Chapter 5: Liminal Spaces

Calypso's P.O.V.

Finn's smile was about to reach his ears while looking at Lyrie. We're waiting for her to finish serving the customers in front.

"Psh hahahaha.." I laughed at him as quietly as I could.

From his so big smile, he gazed at me and it quickly faded off. I bet he noticed the smirk on my face so he took his hand and struck my head weakly. Then he put back his eyes to Lyrie.

It's really hilarious how this friend beside me quickly fell in love with this woman.

I looked at Lyrie and…

I lost my smile.

I think something's up with Lyrie. It is the first time I saw her in that expression. I've seen her laugh, smile, wear a poker face, but this one's new.

She looked irritated. Her brows were arched and it speaks the way she looks at someone.

Nope. Not a good time for some jokes.

Still looking at her direction, I reached for Finn's shoulder and slightly tapping it,

"You know, I feel it's not a good time for--"

"There! She's finished" Finn said, already started walking towards Lyrie. I took a gulp before following him.


The last step I took closer to them, Lyrie looked at Finn. It was like a death stare, I'm terrified.

"Hey, Lyrie! Guess what? It's settled, tomorrow will be our hike on the mountain"

I'm relieved her expression suddenly tones down. But her stare at Finn remained.

It took five seconds, Lyrie was still looking at him, that whole time was in pure silence. I noticed Finn felt strange of what Lyrie is behaving,

"Why? What's the problem?" Finn asked.

Lyrie turned her eyes away,

"I'm sorry, but I think I won't make it" in a cold tone, Lyrie replied.



I can't hide that I'm also surprised by what she just said. Finn and I both uttered.

"Why all of a sudden? I already told you about this, right? You agreed--"

"I changed my mind"

She's really not in a good mood right now.

Another seconds passed, silence once again occupied the place. Now Finn is the one staring at Lyrie, while Lyrie is having her head bowed down, keeping her eyes down.

"Tss" I heard Finn scoffed.


! ! !

My eyes went huge in an instant! I just saw Finn kicking the trash can and storming out of the store!


"Bro! Finn!" I called him, not taking my eyes off him as he still continued walking away. I called him until my sight can no longer reach where he is. I looked at Lyrie, she's still looking at where Finn has gone off.

I came closer to the store window.

"I-I'm so sorry, he just have been wanting you to join us. I'm really sorry. But, I'll do make sure, I'll talk to him, okay?" I said. I immediately turned myself around and made my way to follow Finn.

Lyrie's P.O.V

I messed up.

I poured my anger even to Finn. I already agreed that I'll join them. His reaction kind of startled me, but I won't blame his reaction.

Haaa... but, I just don't feel like going out. I hate my own mood.

I held the end of the roll-up door and put force to pull down.



It won't come down.

I once took a force to pull it down. It did, a little. It just stopped halfway. I tried to pull it little by little but it won't roll down anymore!

It's stuck.

"Haaa..." placed my hand to my waist and wiped my forehead with the back of my other hand.

"Let me help you"

My eyes widened! I looked behind me and saw Calypso coming towards my direction. He went straight, held the edge of the roll-up door, and pulled it down.

"You really like just popping out anywhere, aren't you?" I sarcastically said.

I think he did not hear me. He continued pulling it down and it came down just like that! He stood straight and removed dirt from his hands.

He looked at me.

I must admit, I'm thankful he just showed up.

"Thanks," I said.

He slightly pouted while still removing dirt on his hands,

"No problem. By the way.." he stood in front of me,

"Is your decision final? You really won't join us tomorrow?"

I don't know...

I walked at the chair and sat at it, refusing to answer his questions.

"Are you still irritated?"

Tss. Who said I'm irritated?

I looked at him,

"I'm not. If I am, I should've shouted at you being so nosy" I calmly said.

"Tss, what a relief" he whispered, putting his eyes somewhere. He paused for a bit then looked at me,

"Well... I won't force you to join us tomorrow but..." I took my eyes away from his direction and at my feet,

"... but if you change your mind--"

"Yeah" I replied. I just don't to talk about it right now.

I heard my roll-up door make a noise, I looked back at him, he leaned to it. Exploring his sight around. I turned my head and looked around like he does.

"You like hanging out here?" he asked.

I rubbed my palms against each other,

"Mmm" I agreed,

"I like how weird it feels like"

"What do you mean?"

"Like this, the feeling of no ones here, except us of course... just-just look, you know what I mean"

It's hard to explain. It just amazes me every time.

"Mmm, liminal spaces"

"What?" I asked.

"I think that is how it is called, liminal spaces. A place or situation you are in where there's no one with you, kinda opposite of reality. In our mind, there are supposed to be a lot of people out here but since no one here anymore, it looks creepy or..."

"Weird," I said.

"... yeah, weird," he added.

"Mmm" I nodded, while still exploring my sight.

. . .

"Did I guess right?" he suddenly asked,

"You like Finn?"


I'm startled. I-I don't know. I'm strangely nervous.

I don't know what to say…

I nodded.


Wait, I nodded?

I looked at him. Not letting it look obvious.

"Aren't you not gonna get going? It's late" I asked, changing the topic. He just looked at me for while like he's thinking of something.

Oh, stop already, forget about it.

"Yup," he said.

What was that supposed to mean?

"I mean, yeah, I'll go"

He stood and started walking. He did not bother looking back.

"Good night" he said, already at his back, waving his hands.

"Good night" I replied.

Calypso's P.O.V.

2:45 P.M.

"Hurry, Ate Jade's waiting for too long now," Finn said, coldly while carrying his bag at his back.

I bet Kent, James, and Ralph can sense Finn's mood right now.

Kent stepped forward and went closer to him and put his arms on his shoulders,

"What's with the long face, bro? We're going on a trip, aren't you excited?"

"Oh yeah, how can he be excited? Lyrie's not around" Ralph said, already making a peace sign on both of his hands.

This one can't really control his mouth hahaha.

"Cheer up already, bro. Look… I'm here" James said, acting like a gay.



"Look, look! It worked, he's smiling!" he pointed at Finn.

I looked at him, Finn tried to stop from smiling,

"Bunch of crazy people.. Come on now, Ate Jade's waiting for us," he said, finally not hiding a smile on his face.

We went out, while I had the key and looked at the front door of the house. Finn stayed standing near the car door, waiting for me. We agreed that he gets to sit near the window because his stomach gets upset very quickly, I have no problem with that.

I started walking to the car--

"Wait! Can I still join too?"

I'm about to walk towards Finn. Hearing that voice, I can clearly see Finn's reaction to the person behind me who spoke. I turned around.


she's really here...
