
Walking through several city streets both Diana and Aiyana arrived near a metal fence supported by a stone foundation, wrapping around an entire flower garden, in the center of the large flower garden was a single building, The northern church.

Aiyana motion her hand to the front entrance leading into the flower garden main path to the church.

They both arrived at the two large doors, before Diana enter the building she took the time to admire the garden and the grand design of the church of Athos.

Athos the main religion of that kingdom, Athos was a god that made the land that was once dried up and was impossible to grow any kind of crops from the terrible quality of the soil. Not to mention multiple families during the early years of the kingdom's creation, none of their children had encounter death or gain any sickly disease.

Creating the religious order of Athos.

Diana took one final breath and open up the doors and walk-in. The colored glass window lines the church walls, multiple religious artworks were painted on the roof and some on the floor. Many pillars ran up from the ground supporting the rooftop.

music echo throughout the building and many people either clad in armor or wearing some noble clothing were staring at Diana as they were standing to the side allowing Diana in the middle of the aisle to walk through. Aiyana rapidly made it to the sides as well.

Standing alone on a mixed stone and marble platform was a royal knight, his armor shimmers brightly as the sunlight shines upon it, Ratoss Deen.

He had brown hair and yellow eyes, a small amount of freckles runs down his cheeks and he was waiting patiently for Diana to come close to him.

"Welcome, Diana Noriel." He opens both of his arms up to the air and creates a friendly atmosphere to welcome her.

"This is a joyous occasion, that we see here today a young knight is to be appointed as a Knight captain!"

"I Ratoss Deen will be the person who will grant her this. important title."

Ratoss holds out one of his hands toward Diana, waiting for her to give him her sword so he could begin the main event of this ceremony.

She was now arm's length away from Ratoss, and was standing on top of the lower ends of the platform, gazing up at him. Her face didn't show any form of happiness or excitement but a matter of acceptance and readiness for what's to come.

"I am deeply humbled and honor, as the daughter of Marthis Noriel, Rina Noriel, a noblewoman of this land and a loyal servant to the king."

She calmly kneels down on one knee and girls her head downward, Diana grabs ahold of her weapon handle and unsheath the sword pulling it out gently, and holds it out with both of her hands.

"Excellent, Miss Diana."

Ratoss reaches out with his hand and the second he clutches the handle he swings the sword up so the tip would be pointed upward, seeing how the sunlight reflects off the metal, he grins.

"Impressive sword you have here." He glances down at her.

"Thank you, it was a gift from my family."

Ratoss steadily brings the sword back down toward the ground, he took a couple of seconds to inspect Diana.

He brought Diana's sword down onto her and does the knighting process, putting the blade of the weapon on both of her shoulders and finally on top of her head, letting it rest on top for a little while.

"Here today I will be performing the ceremonial process by the rights granted by the king of Avadose, I hereby give the title of knight captain to young knight Diana Noriel, may you fight well in the battles to come and your work of being a Knight captain to this kingdom.."

"Everyone please, Show respect to the newly appointed knight captain."

Ratoss lifts up the sword off her head and points the tip of the blade down to the ground. Everyone in the building was now either cheering or clapping.

"Now rise... Knight-Captain Diana."

With that settle, she rose up from kneeling on the ground, and Ratoss would hand back her weapon which she slides it back into its sheath cover.

"I thank you once again, Royal Knight Ratoss." She formerly bows her head to him.

"Please." He motions his hand directly behind her with a tiny smile.

"It's time for your celebration now, food and drinks are prepared for this moment, help yourself."

With the process now complete Ratoss padded her on the shoulder and went past her to enjoy the party. But Diana didn't move from that one spot just yet, she was staring up at the ceiling staring at a large stone statue portraying Athos, she mutters a few words at it.

"And thank you."

She turns around and steps down from the platform, so she could talk with the other knights that came to her ceremony.

"Congrats on achieving a position at such a young age."


"I hope we can see some impressive work in the future."

All the crowd's compliment was starting to get to a bit, as she started to blush a slight shade of red on her cheeks. She tries her best to avoid any direct eye contact for a bit until she can fully regain her composure.

"Hey!~" A hand suddenly came from behind her and padded her shoulder, the voice came from a familiar voice.

"Sir, Darion hambrig." She turns her head to look at him.

Station was of a similar age as Diana, he had long flowy hair that was the color a dark blue, his eyes were a color of a dark red. The clothing he was wearing was some simple formal design despite also being born from nobility.

"Congrats on becoming a knight captain."

"Thank you."

"What do you think the first order of business is going to be?"

"I'm really not sure, I may plan on creating my own knight's order before anything else."

"making your own group first huh? I see... well how are things going?"

Darion moves from Diana's side to her front and crosses his arms together.

"I've been fine for the past few weeks, steadily training my swordsmanship, and helping the people of this kingdom."

"You really do like helping people a lot don't you?"

"What can I say? It makes me feel good, doing good things.

"What about you? I heard that you recently put down a major criminal."

Darion raises up an eyebrow and softly nudges his elbow against Diana while having a smirk on his face.

"Ho?~ you heard about that? are you interested in my dashing~ good looks? if you wanted a date I wouldn't mind."

In response to Darion's little flirt joke, Diana rolled her eyes and shoves his arm away from her.

"First, you aren't my type and second you could only imagine that happening... plus you have yet to beat me in any duels we have done."

"What's the score right now? 6 to 0? better luck next time." She giggles.

Darion enacted as an arrow went straight into his heart, making faint grunting noises and spinning around a few times.

"Oh how deeply you wound me miss Diana."

He returns a smile

"But truth be told, your strength is greater than most men, you human orc."

"human orc?" Diana gasp sarcastly at Darion

"But thank you for the generous compliment."

They continue to talk and laugh with each other until the moment Ratoss comes up to them.

"Royal Knight Ratoss, is there something you need?" Darion turns over to him.

"May I speak to Miss Diana alone?"

Darion switches between the two and a funny facial expression show up on his face.

"As you wish, Sir." Then he steps away from the two.

"is something the matter?"

"Oh no, nothing of importance but more of a request."

Ratoss clears his throat and his casual tone of voice switches over to his more professional one, as he stares down at Diana.

"For every newly appointed Knight Captain, a trial is given to them to complete."

"A trial? What task will I be given sir?"

"You will be given roughly one week and a half to gather people that you see fit for your knight order, and then you will head out to the Western town city of Lumis."

"Increase activity of dangerous creatures are reported looming in that area, and currently all other knight captains are preoccupied by their own task."

Ratoss raises up one hand and places it on top of her armor pauldrons. With a kind smile, he looks at her.

"Do you think you will be able to complete this trial?"


Diana's eyes were filled with starlight, the second Ratoss finish asking her if she could complete it. She answers the question right away, both proud and optimistic of her swords skill and leadership she felt confident that she could complete it.

"Very well, I'll inform the king that this trial will be your first order of business."

With that said Ratoss left her alone as he begins to talk with other people in the building. Quietly Darion came crawling back up to her.

"So... what did you two discuss?"

She swiftly spun around to face him and had a big open smile.

"My first order of business, that's what."