It was a few days after when Diana asks Darion to give the people files to the administration that keeps everything in order for people who wants to become knights. This allows the 4 people to finish their personal business before they met up with Diana but when they did get the invitation.
"Huh? A knight captain requested me?" Duva was in one of the public practice fields owned by the Knights administration, he had the top part of his clothes off, and was only wearing some pants.
His hair was a darkish brown, his eyes green and his skin is white and is about 6 ft tall.
His sword tip was embedded into the dirt ground as he uses it as a support.
"Please take this letter, it will give you further information on what to do next." The messenger hands over an envelope which Duva snatches quickly.
Then the messenger left right after.
(" What does a knight captain want with me?" ") He thought to himself.
He folds the envelope and slides it into one of his pants pocket. Duva enters into a battle stance by widening his legs and lifting up his sword.
Mana began to swirl around him and he leaped forward into a dash at three thick wooden target dummies. He did a clean slice through all of them and he skids on the ground to stop himself. The dummies would topple over real soon.
Sara was sitting in an outer door garden gazebo along with a few of her friends. "So what's it's like being a knight?"
"Oh yeah, you must have some crazy stories when you were a squire."
Sara's basic appearance was that she had long black hair, her eyes were ruby red and her skin was a darker white, she stood at 5 ft and 5 inches.
All of them were dress in fancy clothing because of their social status of being young noblewomen.
Sara was in an awkward position and had no idea what she should say. (" I haven't been through that many missions before... How should I explain this to them? ")
"I... I uh.."
"You can tell us."
One of Sara Butler walked up to the gazebo and did a little gentleman bow, and holds out an envelope.
"Miss, Sara, You have an important invitation from a knight captain."
"Ooo~ maybe one of the younger captains has taken an interest in you." One of her friends teases her, which made Sara blush a little.
"What, no way."
"The administration does allow romantic relationship between knights." another one remark.
"Well yeah but-"
*Ahem* The Butler interrupts them and shakes the envelope in his hands slightly.
"Right, thank you." Sara grabs the envelope and holds it in her hands, she then proceeds to rip the seal off and see what the letter holds for her.
In a personal library, with shelves full of books, and parchment paper lying all over the place. Glass and metal instruments were on a large tabletop. A large magic staff was leaning against the door frame.
A light rustle from under a pile of books, then a huge shake, the books on top of the pile flew off and a young man with messy short black hair, his skin with the lack of sunlight made him slightly pale, and his eyes was a color of greenish-yellow.
He was 18 but also a short guy, by around 5 ft and 3 inches tall. He pushes up a weird set of goggles on his face that also acts like his glasses, his name was Landis Schiff, and people always thought of him as an oddball, a weird person to talk to at times.
"Did I oversleep again?" He rubs one of his eyelids and looked around the room that was an entire mess.
He sluggishly pulls himself out of the pile of books and walks over to the table with all of his equipment.
"Seems like the experiment was a success." He gently taps the side of one of his glass vases, which was filled with a magical liquid that also sparkles even away from sunlight.
"By using an advance enhance rune and a boosting spell, and with a low-grade magic beast core, I manage to make a high-grade mana potion."
"And they said it couldn't be done." He snickers.
He holds up the vase in the air and examines it under the sunlight, this was cut short by a quick few knocks on the door, and then an envelope sliding under his door.
(" A letter for me? what for? ") He went over to pick up the envelope off the wooden floor and examines it in his hand.
"Come one, come all! The Shurlin tavern feast festival is about to begin its yearly tradition!"
A young red head wearing a white apron and some casual cooking clothes beneath the apron, she stood on a large wooden platform that a had a few large chunks of meat tie to a pole, hanging over their own metal pot, heated by flames underneath.
This women, Milina Shurlin, cup her hands over her mouth and was shouting at the crowd with excitement to rile them up.
"Everyone, thank you for coming for today event, on my family 16th year of meat mountain Festival!" She had a peppy attitude, and a cute smile to go along with it.
People were sitting on large bench tables together, with empty wooden bowls, and eating utensils lay out in front of them. Their drinks would either be water or some alcoholic beverage.
"For the regulars! You know what's going on, but for the new people, meat mountain festival is my family tradition of hosting a feast with large quantities of meat! Started by my grand father!"
She went ahead and picks up two long kitchen knifes, that could easily be called daggers. She began to grind their metal parts together and thrust her knifes into the juicy raw meat.
She cut the meat area that tied it to the rope and before it could drop into the pots, she infuse herself with mana, and rapidly began swinging at the large chunk of meat as it free falls.
The meat was cut into smaller, and smaller pieces with them creating tiny splashes in the meat broth that was cooking below, Milina went ahead and did this to the remaining chunks that were left hanging.
Everyone would get a small loaf of bread to go along with their piece of meat, tavern workers work hard on giving everyone food and drinks, while Milina with both of her hands planted on her waist side, stared at everyone with a big grind on her face.
"I hope everyone enjoys the food!"
Parts of the crowd erupt into cheers, and some swiftly lifts up their cup in the air in praise.
"You really do know how to get a crowd going don't you?" Her father walk up the steps on the platform and stood by her side.
"Dad!" Milina cheerfully nodded in response, and a cutesy smile appears across her face.
"Gotta keep up with the family traditions, Right?" She had one of the knife on her hand and uses it to fidget spin.
"That's my daughter." Charles Shurlin, the 3rd generation chef of the Shurlin Tavern, a proud man and a prouder chef.
He was also wearing an apron and hold a front upper pocket, with a envelope sticking out of. Charles pulls it out and gave it a few looks.
"Who that letter for?" She ask.
"It's for you." Charles hands the envelope over to Milina.
The knight emblem seal was on it, meaning something important was in that letter for her to read.