Chapter 8: Number

"About the girl earlier,"

I ignore him. Why its taking us so long to go to my apartment?

In the first place why did I accept the offer to drive me home? It's not a good idea.

"What’s her name?"

Zyra is probably more than me. I'm also used to it but I can't stop myself to not feel envy. She is always the almost perfect one. It's like if we are together they will always notice her. I feel like I'm a shadow for her and in order for her to glow, I need to be where she is.

"Zyra Keith Gatip," I simply said.

People always tend to ask for my twin so I get to used of telling them who is she or what's interesting about her because after all we are siblings. I am responsible for her because I am older than her.

“You don’t look alike.” He said.

I didn’t bother answering. I mean I get it a lot. We don’t have similar features that can indicate we are twin. I don’t know. Maybe I’m adopted. Well, I don’t have the guts to ask them about it but who cares? Even if I’m their child or adopted they never treat me one so I would prefer the latter part.

"Your ex cheated with your twin?"

I didn’t know a guy like him can be so much talkative. Why is he curious about it? It’s not even his business to begin with.

“How do you feel about it?”

Actually, even if year passed, my feelings when I learned that they are together is still vivid in my memories. It’s like it is buried inside me and a walking button that ‘hey girl Andrei cheated on you and worst it’s your twin’.

I hate it. Why can’t he just focus in driving and not interrogating me.

“I told you I want to go quietly.”

“You should know better that all your feelings are valid. You can talk to me, I’m a good listener.”

He really has a lots of wisdom.

“I’m not a good teller.” I said as a matter of fact. I don’t know, I just lack of communication skills. I can’t even socialize easily. I envy those people who are friendly and such.

“An introvert,” he murmured.

Finally I can see my apartment. First thing I would do is probably to sleep or eat.

"You don’t need to--" He didn't finished talking because his phone suddenly rings.

"Can you answer it?" I pick his phone and accept the caller. I hold it in his ear so there's still a privacy.

"Yes Mama..." he look at me for a second then focus again in the road.

"I don't think she can go. Yeah. Take care." He stopped talking so that's my cue to stop holding it near his ear.

"That's my Mom," he said which is obvious on how he talks but doesn't matter, I don't care at all. I just want to go to my apartment and sleep.

"There will be a party on tuesday and she asks if you could visit my place, introduce you to my relatives and I said you can't."

I nodded. For all the things he did and said, that's the thing that is pleasant in my ears.

"But can't you really not go? Just 15 minutes?"

I shook my head. He stopped asking because we are here. He parked the car and insisted to carry my groceries but ofcourse I don't let him. When I am in front of my door I saw that he is behind my back.

"Apartment? Cool. Where are your parents?”

"Dead?" I don't even know where they are. Oh shoot not anymore because after how many months I found them in the church earlier.

"I'll pay respect before I leave."

I stopped putting my key in the keyhole.

"You can just tell me the address and I can go alone." Is he pertaining to the location of graveyard? Funny.

I immediately open the door and shut it, leaving him alone.

But because I'm a human, I feel guilt. I open the door and saw that he still standing, waiting for my door to open.

"What?" Just don't ask stupid questions about my family.

"Delivering this," he said smiling like idiot while carrying the human size teddy bear.

"I won't accept it. I already have your sweets." I shake it in front of him. "And you even drive me. The only thing you can do is to go now."

"If you'll not accept this, I'll probably send you everyday a human size teddy bear."

He is really crazy.

"Threatening me?"

"If that is what you think then yes. I'm threatening you to accept this now or I'll deliver teddy bear everyday here."

"Yeah sure, go away."

"I'm serious. I will deliver it."

"Rot that teddy bear in hell. Now leave." He immediately throw it to me and run as fast as he can just so I can't reach him.

I rolled my eyes and carry it inside my apartment. I throw it in my bed and unpacked the boxes and put everything in the kitchen.

Then I heared someone knocking my door. I opted to finish putting eggs in the refrigerator before I open the it.

I ceased my forehead. What is he doing again?

He handed me a phone. Is he giving me now a phone? Crazy rich guy. Earlier it was only sweets then teddy bear now this phone. He is really annoying.

"I forgot your number."

I misunderstood it. I typed the number and handed it back.

"Not leaving?"

"Care to share your thoughts?"

"I thought you run a charity out of me. Earlier it was sweets, free ride, human-size teddy bear and now phone."

"You want?"

I shook my head. He's really hella rich.

"Why did you give me your number?"

Is he nuts?

"Didn't you asked for it?"

"You're confusing me."

No. He's confusing me. I don't understand him. He asked for it and I gave it, what's wrong with that?

"I'm actually battling myself if you can give it to me right away but great you did."

Actually I typed Julian's number but he thinks it's my number. Well, I don't care. I'm used to give away his number because I don't want distraction. The last thing I want is to have a boyfriend.

"Think about going to my place okay? I'll wait for your answer." He said before leaving.