
In the open courtyard of Diana's family residence, four people were there standing around waiting for the person who called them to meet them there. The first to arrive was Landis, then Milina, Duva, and then finally was Sara, and all of them came equipped with their full gear on. Both Milina and Duva were wearing their armor but Duva uses a great sword while Milina uses a sword and shield.

Sara and Landis on the other hand were wearing something completely different from those two. Sara being an archer and Landis being an Elementalist mage.

You could ask why are archers and mages consider knights? That's because in the kingdom of Avadose earning the title of knight is also just an honorary status for civilians or nobles, but they must be smart enough and is capable of going into battle.

Three of them were of common birth, and one of them was clearly from noble birth, the way her clothes looked, even for an archer that isn't meant to be flashy, and how she came in a horse-drawn carriage compare to the rest who had to walk.

"So... How long has everyone been waiting for?" Sara asks the three.

"For about almost half an hour I guess?" Landis replied to her question.

"Really? It's been that long already and the knight captain hasn't come and greets us?" Everyone agrees with what she said.

"I guess, I we can start off with introductions without her?" Duva claps his hands together and gently rubbed his hands.

"I don't see a reason not to." Milina shrug and looked around at everyone.

"Since I was the first arrive." Landis bows his head down. "I am Landis Schiff, As you can see I'm a mage... an Elementalist mage to be." He snaps two of his fingers and snaps, a small burst of flame appears on top of his pointer finger. "Precise."

Landis extinguish his little flame magic by depleting it of his mana, and then looked over at Milina who arrived right after him.

"I am Milina Shurlin, you may or may not recognized, I am part of the Shurlin Tavern..."

She brought up both of her arms and set up both her shield and sword to be set up in full display.

"I'm a sword women, who uses a sword and shield combo." She then lowers her arms again and slides her sword into its sheath.

It was Duva's turn who decided it was a good idea to do a couple of cool sword swings, and then he gently rests it on his shoulder going across his shoulders.

"The name Duva Elt, A proud knight who wields a long sword, and is known for his funny jokes and dashing good looks." He winks at the two females present. "Ladies~."

Milina was trying to hold herself back from either creating a disgusted look on her face or just burst out laughing. "Right~"

Sara on the other hand let out a tiny giggle and wave her hand in apology. "Sorry, Sorry, I didn't mean to laugh at that."

She clears her throat and grabs onto her bow and holds it sideways for all to see. It had fancy metal pieces attach to it with engravings and even her quiver and arrows looked fancy.

"I am an archer..." She then proceeds to perform a lady-like bow. "My name is Sara notly, Daughter of Harrison Notly of the notly family." She stops her bowing and smiled at everyone. "Pleasure to make your acquaintance."

Everyone present had finished giving out their brief introduction, and still, the person who wanted to meet them hasn't shown themselves yet. A few seconds go by the door to the mansion became open and there stood Diana, clad in her knight armor and her sword strap onto her side.

"Sorry, sorry." She was waving at them while approaching them. "I was flooded with documents to sign and reports to look over, relating to all of you." Then she stood some feet away from them, she had a tiny smile to go along with her friendly introduction.

They all looked at each other, and then back to her. "I'm assuming you all of you had introduced each other?" Diana scan through them with her eyes, one by one.

"Yes, we have, Lady Diana." The first to speak up was Sara, who did a courtesy bow between two fellow noblewomen, Diana took a second to do the same.

"Good, can you guys do that one more time so I could learn everyone's names?"

Landis adjusted his glasses goggles upward and cleared his throat. "Landis Schiff, Elementalist mage."

"Duva Elt, longsword wielder."

"Milina Shurlin, Sword and shield."

"Sara Notly, Archer."

Diana swiftly nodded at the air, then she reaches over for her sword handle and grips it with her hand tightly.

"That just leaves me... My name is Diana Noriel, you have been invited to the Noriel family ground residence because I invited all of you for-." She unsheathes her weapon, and she infuses mana into the magic core embedded at the bottom of the weapon, granting her greater speed.

She dashes forward at Duva who was caught unprepared and took the full force of a kick to the chest, making him fly backward a couple few away. "My knight order." She smiles at them when both of her feet were back on the ground.

Everyone was still shocked in confusion and had no idea what to do next.

"What was that all about?" Sara swung her arm in disagreement with her actions.

"Your trial to see if you're all good as the reports say you all are." Diana leaped at Sara with her magic core still boosting her speed.

Sara fidgets with her hands to prepare her bow and arrow but it seems like Diana was about to sucker punch her in the face.

Sara's face was bash in with the punch knocking her down onto the stone-paved floor.

"So far, I'm not liking what I'm seeing." Diana retorted while looking at Sara.

"Don't get full of yourself since your a Knight captain!" Milina rushes in with her shield, trying to bash her against it.

Diana took a few steps back to avoid the attack only to have another attack come to her, when Milina saw Diana step back from her she swung her sword at her. Diana reacted by holding her sword up against Milina's sword, small metal sparks went off when their weapons clash with each other.

Diana uses this moment to fling her sword to guard break Milina and quickly she lifts up a leg to go into Milina's side. Most of the force was blocked by her armor but she still skids to the side.

A dense water ball splashes itself on the ill-prepared Diana who was wide open. She manages to land her attacks on 3 out of the 4, it's was only going to take a matter of time until someone returns the favor.

"Good one." Diana wobbles a bit and then stops, after the impact and she stares at Landis who had a magic circle above him and below. "Thank you." He said.

Diana now focuses on him she dashes to him, readying an attack with her weapon only to retreat back when a sword swing came at her from Duva.

"If this was a trial you should have given us!" He swung the sword downward at the ground causing the ground to crack apart. "A heads up!"

By this time everyone was standing back up and ready to attack her again.

Diana looked all around her and accepted the challenge coming toward her. "Everyone seems to be ready now, don't you think? Duva?"