Chapter 29

————————Aizen's POV————————

Things that happened today were out of my calculations. I had anticipated for the 10th Division to go without a Captain for a few years before that kid, Hitsugaya finally claimed the spot. But Captain Sakura foiled that outcome. Who new there was another Captain level shinigami who I didn't know of.

Well it's no big deal, I just readjust my plans a little.

————————General POV————————

After that Rangiku became Captain of the 10th Division. Hitsugaya was promoted to lieutenant. Things have gone smoothly from then on. Sakura and Rangiku revealed their relationship. This shocked a lot of people and hurt Tousen as he hadn't quit.

————————10 Years Later————————

—————————MC's POV—————————

Things have been smooth besides a hollow attack which was quickly dealt with quickly. Knowing canon was approaching I trained like crazy to improve myself. I have been experimenting and testing out the limits of my abilities. By the end of my 10 year training regiment, I was Grand master in Hoho, still Master in Hakuda and Kido and now Master in Zanjutsu.

I now have immense spiritual pressure in base form. The only people with Immense Reiatsu are Yamamoto, Shunsui and probably Aizen. He is always hiding his reiatsu.

Soi Fon finally became the Captain of the 2nd Division and her lieutenant was Omāeda.

Only a few years till canon.

————————6 Years Later————————

In the Captain Conference room, the Captains were gathered.

"Ichimaru Gin why did you let the Ryoka go?" Asked the Head Captain seriously.

"I thought they had died but they outsmarted me" Gin replied with his usual smile and closed eyes.

"From what I know, a person at a Captain's level should be able to tell if a person's alive or not by sensing their Reiatsu" questioned Mayuri seriously.

"Are you saying I let them go" replied Gin as his eyes were now half opened looking at Mayuri, who was now grinning like a mad man.

"That's exactly what I'm saying" he said with full confidence. The other Captains were now in deep thought.

I simply stood there not caring about the topic.

"Whether Captain Kurotsuchi or Ichimaru is correct will be revealed in due time. Now all Captains go back to your Divisions." Said the Captain Commander as he hit his stick on the ground.

As the Captains were walking out, I ran to Rangiku and started walking with her.

"I think Gin is acting suspicious" she said as she was thinking about something.

"I don't know him enough to have a say." I replied as we walked to her Division. I spent the rest of the day there.

It was evening and I was waiting for Ichigo and co. to invade Seireitei. I was sitting in my office contemplating whether it was going to happen like in the anime or not.

Then there was a loud *booom!!" sound that spread across the whole of Seireitei. It was followed by a loudspeaker announcement saying "Some ryoka have invaded Seireitei, their capture has been issued. All Captains are allowed to use their abilities to the fullest."

I smiled as I looked out the window as 3 lights fell into Seireitei at high speeds.