in 2 hours or else you will be disqualified.


The Hunger"

I dropped the letter, and started crying. I am going to lose y life. I have accepted death for myself. I have accepted that I am going to die today. I immediately grab my cheerleading bag and rush to my car, hop in the driver's seat, shutting the door, and starting the engine. It failed out the first time, but then I geared it extra to make sure that it would actually work this time.

God this car is so fucking old! I drove all the way there to make sure that I am not in danger of immediate death. An hour and a half later, I get there and I notice that there are big silver doors. I brought my cheerleading bag and my letter, putting it in front of the doors. The doors opened and there was a waiting room.

"Rebecca Roberts, you are our last competitor. Therefore, you will be waiting the shortest. Please take your bag and put it with the others." He said, and I walked over, putting it next to the other cheer bags.

As I waited, I looked at the other doors. They all said 'submitted' on them, like everyone else is already in the arena as I am here, waiting for my door to open. Welp, it just opened. I go in there, and notice some red eyeshadow. I decided to do my makeup, until the directions said to put a line on each of your cheeks, sort of like a hyphen. I do that real quick and it looks really good now.

Now, to wait for the games to begin.