(The world)

A crackling of lighting in space and energy fluctuations cause a hole to appear and out comes the pathfinder as it steadily decelerates from light speeds. The ship was now located on the outer edge of the solar system where the closest habitable planet resides.

A solar system containing a few planets and one. meteor belt dividing it from the inner and outer rings.

"Ow... Why.." Aiden fell forward and off the chair face-first into the metal ground.

He struggles at first but he manages to get himself back up, even though the flight took over a few minutes or so, he was stuck in that weird sitting position for that duration.

"I won't be able to change your mind will I?"

"Nope... And since we're the first to ever enter this solar system, you're able to name it... once I believe your mentality ok."

"How about... I don't want to do this, that's a clever name it has a nice sound to it."

Laura would ignore this and continues to move the ship further into the solar system. The estimated time, until the ship is close to the planet, was a few hours at most at the sunlight engine top speed.

"Plotting course... arrive at target destination 3 hours."

"Oh~ You're now ignoring me huh?"

"I'll listen to you once you're finished with sulking and complaining about the situation you're in."

"Well excuse me~ I'm sorry that I wasn't made for this... to be the sole survivor for a mission that was assigned for a hundred people at least."

"I'm no soldier nor am I a leader, I'm just a scientist-"

Laura swiftly spun around and points directly at the tag clip onto his lab coat. The tag shows everyone around him that he was a scientist.

"You're right, you're not a soldier or a leader at all but what you are is a scientist... the whole point of this ship was to discover new knowledge and science that didn't exist in our reality."

"As a scientist and this ship may as well be the last bastion for our civilization, and now this reality as well! we have the best chance to go against them."

Then she turns herself to the front once more "I'm tired of this arguing... 3 hours, just sit in the chair and wait."

Aiden gently took off his glasses and rubs them between two sides of his lab coat, then he put it back on. He was afraid he could mess up, scare to death that his enemies could pop right in front of his ship and blow him up, right where he stands.

But there was also the feeling of deep guilt, what laura said was correct he holds the last key to potentially stop the surge once and for all, and he has done nothing since his arrival in this new reality, but whine and complain about how hard this may seem.

(" Fucking hell man... ") He pinches the area between his eyes and nose. .

"Why, o why..." He mutters to himself.

The ship would pass by a few gas giants and one planet that was roughly three times the size of the habitable planet, soon the ship was arriving near the meteor belt.

Instead of cutting straight through the asteroid belt, Laura wanted to take the safest route, to keep any form of danger away from the ship. The ship went above and over the belt as it continues getting closer to the planet.

"I think.." Laura turn her head to the side but she still kept her back against him.

"The name should be... Horizon system, to mark a new horizon."

"... Horizon system, name registered and catalog... I'm glad to have you with me Aiden."

"Yeah... Sorry about my earlier display, I'm still not able to fully take all of this in just yet."

"I understand... Just under an hour left, you should be able to see the planet and apparently, it has a moon."

"It must have been on the other side of the planet when I first scan through this system."

"Just make sure this ship stays intact when we get close."

The ship would slowly be approaching the blue mad ball, Aiden was given the chance to name the planet but if it harbors intelligent beings, he would rather want to name it after the ones who were born on that planet instead.

He was now standing near the front of the window, staring at the planet. He has seen this kind of scene multiple times from his years of interstellar travel between worlds, this time it felt a little special to him.

The ship was in a similar orbit as its planet moon.

"Are we in a position to begin a scan sweep of biological lifeforms on this planet?" He turns his head to the side toward Laura.

"With our long-range sensors... yes we can, Proceed with the command?"

"begin the scan sweep."

"Sweeping in process"

Digital sound effects could be heard in the helm as the ship's computers perform a long-range rudimentary sweep of the planet's surface. The downside to this is that it takes into consideration of everything that gave off heat or moves around and its precision is too precise, Aiden would need to send in recon drones to see if this planet actually manages to create any intelligent life.

"This may take another hour, you can go get something to eat while I finish up..."

"Alright... report back to me if anything important happens." He waves a simple goodbye to Laura and proceeds to leave the room and head down to the canteen to get some food previously stored in the kitchen.

It was mostly frozen vegetables and meat but there was a tray area for snacks and small beverages. He grabs some of it and sat down in the canteen, with the amount of space available it made him feel a little lonely sitting there, eating away at his food.

(" IF there are humans in this reality, I hope I can find them soon before they do... ")

He quickly finishes the snacks he grabs ahold of and then chug down the small beverage, then dumping them into the garbage chute on the interior walls of the ship.

He heads back to the helm of the ship, noticing that Laura was patiently waiting for him to return again.

"Welcome back Aiden, I recently finish the scan sweep."

"Why didn't you tell me this when I was in the canteen?"

"I didn't want to disturb you while you were eating, Sir."

"Just... just tell me the data you collected so far."

Laura with a quick nodded wave her arm in a random direction, a second later a holographic panel showing a flat map of the world. There were a few large continents and small ones with different levels of bio lifeforms signatures. One of the large continents was giving off readings of large gatherings of creatures that could be extremely large, and how fast they can move around on land and sea they could possess wings.

"It seems like this planet and its... animals are unique."

"Should I release the recon drones?"

"No... Not now I just keep on repeating the scan sweeps, I want to make sure our sensors manage to get everything."

"Orders received, Sir."

"Once I feel like we have done enough, send group 1 and 2 of reconnaissance drones down to the planet surface."

"Orders confirm."

"I'll begin the repeated scan sweeps now."

"Good, I think I'm going to head to sleep on an actual bed this time

Aiden walks over to the door and turns his head to the side again, "Keep me posted will ya?"

"Will do."

Then he steps out of The room with the door automatically closing right behind him. Though interesting things await the young scientist on the planet surface.