
It was a battle of swords clashing against each other, both magic projectiles and arrows were flying all around the area. Diana was in a challenging situation but with more experience in actual combat and her martial prowess was better, the battle would take a bit for her to win.

All four of them surrounded Diana and ready themselves to attack her once more.

"You think you can successfully attack me at once?" Diana said while switching her focus between all four of them.

"You do realize you guys have done 0 teamwork exercises right?" She grins at them.

"We still hold the advantage of." Duva crouches down and immediately jumps into the air, coming down on a sword swing. "Superior numbers!"

"You idiot, don't break the circle formation!" Landis annoyingly shouted over at Duva who went ahead.

He tries to support him by casting up three dense water balls and he pointed at her, making them fly over to her swiftly. All Diana had to do was avoid the weapon swing, and then she pushes Duva directly in front of the magic attack when he landed back down.

"Ack!" Duva took the hits from the water attack and stumbles backward trying to get his footing stable again.

"Watch where you're aiming!" He angrily shouted at Landis

"Then you should have waited for the rest of us!" Landis shouted back.

(" Things aren't going very well. ") Diana stood there looking at the two.

"Don't forget about us!" Both Milina and Sara ignore their teammate's little interaction and continues the fight on their own.

First Sara pulls out three arrows in rapid session with the final arrow bring enchanted with magic to make it fly faster. Milina charges at her with her blade faintly glowing from mana being infused into the metal.

Diana dodges the first two shots and then fling the third one away with her sword, swiftly she moves her blade into a defensive stance to block Milina's incoming attack.

"You two shouldn't be shouting like that." Diana eases up on her guard and steps back a few and slides her weapon back into the sheath.

This confuses Sara and Milina.

"What are you doing?" Sara asks while pointing an arrow at her.

"That ends the trial..." Diana casually said while she stretches her side.

"The end of the trial?" Milima lower both her sword and shield.

"Really? you're just ending the trial like that?"


"Argh!" Duva's face got splash with water magic.

"You mother fucker!" Duva swung a fist at Landis who dodges cause he doesn't want to be punch.

All three ladies saw the random nonsense that transpires between the two males presently fighting each other. Diana had to quickly separate them up real quick before anyone actually got hurt, especially the two.

Duva now dripping wet was forced to stand on the opposite side of Landis away from him. And Landis's magical staff was temporality taken away by Diana.

"Making all of you fight me at once with no prior teamwork working is my mistake." Diana's eyes started to go through each one of them.

"My original idea was to test out your skill and see what are capable of in a situation you are not prepared for."

"Well? What are your initial thoughts?" Landis said.

"all of you." She lifts up a pointer finger and points at everyone. "Just barely pass my expectation " Then she lowers her finger.

"Really? I-" Duva pauses real quick. "We did?"

"That's awesome!"

Everyone seems a bit cheerful to hear the news, but does the outside appearance be true to their internal feelings?

"Not to mention, you may be the only options left for me." She turns away slightly and rapidly mutters to herself.

"I'm happy that I earn a bit of respect from a knight captain." Landis fixes up his glasses and then crosses his arms. "Though, You aren't sure that all of us are willing to join your knight order."

"That the reason why you sent those invitations to us? Right?"

Diana let out a quick huff and places one of her hands on her waist "That is true this choice is up to you to decide, I'm not going to force anyone to join."

"So... whose willing to join?"

Duva raises up his hand first with eagerness, Both Sara and Milina took a bit longer to decide, and then they hold them up. The last one who hasn't rises up their hand was Landis, all eyes were on him.

"You're not willing to join me huh? if that's your ch-"

"What are you going to do after you finalize your knight order completion? I wanna know that."

Diana looks away at the city's main castle that stood on a higher level than anything else in the city, then she wanders back to Landis.

"I've been assigned a trial... or a mission by Royal Knight Ratoss to investigate the growing monster activity in the region near town city of Lumis"

"Any objections? This could become a dangerous mission."

Monsters were a problem for any living being to deal with on that planet, either the soldiers of a kingdom were ordered to kill them off, or adventurers with their many goals would have taken the jobs. If it was a monster problem they knew it becomes a real issue in the region near the town city of Lumis and its residence.

(" This could help me stock up some more monster ingredients...")

(" And maybe a reason for me to head out of my private room. ") Landis thoughts to himself.

Landis lifts up his hand and agreed to join up in Diana Knight's order.

"Have you even come up with a name yet?" Landis question.

"Oh yeah! You never really gave us a name in the letter." Sara remarked.

Diana awkwardly chuckles at that question and had no idea what to say, cause it was something a bit embarrassing to say. "Yeah... You see~"

"What's the name? we're waiting... Captain." Milina said.

Diana tried her best to casually look away from them, and move onto a different topic of conversation.

"I think everyone should be returning home, The trial ov-"

"Don't change the subject, Captain," Duva said with a grin on his face.

"Um... I..."

"You don't have a name yet, do you?" Landis teases Diana, who was acting all embarrassed about not having a name.

"What? Of course, I do! The name is... uh..."

"Let's just leave it at that, should we?" Sara spoke out wanting to help Diana out.

"Our captain can decide the name later right?"

Landis shrugs and stops his teasing look on his face. Diana in return blew a sigh of relief of not exposing her lack of creativity.

"When are we moving out?" Milina question when she was needed to leave the capital, making sure she wasn't busy or had plans during then.

"Roughly within the week, That means we have a few days to practice your teamwork."

"Then we must be prepared to set out to the town city of Lumis."

" For today, everyone can return home since the trial is finished, and I still have some paperwork to fill out."

Diana gave her goodbyes to her newly recruited knights and started to head back to her mansion, shortly afterward everyone else greeted each other away, and left the Noriel family grounds.

A few workers and a gardener, own by Diana's father were walking by the front courtyard until they notice the conditions of the floor tiles and the surrounding grass dirt. They freaked out at the sight of the destruction of the stone tiles, and the terrain.