Rest, 2nd set of skills, and Start of the siege

Wanting to get some rest before the start of the siege, Ares logged out of the game and exited the capsule. He looked at the other one that right next to it and it was empty. Bryan must have already went offline and went to bed. Ares followed suit as well.

Hours later, he woke up. he got out of bed and went looking for Bryan. He was outside cultivating. When he stepped out, Bryan noticed and opened his eyes. "Bro, you heard about the siege event right?" Ares nodded his head. "Yeah. This is the perfect chance for us to spread our name throughout the game. Make sure you dominate your town and not let that technique go to waste. By the way what level are you?" Ares asked. Bryan smiled and said "I am already level 7. My CP is just under 1000 as well. what about you?"

"I am level 6, but my CP is a bit higher than your at over 1300. HAHA!" Ares said laughing. Bryan frowned at that. "Damn! I will catch up!" he said. "HAHA! You can try. Are you ready for the siege? It will start in a few hours." Ares said. "Yeah. I am just cultivating before it starts. I'll log back in just before it starts." Bryan said.

"Alright. I'm going back in now. I need to take care of some things before it starts. I'll see you later and hopefully in second of the overall rankings when this thing is finished. Oh yeah, if you die, I will beat the shit out of you as punishment. Good luck." Ares told him and went back into the house and logged back in.

He wanted to do the one thing he forgot about when he leveled up to level 5. That was creating his 2nd set of skills. he went to a secluded spot on the outside of town to do this. He hadn't thought of them yet so he had to mull things over a bit and decide what he needed. He already at long distance attacks as well crowd control and AOE skills. What he needed were some close range attacks, defense skills and skills that gave the opponents de-buffs besides stun.

The darkness was the best element for de-buff skills so he wanted to use that element for that. Earth was obviously good for defense. He could make the close range skill with any of the other skills. He decided to start with the fire element. He was bout to face a siege with a ton of monsters so he wanted to create a skill that attacked as well. A summon type skill was perfect for this so he created one with the fire element.

New skill created: Fire Dragon

Fire Dragon: Level 1; Active EXP: 0/100

Description: Summon a dragon made of flame. Summon Limit: 1. Summoned dragon stands near you, spewing flames at enemies within 50 feet. Deals 50% magic attack damage and burns enemies for 10% magic attack damage for 10 seconds when enemy is hit. Burn does not stack when enemy is hit again. Dragon HP is at 50% of summoners HP.

Cast time: Instant

Cool down: 1 hour after summoned

Cost: 100 mana

This skill effectively increased his damage output by over 50% and increased the number of enemies he could kill at one time. "HAHA! I can't wait to see the faces of others when they see me summon it. It will be glorious to behold." Ares thought, very happy with the skill. Ares continued on with the light element. His first light skill was a healing based one that healed him. This time, he decided to create one that buffed him and nearby allies. This would definitely help in the siege and future battles. He needed to make sure they won this battle. He could not take any chances.

New Skill created: Lights Blessing

Lights Blessing Level 1: Active; EXP 0/100

Description: Bless yourself and all allies within a 50 foot radius with light. Gains 10% increase to all stats for 10 minutes.

Cast time: Instant

Cool down: 30 minutes

Mana cost: 100 mana

Ares continued on with his other elements.

New Skill created: Wind Swords

Wind Swords: Level 1: Active; EXP 0/100

Description: Creates a sword of wind in your hand. Able to cast another in your other hand immediately. Deals 100% magic attack. Wind from the sword breaks opponents defenses. Unblock able.

Cast time: Instant

Cool down: None

Mana cost: 100 mana

New Skill created: Dark infection.

Dark Infection: Level 1: Active; EXP 0/100

Description: Shoots a stream of darkness at opponent, inflicting a dark infection. decreases all stats by 10% for 10 minutes.

Cast time: Instant

Cool down: 30 minutes

Mana cost: 100 mana

New Skill created: Lightning Dragon

Lightning Dragon: Level 1: Active; EXP 0/100

Description: Summon a lightning dragon that stands near you and shoots bolts of lightning at enemies within 50 feet. Lightning chains to enemies within 1 foot of hit target. Affected targets are dealt 50 % magic attack damage and are stunned for 1 second. targets affected cannot be stunned again for 5 seconds. Dragon HP is equal to 50% of players HP.

Cast time: Instant

Cool down: 30 minutes

Mana cost: 100 mana

New skill Created: Earth body

Earth Body: Level 1; Active EXP 0/100

Description: Summon the earth to cover your body in armor. Armor HP is equal to 50% of players HP.

Cast time: instant

Cool down: 30 minutes

Mana cost 100

Ares stopped there. He did not create a skill for the water element as he had no idea what to create at the moment. However, with the skills he did create, it was more than enough for the siege that was only an hour away. With the skills created and out of the way, Ares was more than ready to go. With nothing else to do for the next hour, he decided to just walk around town for half an hour and check things out. As he walked, he saw thousands of players rushing to and from trying to buy last minute potions and supplies. With the death penalty that was now temporarily enforced, they dared not take any chances and tried to be as prepared as possible.

Some NPC shops had already closed which left some players frustrated and complaining. However, they couldn't do anything except move on. After seeing enough, Ares moved on. He went to the towns walls and joined the hundreds of players already there. He chose a section of wall that was least packed. Here, he wouldn't have to compete as much for kills and it helped the defense of this part of wall. While hundreds of people were talking and shouting, he just crossed his arms, closed his eyes and waited for the battle to start.

Not long after....

Warning! Siege commencing in 1 minute.....

Warning! Siege commencing in 10 seconds....

Warning! Siege now commencing!

All of a sudden, the ground trembled and the sky turned black.....