Chapter 30

——————Kurosaki Ichigo's POV——————

I landed on the ground with a bang! I forcibly stood up as my body was madly aching.

"Luckily cats always fall on their legs" said a certain unharmed cat.

"Tsk, you're annoying" I said as I looked around. People started gathering in large numbers. There all shinigami.

I take my zanpakto from my back and I slash it at them as I started running.

"Get her!!!" Shouted some as they started following me.

"Yoruichi where are they keeping Rukia" I shouted at the cat sitting comfortably on my head.

"They are probably keeping her at the that tall white building." It replied gesturing it paws at a very large white building.

After minutes of running I had finally lost the followers. I kept on running towards the building. Then I saw a bald man leaning on the wall in front of me.

"You've finally arrived Ryoka. I'm Madarame Ikakku, lieutenant of the 11th Division. I hope you give me a good fight" he said said as he got into a fighting stance holding his zanpakto on one hand and it's sheath on the other.

Tsk, I couldn't run away from this one.

—————————A day later—————————

After defeating, he warned me about his Captain, Zaraki Kenpachi who was more of a fighting addiction than he had. I was running towards the building. I had encountered a few shinigami who I just ran away from. Lucky that Kenpachi guy hasn't found me.

I finally reached the staircase of the building but unfortunately another unavoidable obstacle was waiting for me.

"You are lucky to still be alive but you foolishly come to Soul Society." said Renji as he unsheathed his zanpakto. He then disappeared and appeared in front of me. I quickly took my blade from my back barely blocking an attack from me.

'How was he this strong? I was stronger than him a month ago.' I thought as his attack blew me away into a boulder.

"The last time we fought, my power was being restricted because I was in the human world. But now I have access to my full power, which is x5 that I had during our last fight" he said grinning as he walked slowly towards me.

"Roar,: Zabimaru" he said as his Zanpakto changed its form like it did last time. He slashed his zanpakto towards me which made his zanpakto stretch towards me at fast speeds. I jumped to the left dodging it.

"It seems you also have improved since last time" he said mockingly as he started madly swinging his zanpakto towards me.

I dodged most of the attack but one slashed my shoulder. It started bleeding. This is bad.

I have to take this fight seriously.

I charged at him with my full speed. His sword stretched straight for my head. I dodged last moment and before I knew it I was I front of him.

"Haa!" I shouted as I slashed zanpakto at him.

He jumped back back I still managed to leave a light wound on his chest.

"How does it feel to know you are gonna lose to a girl, twice" I said as I had a confidence booster by managing to hurt him.

This clearly managed to anger him further. He stretched his sword at me. Seeing this, I pumped large amounts of Reiatsu into my blade and struck his incoming zanpakto.

To his surprise and my relief his zanpakto broke.

He raised his hand and the broken pieces started floating.

"Higa Zekko" he said and the broken pieces started speeding for me. I jumped aside but unluckily they can change direction. So they turned and aimed for me while I was in mid air.

I was cut in several parts of my body before I fell down hard onto the ground. I struggled for a few seconds but finally managed to stand with my blade for support.

I looked at him and he was exhausted. He was breathing heavily, barely able to catch his breath.

Seeing this chance, even with my bleeding wounded body I rush towards him until I was in range.

He looked confused as to why I didn't run for him. I raised my big blade vertically above my head. I then released my spiritual pressure to charge my attack.

"Getsuga Tensho!!" I shouted as I swung my large blade at him, sending an arc of bright blue spiritual power speeding at him.

The attack got him and he fell down unconscious. I smiled as I also fell unconscious.